[Starts 1st April] 45 Days Super Intensive Prelims (SIP): Everything that is important nothing that is not

Super Intensive Prelims (SIP): Everything that is important nothing that is not

Last minute revision is the key to cracking the exam. We’ve been preparing for months to finalize the right format which will deal with topics in the right amount of depth as per the requirement of the exam and helps you with maximum retention

Key features

1. Samanvaya (Mentorship)

CD has earned a reputation for giving personalized attention to students and helping them actualize their true potential. While other institutes are bombarding you with more and more questions, we are more concerned about teaching you the right things and helping you retain more and retain better.

– Private Telegram Group: All your queries solved within 24 hours
– 1 on 1 calls: Sessions basis merit of participation within the group

2. Samachar Manthan for Pre (Lectures on current affairs)

– Covering 3 years of CA: Over 40 hours of videos + intensive notes on all subject:
– International Organizations will be covered in Blackboard format – Watch Sample videos here: Click2watch
– Conceptual Subjects will be covered in lecture format
– Systematic Notes will be provided in pdf format – Read sample notes here: Click2Read

Lectures for Current Affairs will be updated in between the static subject lectures (See schedule below)

3. Systematic Core Build-up (Lectures on static subjects)

Lecture on static subjects would not focus on explaining you the concept per se but on important trivial details you tend to miss while reading the book. Generally, in prelims, the questions are asked from these trivial areas. Thus in our lectures, we will highlight these trivial very important details/facts which cannot be missed at any cost. We will cover all the basic and advanced books for explaining these issues

To illustrate with an example:

  • Polity

In the Statutory bodies topic in Laxmikant 1 very important fact is that while In case of appointment of CVC the collegium consists of PM, LOP and Home Minister, in case of CIC the collegium consists of PM,LOP and any Cabinet Minister appointed by PM

  • Modern History

Similarly In case of modern history if we take the topic of Constitutional development in India , Many people get confused about when elections were introduced in British India some people think that it was started with 1892 act, however, if we closely observe we will find that in 1892, there was the system where The universities, district board, municipalities, zamindars and chambers of commerce were empowered to recommend members to provincial councils.Out of the recommended members, the GG would select the members. The use of term election is no-where used in the 1892 act.

Or if we take another example and take the Gandhian movement and compare Non-cooperation movement with Civil disobedience movement we find that While Capitalist participation was close to nil in NCM but they participated actively in CDM

  • Indian Economy

Similarly In case of Economics if we take the topic of Monetary Policy and compare Marginal standing facility with LAF we will find that In case of MSF Bank can maximum borrow up to 2% of its NDTL while in case of LAF Bank can borrow any amount of money as long as it has the securities to sell

  • Indian Geography

All Indian soils are deficient in nitrogen < If any option in any prelims Question says that soil X is rich in nitrogen then it means that the statement is incorrect. We will try to focus on these trivial details of Geography in our lectures

Schedule for Static subjects coverage via video lectures:

2-10 April: Polity

12-20 April: History

22-30 April: Economics

2-10 May: Geography & Environment

4. Prelims Mocks: 11 FLTs (8 paper 1 TS + 3 CSAT) + 10 Dedicated CA Tests

– Dedicated paper for Economic Survey, Budget, Govt. Themes
– Level 3 Tests for Advanced Static + month wise CA to complement the notes
– Level 2 CSAT papers

Read our special exhaustive blogs highlighting trends in CSAT (Paper 2 Prelims) and previous years analysis here: 

For Reading comprehension- Click2Read

For Maths & Logical reasoning- Click2Read

Join here

We made the deal sweeter for you

SIP : Samanvaya + Lectures + Notes = 5K + taxes: Click2Join

SIP Comprehensive: Samanvaya + Lectures + Notes + FLTs + CA Tests = 7K + taxes: Click2Join
SIP TS: FLTs + CA Tests = 3K + taxes: Click2Join
FLTs only: 1.5K + taxes: Click2Join
Students of Flagship and Advanced TS will get a 50% discount on SIP Comprehensive. This will be automatically adjusted at the time of their joining
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By Root

Caretaker @civilsdaily


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💥Mentorship March Batch Launch
💥💥Mentorship March Batch Launch