Mains is the most important stage of the UPSC exam. It’s also becoming more and more unpredictable, analytical and dynamic than ever before.
Mains essential Program (MEP) 2023 is your solution to practicing Mains Answer writing. Don’t procrastinate answer writing, developing a skill does not happen magically after you clear prelims.
Super 100 Mains Program 2023 is a Mentor guided comprehensive and intensive program for GS Mains papers. The focus is on making students understand the requirement of Mains Question, its elements, using information, and imparting answer writing skills for that.
In 2020, 80% of students in our smash mains program were able to clear the mains examination.

Why Early Start to Mains is Needed?
Let us answer this with a story
Guru Dronacharya had instructed the cook at the ashram to not serve his students food at night. One day, however, the dinner got delayed. While everyone was eating at night, suddenly, the lights went off. As Arjuna ate in the dark, he realized that there was automatic coordination between his hands and mouth. He did not require vision to put his hand into his mouth. This was an amazing discovery for him. This meant that he could orient himself to shoot the target even in the night, through his other senses. He immediately took up his bow and arrow to practice in the dark. And from then on, the entire month, he would practice day and night!
Day and night- just practice.
If you want to ace your mains answer writing, then PRACTICE is your only option. Arjuna had practiced for decades before his real test in the Mahabharata war. Even you need to start your answer writing from day one and not leave it for “after the prelims” approach.
Be Arjuna of Answer writing!
Year long Answer writing Program is helpful:
Your knowledge is tested through your answers: If you have not learned the art to articulate your thoughts on paper, then that’s a disaster waiting to happen. Studying and writing answers is a symbiotic relationship and one reinforces the other.
- Helps you retain concepts, facts, and figures.
- Learning the trick to formulate the structure of the answer.
- Helps to revise things and learn new things not covered by conventional books.
- Improves your writing speed, and handwriting.
Avoid these common mistakes with our program
- Let me first develop enough knowledge to write answers: This is the biggest lie we tell ourselves. There is no such thing as “ENOUGH” in UPSC preparation. It is better to train ourselves from Day 1 – How to apply the knowledge that I have?
- Not understanding the demand of the Question: Words like ‘Examine’, ‘Comment’, or ‘Discuss’ are used for a reason in the questions. Why would UPSC use different words if it wants the same structure from each question?
- Structure a Mental Framework: If you lack the practice then, you are not able to create a mental framework. This leads to poor answers- you write points as you remember in a haphazard manner. This completely compromises your presentation.
- Introduction, body, and conclusion: This is the ideal structure for the mains answer. One very common mistake is that students have a tendency to generalize the introduction and conclusion. Along with this, the scope of dimensions in the body is limited.
- Low hanging fruits: Some elements in your answer like a diagram, reports/commissions, and supreme court judgments can uplift the quality of your answers. Students have a tendency to skip them.


1. Personalised Mentorship to correct you at each step
We believe in personalised individual attention. A one-to-one discussion with your Mentor will not only highlight your weaknesses but will also help in tracking your improvements over the subsequent tests. It will also ensure consistency, continuity, and progressive improvement.
Individual Mentorship helps one to understand and discuss even small integrate details in answer writing. Take for example:
It is commented that Electoral bonds instead of cleansing India’s electoral system distort India’s democracy. Do you agree? Critically analyse.
Students usually get swayed by only seeing the theme of the question. Question is not about electoral bonds only. Many aspirants write everything they know about electoral bonds. You need to first mention how it will cleanse India’s electoral system. After that, link it with democracy. How it violates key features of democracy like transparency, accountability and level playing field. Writing only Pros and Cons will not fetch you marks.
Just schedule a call with our mentor to clear all your doubts and queries.
2. Quality standards of questions in our test series
Our Test series questions have consistently proven to be similar to UPSC standards.
Here’s the proof
Even our students have appreciated the quality of our questions

3. Check how mentorship have helped toppers and students across
One can better understand our process with the results we have produced, so here a look at how toppers have improved over the course of time with our mentorship intervention,
This is how the UPSC Toppers scored in test series before CD’s intervention —
Karishma-Nair(AIR-14)-Answers Before Feedback From CD
Pooja-Gupta(AIR-42)-Answers Before Feedback From CD
Pranav-Vijay-(AIR-65)- Answers Before Feedback From CD
With right feedback’s there was tremendous change in their writing style
Karishma-Nair(AIR-14)-Answers After Feedback From CD
Pooja-Gupta (AIR-42)-Answers After Feedback From CD
Pranav-Vijay (AIR -65) – Answers After Feedback From CD
If you wish to learn and unlearn certain reading and writing habits, join MEP 2023.

