Prime Prelims Test Series 2020 Time Table Released

Click here to download pdf for better visibility Prime Prelims Time Table-2020-Final. 

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Dear students,

As you are aware, UPSC has an exceptionally vast syllabus. And it is a very complex task to come up with a study-plan/time-time table that harmonizes every element and takes into consideration the return on investment on certain topics.

We are hell-bent on simplifying things for you. Hence, we have come up with a plan that you will instantly connect with you and give you a vibe that yes you can do it!

1. Integrated Approach

Preparation for Prelims and Mains is harmonized. You study a subject, attempt prelims tests and then attempt mains tests for the same. This leads to a solid preparation.

Many institutes our there will not able to present an integrated approach. They offer separate timetables for prelims and mains confusing the students further. That’s not the case with us!

2. Simplified Approach

Our Time-table is the easiest to remember and follow. All tests prelims, mains and Samachar Manthan will be held on the weekend.

  • Prelims Tests are held on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of every month.
  • CA Tests are held on the last Saturday of every month.

Simple enough? We thought so.

3. Priority-wise Coverage of subjects

We are starting with the most important subjects from the exam perspective first. These are very predictable + have a very high return on investment. They need to be mastered if one has to have a shot at the exam. Polity, Modern History, and Economics. The lower priority ones follow.

4. Logical Division of Topics

Subjects have been divided into topics that logically fit together. Eg. for Polity we ask you to prepare in 2 parts – first, till Central Government and second, from State Government and beyond. This division is not ad-hoc and does not break the flow of your studies.

5. Base and Advanced Sources

We have divided the sources into 2 parts, Base Sources, and Advanced Sources. Base sources are those which you have to master. You should come to advanced sources only when you are thorough with the Base Sources.

Click here to download pdf for better visibility Prime Prelims Time Table-2020-Final

Enroll now by clicking here. 

We at Civilsdaily are committed to helping you in the process of figuring out your learning personalities and creating the best time table and suggesting most relevant strategies for your IAS Prep. Please take 5 minutes to fill up this Samanvaya Form. We will arrange a mentor call for you once this is done.


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By Root

Caretaker @civilsdaily

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