Policy Wise: India’s Power Sector

Power Sector's Policy making needs to give a good look to long-pending structural reforms. Greater power generation will not help unless distribution issues are sorted.

Make in India: Challenges & Prospects

The popular consensus is that all India needs to do is to make its land, tax and labour laws more business-friendly, improve its infrastructure and slash red tape. Let's evaluate the challenges and filter the prospects of a successful Make in India campaign.

Antibiotics Resistance

Antibiotic resistance in foodborne germs is a growing challenge that is made worse by overuse of antibiotics in humans and food animals. What are the latest challenges and opportunities in the field?

Housing for all – PMAY, etc.

Urbanisation is taking place at a faster rate in India. Population residing in urban areas in India, according to 1901 census, was 11.4%. This count increased to 28.53% according to 2001 census, and crossing 30% as per 2011 census, standing at 31.16%.

Aadhaar Card Issues

Will Aadhar enable better targeting of subsidies or will it create an Orwellian surveillance apparatus?


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💥💥Mentorship January Batch Launch