Toppers Testimonials | Anuj Malik | AIR-16 CSE 2016


Rank in CSE-2016

Number of attempts (include present one)


Medium (English/Hindi)


Optional Subject


Prelims Strategy:

  1. The monthly magazines should be read every month. Don’t think when prelims will come then you will read afresh and tick the answers.
  2. Sunday was the revision day. I didn’t read anything new, instead revised my notes etc. Otherwise nothing will remain in your head.
  3. Study all the subjects equally, don’t fall in love with only one subject. Cover all the subjects in equal amount.

Preferred books:

NCERT Books, Laxmikanth and other standard readings.

Views about importance of Test series:

Time management is one of the most crucial part, it is important and difficult. For this, one needs to take mock tests. Two months before prelims give many mock tests.

What to focus on for Mains Prep?

  1. Dwell up good writing skills. It will happen over time.
  2. Whatever you read, recollect and then jot the important points.
  3. Keep 5-6 bullet points on each topic in your mind.
  4. To learn a topic, give three readings. First reading is to familiarise with the topic. Second reading is recollection of the topic and in third you will get it by heart. Every person has different mind and don’t get sad if your friend gets a thing learned in 2 readings while you don’t even in 3.
  5. Getting good marks in mains is very important so that even if in interview you don’t score well the situation gets balanced.

Tips for students:

  1. Have self-confidence and take your decision for yourself. Don’t get shaky because of others. Take up your own strategy and not what aspirants around you are doing.
  2. Don’t postpone things.
  3. Focus on keywords of the question. It is essential to see what has been asked, whether it has been asked to critically analyse, or to discuss, etc.
  4. Attempt all questions and it can be done only by covering whole syllabus.
  5. Structure your answer into three parts, the intro, the main body, and a conclusion. Have a structured answer always, whether it is an essay, GS question, or any other part.
  6. Always define the term which has been mentioned in the question. That will be important opening lines of your answers.
  7. Make it easy for the examiner to check. Drop the terms and underline important things, make diagrams and flowchart. This will fetch you good marks.
  8. See whether you are comfortable in paragraph writing or in bullets. Both are good enough.

Points to be noted:

Dwell up the habit of thinking. Whenever you are reading anything think about it. Productive thinking is very important. Don’t compartmentalize. All subjects are related. Bridge can be developed on by thinking.

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