Which Is Your Weakest Subject? Here’s How You Can Change That | FREE Habitat clubs – Daily timetable released.

Everyone has a subject they feel they are weak in. It could be Current Affairs, Polity, Geography, History, or something else. Which one is yours?

Remember: You cannot go for UPSC exams with a weak subject. You need to improve that.

To solve this problem for students, Habitat has designed specific clubs that will help you improve your weak subjects and score more. You can choose the club based on your needs!

What are the benefits you get on joining the club? How can it help you score more?

  1. Complete coverage of syllabus with revision.
  2. Conversation-based learning that improves your retention abilities.
  3. Focused learning, concentrated on the most important topics that you can’t miss.
  4. Instant feedback from experienced mentors. 
  5. Timely completion of syllabus to save your time.
  6. Evaluation, Answer Writing Practice, And Model Answers.
  7. Consistent support to keep you motivated.
  8. Discussions, doubt sessions, and updated study materials.

Here are the different clubs you can join:

SociologyAakash6:00 am
Revise Economics for IAS PrelimsRavi Ranjan11:00 am
Sadya Sampoorna: Modern HistoryAddya Rai12:30 pm
Samadhan CSATRavi Ranjan2:00 pm
UPSC EPFORohit Yadav3:00 pm
Chat pe News: Current AffairsAnjum Sharma4:30 pm
Destroy Prelims: score boosterZeeshan Hashmi5:30 pm
Indian society and Social IssuesSiddharth 6:30 pm
Samvad- Physical geography through MCQsRadhika Didwania7:30 pm
Economics GamifiedAmoghavarsha8:30 pm
Finish Laxmikant through MCQsZeeshan Hashmi9:00 pm
Parakram Answer Writing sessionRohit Yadav9:30 pm
Post dinner MCQs for IAS prelimsAmitB10:15 pm

And many more…

Whatever you need, we have it here

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Caretaker @civilsdaily

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