Science and Technology is one of the most dynamic subjects in the UPSC exam.
Questions are now exclusively current affairs based. They are not simply testing whether you understand the broad terms but also the practical aspects.
Memorizing NCERTs from 6th standard onwards is no longer the requirement. An in-depth technical understanding of various issues is also not required. You need to have a broad idea of various topics in the news and their applied knowledge. As an example, you don’t need to know the details of various payloads of the Astrosat Satellite, but you need to know its objectives, what India aims to gain from it, and similar missions around the globe.
Our material is packed with images and videos(mostly from govt. sites, MIT, etc.) to help you develop a good understanding. We’ve observed questions being framed directly from here. Let us know in the comments if you don’t understand a concept, we will help you out.