Program Inclusion:
- 12 Sectional tests: The whole syllabus will be divided into portions like history, economics, and geography. The test will be spread for a period of 8 months. This will ensure that your basic static preparation happens on a continuous basis alongside your mains answer writing program. Killing two birds with one stone!
- 12 Full-length tests: After the prelims, it is time to go full gear.
- Personalized discussion: You doubt why you are scoring less or how you can improve your score for the next paper. No worries! Just schedule a call with our mentor to clear all your doubts and queries.
- Civilsdaily’s handholding: You will be provided membership to Mains 2023 club on Habitat. There you can put up your doubts and queries. Also can be used to interact with peers on strategies to improve your mains writing. You can also contact mentors like Sajal sir, Sukanya ma’am, Sudhanshu sir and Poornima Ma’am. They all have interview-level experience, so utilize their experience to your benefit.
- Civilsdaily magazine: Your current affairs will be covered with access to our 1-year subscription.
Our Philosophy behind MEP 2023
1. Question Formulation
It happens under a team of experienced Civilsdaily’s faculty. Questions framed are from the most important UPSC relevant themes and papers are based on the latest pattern of UPSC.
Our questions specifically state:
- Whether they are straightforward or thought-provoking/analytical.
- Whether they have subparts.
- Why this question – similar previous year questions, the importance of the theme, etc.
CD Innovation – Red-green highlight – to let you know about the necessary and innovative points.
2. One-to-One Discussion
We believe in personalized individual attention. This is the biggest reason why you should join our TS. Students can schedule a call within 2 days of receiving their checked copies.
A one-to-one discussion with your Mentor will not only highlight your weaknesses but will also help in tracking your improvements over the subsequent tests. It will also ensure consistency, continuity, and progressive improvement.
3. Answer Checking
Our evaluation focusses on multiple dimensions and parameters like structure, flow, presentation, contextuality, relevance to question, analytical excellence, and cross-domain inter-linkages than simply on superficial, memory-based lapses.

Evaluated answer copy – 1 (Click to download)
Evaluated answer copy – 2 (Click to download)
4. Model Answers
More than just simply providing information, our model answers cover all the aspects of a question and provide enriching points to the student. They also include:
- For ‘thought-provoking/analytical’ type of questions, we’ll provide the best way to approach them.
- Alternate introductions
- Sub-headings and categorization to enhance readability and answer structure.
- Colour coding for main arguments, reports, data, scholars, etc.
OTB – Out of the box points for additional marks

5. Civilsdaily’s Handholding
You’ll be assigned to a special group on Civilsdaily’s Habitat, there you can interact with different mentors like Sajal Sir, Sukanya ma’am, Ajay Sir, Sudhanshu sir, and others.

6. Value-added material
Current affairs magazines – Civilsdaily’s Magazines are the best in terms of comprehensive coverage, superb design, and high readability.
Listicles and other relevant study material – Supplementary content provided will be helpful in covering multiple related questions.
About Mentor:
Sukanya Rana:
Sukanya ma’am has firsthand experience of 4 mains and 2 interviews of UPSC. In 2019, she scored 140 in ethics. She has also appeared in the State PCS interview. Before she has worked as a Probationary officer in Canara bank. Now at Civilsdaily, she heads Mains program and engaged in core team of Civilsdaily.

As per need we will also involved our Civilsdaily core mentors like Swatantra sir, Suhel sir etc.
This is what our students have to say..

Mains Test Series: Testimonials