
guys…. this prelims …. i had a chance to be in the list for mains… most of them were from current.. from my side i had done most of things from standard books and C.Affairs but some ques slipped from my hand and atlast my scores came to halt at 89.. cant clear for sure….It’s shameful that in this 1 year(8-9 mths exactly) i had studied but didn’t gathered much to sail through pre. Main reason was in C.Affairs some topics i have just skimmed only… details i have left and that cost me hugely…of around 110 marks i was sure of.. rest paid me in negative..
This test realised me alot.. i have to focus on even little details.. and yes CD if have spent a little more time in your Tikdam technique i would have cleared it… but didn’t did so…
But i have a faith that in next pre if i focus more on some details and C.AFfairs i would easily clear … God knows what will happen… but for now nothing will…
Anyway thanks CD team for delivering us news in a more thoughtful way…


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