The Hindu Op-ed: Green jobs and the problem of gender disparity

PYQ Relevance:

Which of the following gives ‘Global Gender Gap Index’ ranking to the countries of the world? (UPSC CSE 2017)
a) World Economic Forum
b)  UN Human Rights Council
c)   UN Women
d)  World Health Organization only

1. Women empowerment in India needs gender budgeting. What are requirements and status of gender budgeting in the Indian context? (UPSC CSE 2016)

2. Explain intragenerational and intergenerational issues of equity from the perspective of inclusive growth and sustainable development. (UPSC CSE 2020)


Mains: Social Justice; Women empowerment; Sustainable/Inclusive development

Prelims: Global Gender Gap Index;

Mentor comments: Increasing women’s representation in green jobs can lead to benefits such as boosting a low-carbon and environmentally sustainable economy. Only a third of leadership positions in climate-change negotiations are held by women, despite women being the most vulnerable to climate impacts. To overcome these challenges faced by women, several strategies can be studied and analyzed based on dimensions considering the Social Justice or Sustainable development aspect.

Let’s learn.

Why in the News?

The transition to low-carbon development has the potential to add about 35 million green jobs in India by 2047.

What is the Present Scenario of Indian women’s participation in Green jobs?

  • As India increased its renewable energy capacity by 250% (2015-21), women comprised merely 11% of workers in the solar rooftop sector. Women workers are mostly concentrated in industries such as apparel, textile, leather, food, and tobacco.
  • Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) 2019 report shows that men comprise 85% of the workforce in sectors such as infrastructure, transport, construction, and manufacturing.

What are the challenges faced by Indian women?

  • Rigid Social Norms: According to the Skill Council (2023) for Green Jobs, 85% of the training for green skills was imparted to men while over 90% of women believed that social norms limited their participation in training for green jobs.
  • Underrepresentation: Women are often underrepresented in climate-related decision-making processes, leading to a lack of consideration for their specific needs and contributions.
  • Lack of Opportunities: Women are unsuitable for certain technical roles, safety concerns, lower representation in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects, and familial constraints.

Significance of Green Jobs for Indian Women:

  • As India transitions towards a low-carbon economy, increasing women’s representation in green jobs can lead to several benefits:
    • Addressing Gender Biases: Green jobs can help address gender biases in the Indian labor market and improve women’s labor force participation rates.
    • Long-term Empowerment: Over time, this can contribute to improving women’s agency and empowerment by creating economic, technical, and social opportunities

What are some strategies to overcome the challenges faced by women? (Way Forward)

  • Addressing the gaps in data:
    • Create a Supportive Ecosystem: To address this disparity and empower women in green jobs, it is essential to challenge social norms that limit women’s participation in technical roles, and provide training opportunities tailored to women’s needs for their advancement.
    • Mapping Emerging Areas: Initiatives such as collecting sex-disaggregated data on green jobs, conducting gender analysis, and mobilizing resources to encourage women’s role in the green transition are crucial steps towards achieving gender equity in the workforce.
  • Supporting women entrepreneurs:
    • Incorporating Gender-focused Policies: Supporting women entrepreneurs through gender-focused financial policies, mentorship programs, financial literacy training, and access to credit can enhance their participation in the green economy.
    • Promoting women’s leadership: Encouraging women to take on leadership roles in decision-making processes concerning low-carbon development strategies is crucial for integrating gender-specific requirements and guaranteeing fair job opportunities.


An inclusive approach focusing on employment, social protection, skill development, and reducing care work burden is vital for a gender-equitable transition. Secondly, collaborating government, private sector, and stakeholders is crucial to utilize innovation, technology, and finance for the advancement of women entrepreneurs and workers.

Practice Question:
Green jobs can enhance women’s labor force prospects thereby reducing gender disparity. Identify the obstacles to their representation and the significance of green jobs for Indian women. Suggest measures to boost their presence in green jobs and support women entrepreneurs.

Approach for the Answer:

1. Introduction: 
Theme: Define green jobs and provide data related to women’s participation in it.

2. Body:
Demand 1: Factors that form the obstacles to women’s representation in green jobs
Demand 2: Significance of green jobs for Indian women
Demand 3: Measures to support women in increasing their representation

3. Conclusion:
Summarize your answer along with highlighting the benefit of equitable job opportunities for everyone.


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