Target IAS 2015 & Beyond – How to Approach Indian History?

Three broad divisions – 

  1. Ancient India
  2. Medieval India
  3. Modern India and national struggle for independence


Tips for study –

  1. For modern India from 1757 to 1857 you have to study Old NCERT book of modern India.
  2. At same time you can prepare for mains as you can expect 1 question from this part every year.
  3. Struggle for Indian independence by Bipan Chandra ( Don’t know why UPSC loves this book. It literally picks questions from this directly both in prelims and mains) Read this book as many times as possible. Please note that this book is not specially written for examination and one needs to make his own points and underline them in same page.
  4. Spectrum Modern India is book which has all summarized of both NCERT and Bipin Chandra. It has many tables, bullet points. This book is perfect for revision and memorizing points but this book should be studied only after reading above books otherwise sometimes you may not understand the issue or event. (At this point with 1 month left for prelims this is important).
  5. Next important part in history is Culture. Most of the questions from ancient and medieval India will be related to socio-cultural issues.


How to tame Art & Culture?

  1. Main books and web links have been listed above
  2. Now take a drawing chart divide it into 4 parts with vertical lines. Then under each part divide whole art and culture into visual arts, performing arts, literature and drama, socio religious and others. You may choose your own way of division of topics. (Such a division of any topics either in art and culture or polity will get you more quality).
  3. So now while reading ancient you come across some architecture you write about that in very small and short important keywords in chart. Then when Buddhism comes write in socio religious part. Like that complete the whole books. Similarly do with the medieval India.
  4. Then start with CCRT and study. There is a problem of getting confused and forgetting what we read in culture. So preparing through chart is one method. In addition to that, when you are reading about something try to see that image in internet. (For example if I am studying regarding Dravidian architecture it would be easy if I keep seeing an image while studying. This increases the understanding level and also makes your life easy).
  5. Buddhism is a hot favorite, anyday!

PS – For history & visualisations – we have started some crisp infographs in the history sections. Follow the stories as they may help in the ultimate revisions.

LinksCivilsdaily – History for Prelims


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By Satish Reddy

CSE 2014 - AIR 97 | Second Attempt | Optional - Sociology | NIT Warangal - Batch 2012 | Indulgences? Cooking, Reading & engaging with Social Sector Institutions

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