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6th February
Among other things, this IAS officer wants to open a sattoo restaurant
Life is small and each one of us must do our part. We must give back to the society.
RSTV | India’s World | Impact of Chinese Slowdown
Context: Chinese economy grew by 6.9% in 2015, slowest in a quarter century. IMF expects the Chinese economy to slow… Continue reading RSTV | India’s World | Impact of Chinese Slowdown
Are remittances and loan taken from IMF or world bank calculated in GNP or not?
Are remittances or loan taken taken from IMF or world bank calculated in GNP or not?
The amazing life of Pratap Bhanu Mehta
If you have an hour to spare, which is a lot to ask for 😉 try giving this a shot.… Continue reading The amazing life of Pratap Bhanu Mehta
RSTV | India’s World | Causes and Impact of Fall in Oil Prices
Today onwards, we will try to discuss one RSTV or DD NEWS video everyday. We shall not restrict ourselves to issues… Continue reading RSTV | India’s World | Causes and Impact of Fall in Oil Prices
5th February
Economy Doubts Clearing Forum
This thread is dedicated to queries related to economy. Ask any economy related query and get that resolved within 48… Continue reading Economy Doubts Clearing Forum
Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana – Min Premium, Max Insurance
Read to know how this scheme scores over the earlier insurance programs. Infographic included!
Power and Privileges of Parliament
One fine gentleman has been summoned recently by RS Parliamentary Committee of Privileges for making public a CAG report even… Continue reading Power and Privileges of Parliament
4th February
The Superman Collector
Collector, bro, rockstar!
Hybrid Annuity Model: A win- win for everyone. But how?
Time for some interesting comparison across existing PPP models. Also, introducing a new one!
All motivation no questions no debates
It is wonderful to see everyone chipping in to suggest strategies and sharing motivational articles but equally disheartening to see… Continue reading All motivation no questions no debates
The Non-Dalit's Guide To Debating Meaningfully About Caste
It’s heartbreaking that a bright, young man — Rohith Vemula — had to commit suicide for us to pay heed… Continue reading The Non-Dalit's Guide To Debating Meaningfully About Caste
3rd February
SWOT Analysis of Indian Political System
I bet ki kissi ne isse awesome speaker nahi dekha hoga. Mind blowing speech by the great JP Narayan on… Continue reading SWOT Analysis of Indian Political System
Another glass ceiling shattered – Archana Ramasundram, the first Indian woman to head a Paramilitary Force
58-year-old Archana Ramasundram, a Tamil Nadu cadre IPS officer, will take over as Director General of Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB).… Continue reading Another glass ceiling shattered – Archana Ramasundram, the first Indian woman to head a Paramilitary Force
Now for some motivation :)
Was watching general stuff and found this gem of stuff. R Madhava talks about situational awareness. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KB7R8QTHJgw
2nd February
what's everyone studying???
Bhai/ behno – Kaun kaun kya pad raha hai… i just started laxmikanth from the worst section ever- FR and… Continue reading what's everyone studying???
6 common mistakes committed during interview preparation
Gearing up for the interview? Read these 6 points
1st February
MCQs : Polity
Frankly these are a little on the tougher side given the kind of Polity MCQs asked in the exam but… Continue reading MCQs : Polity
Your chance to join us in *EXPLAINING THE NEWS*
Love reading explainers from us? Now make some of your own and we will feature them on our official handle!
31st January
Doubts Clearing Forum
Doubts constantly crop up while reading newspapers, books, taking a test? Don’t understand some concepts, unable to make sense of… Continue reading Doubts Clearing Forum
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