Port sector in India

Ports in India

A common characteristic of the fast-growing East and South East Asian countries has been the rapid growth of trade during their high growth period. A higher share of trade in the economy contributes to the attainment of higher efficiency. A country improves its resource allocation by exporting those goods where it exhibits competitive advantage and imports those where it does not. As its comparative advantage changes, so does the composition of its exports and imports.

Thus, in order to achieve higher economic growth and higher efficiency levels, the trade-GDP ratio needs to increase substantially. Improvement in the efficiency of ports and expansion of their capacity is essential for promoting the growth of trade and export competitiveness.

Ports in India: A brief Profile


Categorisation of Indian Ports


Major Ports of India


Capacity of Major Ports


Recent Development & Strategies for Port Sector


Growing External Trade and Ports Expansion

National Maritime Agenda, 2010-2020.


Sagar Mala Project

Need for such a project


Objectives of the project

Suggested recommendations under the project

National Sagarmala Apex Committee (NSAC)

Six megaports are planned under Sagarmala project


Himanshu Arora
Doctoral Scholar in Economics & Senior Research Fellow, CDS, Jawaharlal Nehru University
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