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28th January
Centre Vs Far East
“Certain provisions of the Indian Constitution like President’s rule militate against the concept of co-operative federalism.” Critically comment.
27th January
President’s Rule in Arunachal: Follow the evolving story of Politics and Propriety
President’s rule has been imposed in Arunachal Pradesh that’s been wracked by political turmoil. Congress has denounced it as murder… Continue reading President’s Rule in Arunachal: Follow the evolving story of Politics and Propriety
Temple Entry Movements
“Temple Entry Movements in India have mutated from being caste-based to gender-based.” Do you agree with the statement? Cite relevant… Continue reading Temple Entry Movements
26th January
GS1 – Women's Movements
“Women’s movements in India have come of age with more vocal assertion of their rights and identity. Comment in the… Continue reading GS1 – Women's Movements
The Batman of all IAS prep apps updated its game. Did you?
Quick reminder!
Dealing with Pakistan – Are you a Hawk or a Dove?
Question remains as to, what should be the best way to deal with Pakistan?
25th January
Gloabalisation and Blizzards
The weather Gods also seem to have understood the meaning of Globalisation as it seems “Snowzilla’ is making its presence… Continue reading Gloabalisation and Blizzards
Start-up India, Stand up India : Wings to fly [Part II]
The second and final part in the series.
24th January
Part 4 | Whose law is it anyway? | Landmark Judgements that Transformed India
Launching in the arena of Indian Secularism with the most hotly debated cases. Here we go!
A brief history of the Greek crisis: A ppt format
Greek Crisis summarised in a ppt.
Inspiring stories – Aspirants who cleared UPSC with constraints
Found this one… thought of sharing – http://social.yourstory.com/2015/11/muhammad-ali-shihab/ Muhammad Ali Shihab was born in Edavannappara, a remote village in Kerala’s… Continue reading Inspiring stories – Aspirants who cleared UPSC with constraints
23rd January
Geography | Ocean Currents
Ocean Currents can be a confusing topic. Understanding the complete mechanism and various interrelationships in play when it comes to ocean… Continue reading Geography | Ocean Currents
22nd January
MCQs Geography
1. Which of the following rivers originate in India and flow to the neighbouring countries? 1. Beas 2. Karnaphuli 3.… Continue reading MCQs Geography
Science and tech for prelims.
I am stuck with the preparation for science and tech,concerned for prelims now. As i have not been following science… Continue reading Science and tech for prelims.
Civilsdigest | Online copy released | 50 INR
Hello, You can now download the edition #1 (an interactive pdf e-mag) from the link here. Click on this payment… Continue reading Civilsdigest | Online copy released | 50 INR
GS3 Farmer Issues
Crucially evaluate the recently launched PMFSY as a mechanism to bring down farmers indebtedness.
Ethics or the Lack of Them
Lack of ethical and moral education has been cited as one of the reasons for growing incidences of juvenile delinquency.… Continue reading Ethics or the Lack of Them
21st January
Case Study
As a district collector you are overseeing the post-flood relief operations in your district. While going through the progress made… Continue reading Case Study
Attitudes and Biases
Do attitudes engender stereotypes and biases or vice-versa? Explain with real life examples.
Quality of CD is diluted!!
As focus seems to be shifted to cover all possible articles, no. of article has increased resulting into many articles… Continue reading Quality of CD is diluted!!
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