IAS Prelims tit-bits- History part 2

1. Morley Minto Reform, 1909

  1. 1st name i.e Morley, Secretary of state, 2nd i.e Minto, Viceroy
  2. Prelude – Shimla Deputation led by Agha Khan demanded separate electorate in 1906
  3. Muslim League was founded in 1906 and it intended to preach loyalty to the empire <when was all India Hindu Mahasabha formed and it’s founders?>
  4. Reforms– separate electorate for muslims
  5. Elected members increased in legislative councils but elected non official still in minority
  6. Indirect election <elections for the 1st time>
  7. One Indian to the viceroy’s executive council
  • Discuss- 1st Indian to the viceroy’s executive council
  • Discuss – Progress of separate electorate in subsequent reforms  upto Poona Pact

2. Montagu Chelmsford Reform

  1. Two lists, central and provincial , in provincial, reserved and transferred
  2. Dyarchy at Provinces i.e. reserve list by the governor, Transferred list by ministers
  3. Elected majority in provincial legislature <contrast this with reform of 1909>
  4. Bicameral legislature at Centre
  5. Secretary of state would now be paid out of British Exchequer <home charges reduced>
  • Discuss – Home charges and economic critique by nationalists
  • Discuss – Dual system/ government or Dyarchy of Clive and it’s end
  • Discuss– Transferred and reserve list


3. Nehru Report <Motilal>

Prelude – Challenge by Lord Birkenhead to Indians to produce an agreed constitution accepted by all in the wake of Anti Simon Agitation <No Indian In 7 member Simon commission>


  1. Dominion Status <when did British 1st concede demand of dominion status>
  2. Joint electorate with reserved seat for minorities at centre and in provinces in which they were in minority
  3. Linguistic Provinces
  4. 19 Fundamental rights <congress resolution on fundamental rights, which session?>

Jinnah Made 14 demands

  1. Provincial autonomy and residuary power to provinces
  2. Separate electorate
  3. ⅓ Muslim representation in central legislature and all cabinets

Unhappy with Nehru Report J.L.Nehru Subhash Bose set up Independence for India League

Discuss – 1st linguistic state in post independence India

4. Three Round Table Conferences

Proposed by Lord Irwin to discuss Simon Commission Report

1st RTC <nov 1930 to jan 1931>

  1. Civil Disobedience Movement had already been started as Gandhi’s 11 demands not accepted by Viceroy
  2. Congress boycotted
  3. Muslim League, Hindu Mahasabha, Liberals, Princes participated <when was liberal party formed and why did it secede from Congress?>
  4. Failure as constitutional advance could not be discussed without congress participation

2nd RTC <Dec 1931>

  1. After Gandhi Irwin pact (Delhi Pact) led to suspension of CDM
  2. Congress (Gandhi) participated
  3. Failure as session got deadlocked on the question of minorities < separate electorate for Muslims, depressed classes (SC), christians, anglo Indians>

Result- Two Muslim majority provinces – Sindh and NWFP<No. Of provinces now?> , CDM resumed

3rd RTC < Nov. 1932>

  1. Congress wasn’t even invited
  2. Labour Party <Britain> refused to attend it
  3. In this conference Chaudhary Rahmat Ali, a student, 1st proposed the name Pakistan

Outcome – White Paper on the basis of this paper, the Government of India Act 1935 was to be passed.

  • Discuss – Significance of round table in RTC
  • Discuss – two demands of Gandhi which were rejected by Irwin in Gandhi- Irwin Pact
  • Discuss – What was agreed with regard to political prisoners, fines and land confiscated in Gandhi- Irwin Pact

5. Govt of India Act, 1935

  1. All India Federation  and Bicameral legislature at center <what was there in 1919 act?>
  2. Odd that election to the council of states <upper house> was direct while indirect to the federal assembly
  3. Three lists, federal, provincial and concurrent <v/s 2 list in 1919> <who had residuary powers?>
  4. federal lists into reserved and transferred <in 1919 provincial list was into reserved and transferred>
  5. Provincial autonomy <dyarchy in 1919>
  6. All members of provincial legislature directly elected <contrast this with 1909 and 1919>
  7. Abolished the council of India created by the act of 1858

Discuss – Following institutions were set up under which acts-

RBI, central Public service commission, Federal Public Service Commission , office of secretary of state, office of high commissioner for India, Federal court, Supreme Court, Board of Control

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By Dr V

Doctor by Training | AIIMSONIAN | Factually correct, Politically not so much | Opinionated? Yes!


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