Share Important Geographic locations – For Prelims/Optional Geo Guys!

Hi guys,
We start this initiative as a part of Prelims Geography locations,
Our basic task is to find locations which may come in news or may part of any special activity/significant relevance around world –
For instance,
Kuril islands – In the news, for dispute between Japan and Russia
Falkland island – Argentina seeks support of Saudis for this british territory
Rohingya island – Refugees of a distinct Muslim ethnic group who are effectively stateless have been fleeing Myanmar.
Houthis – Shia rebels from north Yemen (Shia(Iran support) vs Sunni(Saudi support) conflict in Yemen – so, India’s Rahat operation) so, was in news.
Spartly islands -Territorial dispute between Brunei, China,Malaysia,the Philippines,Taiwan, and Vietnam.(Mostly Chinese dominant claim)
Taro Island (in Solomon sea) – located nearby to the northeast part Australia
(Planning to migration bcoz of rising seas/Global warming).
Same other island nations planning for migration, same reason- Kiribati island, Marshall islands,Solomon island.
In 2015 Prelims – UPSC have asked about landlocked country [Jordan] so, think of such locations, as it will come in news.
So, our intent is to have all good locations which will come for UPSC Prelims and Optional Geography paper.
Muziris port heritage project launched – so its location and history?

Let’s together Find and share all important places.
Come and have fun in Geographic locations find outs !!


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💥💥Mentorship March Batch Launch