Looking for the best test series for prelims? Score 140+ in UPSC prelims with Prime Prelims TS-2023 and on-demand mentorship program | Enroll at the earliest

Prime Prelims TS 2023

44 Tests (14 Basic, 8 Advanced, 6 Current Affairs Based Test, 10 Full-Length Tests, 6 CSAT-Tests)

The new Tests are going to start on 11th June, 2022

‘What are you waiting for….?’

Civil Services Preliminary Exam is the first phase of the Civil Services Exam but not necessarily the simplest. There is a wide difference between the syllabi of the Preliminary and Main Exam, the nature of questions, and consequently, the preparation strategy needs to be well thought out. 

Despite the churnings happening around us, few fundamentals couldn’t be questioned at least about the UPSC exam. Much coveted UPSC civil service has always attracted the best talents from across India. Hence on the flip side heightens the competition. So, you have to strive hard. As a result, a focused and measured approach is always needed, and that too throughout the year.

Those who have already faced the exam would know it themselves. The importance & contribution of the Test series in fine-tuning the prep process.

-Civilsdaily’s majestic mentorship program. The Hindu Newspaper has acknowledged…

Presenting you a few highlights about our Prime Prelims Program 2023

Target UPSC 2023 (Prelims): There are no shortcuts. Only smart work with the most probable questions works for you. Expect many questions in UPSC civil services Preliminary exam – 2023 directly from our Prime Prelims Test Series. You need to revise the solved points provided with each of these tests keeping in mind the nature of questions that were asked in Prelims 2021 & 2022. 

Avoid Last Time Rush..

Students Views: How Santosh Sir’s Mentorship Leads to Success in Prelims

Our Students’ Testimonials.


1. Complete course revision with Test Paper-based time-plan

The complete course has 44 Test papers, to enhance the exam worthiness of an aspirant. Especially those who have their house (concepts) in order about the course/syllabus. The idea of solving tests or mock papers is with the intent to find out the gaps in our preparation. Sometimes they are also helpful for the mains or subjective type questions.

2. A holistic mix of Static – cum- Dynamic Test series

Course completion is what we care to establish with each finishing module. And this incorporates the aspect of Current affairs and Associated statics as well. Hence an aspirant gets a holistic mix of Static cum Dynamic elements featured in this course.

3. Mentor & Discussion help for 1-1

Civilsdaily Mentorship with tests is going to help an aspirant keep a track of the syllabus, which was earlier either glossed over or paid little attention to. Our Senior Mentors will be the person who would have the responsibility to ensure you end up with all the papers. Also, imparting valuable advice to stay rational and mindful.

  1. Detailed Orientation session
  1. Year-long mentorship till prelims and beyond
  1. Mentor call after every 4 tests or one call/month
  1. Bi-Weekly zoom sessions for doubts and discussions
  1. 24*7 Habitat group mentors support

Civilsdaily’s mentors are highly qualified, with at least 3+ years of mentorship experience and two UPSC-CSE Interviews under their belts. They are well-versed in the many stages of preparation. These mentors will assist you in developing both a comprehensive and micro schedule. They’ll put together a weekly program for you, complete with mentorship calls. This schedule will be created based on a thorough examination of the importance of subjects as well as the interconnection of topics to make it easier for students to grasp the material.

Our highly experienced mentors will guide you with the all-round strategy

  • of How to deal with unfamiliar MCQs by using TIKDAM (Intelligent Guessing)
  • How many questions you should attempt.
  • When to start coding on OMR sheet
  • How to focus on strong areas

4. All India Rankings

All India ranking factors are here to help you deal with the moments of truth vis-à-vis your preparation level. They give you the necessary nudge to focus back on evaluating the current state of preparation. Your mentor would have a lot more to focus on wrt the rankings you achieve.

5. Performance-based Aspirant Cohorts on Civilsdaily Habitat

At Civilsdaily, you would get a community always ready to deal with unexpected roadblocks. We aim to create a like-minded and similarly placed aspirant cohort. For a better discussion of tasks and problem-solving capabilities. So as a member of any Cohort, chat (responsibly) with other learners.

If you have a question, chances are, you’re not alone. Reach out in the discussion forum to ask for help from other learners taking this program.

6. CivilsDaily Habitat Sessions – Ask Anything

Were your queries about courses/syllabus / basic doubts would be addressed to keep you always on the move.

Throughout this course, you will learn about the techniques of time management, and the ability to find a static–dynamic convergence. Also, peace of mind about course completion under the guidance of a mentor. 

The mentor would also provide a lot of reading material from time to time. But sometimes, you may need to look things up on your own for extra learning. Things change fast in our dynamic socio-political setup, so it is critical to do your own research so you can stay up-to-date on what is new.

What is there on Habitat?

  • An ecosystem for co-learning and active learning.
  • A highly motivated community to bring flexibility and consistency to your preparation.

Samachar Manthan Civilsdaily IAS Current Affairs UPSCHabitat – Desktop and Mobile view

Download PDF for better visibility – Prime Prelims TS 2023 Time Table (New Batch)

Program Inclusion

  • 44 Tests
    • 14 Basic tests
    • 8 Advanced tests
    • 6 Current Affairs Based Tests
    • 10 Full-Length Tests
    • 6 CSAT Tests
  • Civilsdaily’s Monthly Magazine Combo
  • Individual Mentorship
  • Economic Survey & Budget Videos and Notes
  • Advanced Static + Tikdam Videos
  • Admission to the exclusive Civilsdaily Prelims club on Habitat.

Where to find the tests?

After enrolling, you will receive a confirmation email with links to the tests and materials. These links are also available in the curriculum section of this course.

Facing any issues with test access post-enrollment?

Share your payment confirmation, name, email id, and contact number along with the issue that you are facing (with screenshots if possible) at dj@civilsdaily.com and cc it to hello@civilsdaily.com

We will resolve your issues in minutes.

This is what our students have to say about our mock tests…

Feedback for 2022 Prelims Mocks

Civilsdaily’s Community: Testimonials

-Still have queries?

All The Best.

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