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14th December
Social Security Scheme for Farmers : Ministry of Agriculture
The Government is implementing a number of schemes to help the farmers in increasing their productivity by reducing cost of… Continue reading Social Security Scheme for Farmers : Ministry of Agriculture
13th December
Econ Mom as the Finance Commission, Hubby as the Planning Commission
The topic of pocket money has suddenly become fairly hot in the Phadke household. I am frankly, not too sold… Continue reading Econ Mom as the Finance Commission, Hubby as the Planning Commission
11th December
All that you need to remember about the Indian Remote Sensing satellite system
Let's know some IRS satellites in brief. Very important from Prelims point of view in terms of quick recollection of facts. 2015 Prelims had one question on IRS.
9th December
Delhi traffic: At odds and evens
Dunno if Delhi’s pollution will be controlled. But Delhi’s GDP is definitely set to go up as the Government will… Continue reading Delhi traffic: At odds and evens
Internal Security| National Intelligence Grid (NATGRID)
It's time to learn some basics from GS-IV paper as its Internal security part is significant to score. We will cover series of articles on Internal security with some contemporary topics.
Internal Security | National Counter Terrorism Center (NCTC)
We are covering the basics of Internal Security with the help of a mix of dynamic + static modules. Most important for IAS Mains.
Sagarmala Project: Smart ports for Blue Revolution in India
What's the prime objective of Sagarmala? Know everything in detail.
Indian Polity | Types of Majorities
There are 4 main types of Majority. The last one is Special Majority which has 3 sub-types. The most important Majorities… Continue reading Indian Polity | Types of Majorities
8th December
Indian Polity | A Quick Brush up with Our Emergency Provisions
Emergency is an important topic for prelims. Few interesting events are provided throughout the note. Do try to attempt the table question at the end.
Freedom of Speech and Criminal Defamation Law
Recently, Supreme Court has reserved its verdict on constitutional validity of criminal defamation law. Lets try to understand the concept of… Continue reading Freedom of Speech and Criminal Defamation Law
7th December
Khawalailung village: A Mizo ‘role model’ of Peace and Development
On 25th October 2015’s ‘Mann-ki-Baat’ radio programme through All India Radio, when the Prime Minister Narendra Modi took the name… Continue reading Khawalailung village: A Mizo ‘role model’ of Peace and Development
6th December
UNFCCC Updates : Lima-Paris Action Agenda
As we know, 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in… Continue reading UNFCCC Updates : Lima-Paris Action Agenda
4th December
19 Quick Points on Answer Writing for IAS Mains
You must have had practised writing enough, must be trying to locate your centre and might be a little nervous… Continue reading 19 Quick Points on Answer Writing for IAS Mains
3rd December
Cop out at COP 21!
Scene again opens in the Opposition Neta’s office, where Netaji is reading the newspaper and is confused with all the reports… Continue reading Cop out at COP 21!
Ethics Probable Questions for IAS Mains 2015 by Mitra’s IAS
Here is a set of 21 probable questions forward by Mitra’s IAS – Leading coaching academy for Philosophy and Ethics.… Continue reading Ethics Probable Questions for IAS Mains 2015 by Mitra’s IAS
CCTNS Project: Reforming the Policing in India
Recently, govt. extended the deadline for implementation of the Rs 2,000-crore CCTNS project to March 2017 Let’s know more about it!! … Continue reading CCTNS Project: Reforming the Policing in India
1st December
How to Tackle Map Based Questions in IAS Prelims and Mains?
Prelims has a fair number of questions from Geography and fair number of them are actually based upon the… Continue reading How to Tackle Map Based Questions in IAS Prelims and Mains?
30th November
Everything you need to know about the Greece’ Crisis
How did Greece get into this mess and how can bollywood (perhaps) make a movie out of it?
27th November
Kicking the tolerance/ intolerance debate
Note – CD is experimenting with user generated content that can help initiate a discussion at large. Should you wish… Continue reading Kicking the tolerance/ intolerance debate
ASEAN-India and East Asia Summit 2015
This article embrace a focus on two powerful regional blocs at the ASEAN-India and East Asia Summit in Kuala Lumpur.… Continue reading ASEAN-India and East Asia Summit 2015
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