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27th November
ASEAN-India and East Asia Summit 2015
This article embrace a focus on two powerful regional blocs at the ASEAN-India and East Asia Summit in Kuala Lumpur.… Continue reading ASEAN-India and East Asia Summit 2015
25th November
Pay Commission 007: Bond’s Spectre pales before India’s Spectre!
It’s back! In a richer, more generous, more fiery, more flashy avatar. With more goodies for everyone. No, not James… Continue reading Pay Commission 007: Bond’s Spectre pales before India’s Spectre!
23rd November
G20: The Antalya Summit 2015 – Everything that you should know
This article gives you an overview of G20, since its formation to latest key achievements in 2015 Summit. Stay tuned… Continue reading G20: The Antalya Summit 2015 – Everything that you should know
Techniques for reading ‘The Hindu’
Hi friends, Most of my students have had this question “How to read the Hindu ? What notes to make… Continue reading Techniques for reading ‘The Hindu’
21st November
What’s next on The First Firangis?
Here’s a sneak-peek of what’s to be expected next on The First Firangis series. The Anglo-Mysore wars And here’s how you… Continue reading What’s next on The First Firangis?
20th November
Why should you join Civil Services (IAS, IPS, IFS, IRS or like) in India?
The bureaucrat returns with an emphatic answer as to why should you JOIN civil services. There are several benefits… Continue reading Why should you join Civil Services (IAS, IPS, IFS, IRS or like) in India?
19th November
Why you should not join Civil Services (IAS, IPS, IFS, IRS or like) in India?
Most people join IAS, IPS, IFS, IRS or other civil services in India without knowing the full facts. You already… Continue reading Why you should not join Civil Services (IAS, IPS, IFS, IRS or like) in India?
Vienna Conference to end Syria’s endless agony
This article gives you an understanding of how perplex and deepened Syria Crisis is , and solutions from Global Interests… Continue reading Vienna Conference to end Syria’s endless agony
16th November
The First Firangis | Chap 5 | The Marquess of Wellesley & His Subsidiary Alliance
Previously, we discussed about the land revenue experiments here – The First Firangis | Chap 4 | Extracting Land Revenue Moving on, If… Continue reading The First Firangis | Chap 5 | The Marquess of Wellesley & His Subsidiary Alliance
15th November
The First Firangis | Chap 4 | Extracting Land Revenue
Every aspirant worth his salt would be aware of the 3 land revenue systems employed by the Brits to extract… Continue reading The First Firangis | Chap 4 | Extracting Land Revenue
14th November
Bharath Darshan – The dream which motivates IAS aspirants
The word Bharath Darshan, becomes a motivating force for IAS aspirants. What happens during Bharath Darshan? Please read my experience.… Continue reading Bharath Darshan – The dream which motivates IAS aspirants
13th November
The First Firangis | Chap 3 | Lord Cornwallis & His Permanent Settlement
Previous one in the series – The First Firangis: Hey Pitt, What’s Your Act? This British soldier and statesman was probably best… Continue reading The First Firangis | Chap 3 | Lord Cornwallis & His Permanent Settlement
12th November
A Night in The Life of an IAS Officer
Many IAS aspirants will always want to know how their dream job IAS would be. Let me narrate a real… Continue reading A Night in The Life of an IAS Officer
The First Firangis | Chap 2 | Hey Pitt, What’s Your Act?
The first part – Warren Hastings And His Time as Gov General of India If Sunny Deol’s “Tareekh pe tareekh pe… Continue reading The First Firangis | Chap 2 | Hey Pitt, What’s Your Act?
11th November
The First Firangis | Chap 1| Warren Hastings And His Time as Gov General of India
Hello readers, The aim of introducing history lessons in a mix of comic + bullet point sequences is not to… Continue reading The First Firangis | Chap 1| Warren Hastings And His Time as Gov General of India
9th November
IAS Mains 2015 & Beyond – Mini Quiz #4
Here are the 5 questions for IAS Mains 2015 challenge for the week. We have given a bit of initiation into… Continue reading IAS Mains 2015 & Beyond – Mini Quiz #4
8th November
PJ Nayak Committee for Governance reforms [Comic strip]
A week back or so, we fiddled with the idea of introducing flashcards of basic theoretical terms which bug early… Continue reading PJ Nayak Committee for Governance reforms [Comic strip]
Roadmap For Paris Climate Talks: Part III
This is the 3rd explainer in the series of articles on Paris Climate Talks and the underlying issues. Previous… Continue reading Roadmap For Paris Climate Talks: Part III
7th November
IAS Prelims 2016 Corner #7
While attempting Prelims 2015, many of you might have had this feeling of deja vu because there were some questions… Continue reading IAS Prelims 2016 Corner #7
6th November
New Initiative: Back 2 Basics – Static Syllabus Through Dynamic News
For the last 8 months or so, we have been continuously providing daily current affairs in form of Newscards… Continue reading New Initiative: Back 2 Basics – Static Syllabus Through Dynamic News
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