Toppers Testimonials | Bilal Moinuddin Bhat | AIR-10 CSE 2016


Rank in CSE-2016

Number of attempts (include present one)


Medium (English/Hindi)


Optional Subject

Zoology and Veterinary Science


Prelims Strategy:

  1. Must read are all textbooks of NCERT. These make strong base and value addition can be done from newspapers, internet sources.
    2. Just before 2 months from prelims make sure you solve as many mock tests as possible. It must be ensured that you go through explanations and mark some important questions which you will revise again.
    3. Certain sections like geography and environment should be strengthened as some quality questions which are current based are asked.
    4. You should remember facts but more focus should be on clarity of concepts. This is the thing which will help you in mains. From 2010 onwards we have seen dramatic change in nature of the preliminary examination. UPSC has shifted its focus from facts to concepts.
    5. Remember one mantra that revision is the key.

Preferred books:

  • History
    1. Ancient History by R S Sharma
    2. Medieval history by Satish Chandra
    3. Modern history spectrum Rajiv Ahir
    4. Culture from GK today culture module
    5. Post-independence by Bipin Chandra
  • Geography
    1. 6th to 12 the NCERT new textbooks
    2. G C Leong ( basic geography and world climate)
    3. 6th to 10th old geography for world geography chapters
  • Indian polity
    1. Vajiram and Ravi notes
    2. Indian polity by M laxmikanth( prelims )
    3. NCERT our constitution at work (for mains)
  • Indian economy and PAPER 3
    1. Vajiram and Ravi notes
    2 selected topics from Ramesh Singh
    3. GK Today- mains paper 3 MODULE (infrastructure, railways, ports , etc)
    4. Economic survey.
  • World History
    1. GK today module
    2. 11th and 12th class textbooks
    3. Solved questions from Norman Lowe ( questions at the end of chapter)
  • Society
    1. 11th and 12th sociology Text books ( for basic understanding)
    2. GK today module (subscription){ for current acts and Constitutional provision}
  • Paper 2 mains syllabus (dynamic portion)
    MY Own notes and GK today (especially combined modules on education, poverty, governance ,health).. it is Integrated with current events.
  • Ethics
    1. Mukul Pathak videos on ethics ( vision)
    2. Self-prepared notes on thinkers like Gandhi Ji, Jawahar Lal Nehru, B R Ambedkar, S Radha Krishna, Amartya sen etc
    3. Lots of answer writing practice.
    4. GK Today module is good especially on question answers section (subscription)
    5. I read selectively and practiced a lot.
  • Current affairs
    1 CGS documents by GK today ( subscription)
    2. My own notes from two newspapers , the Hindu and Indian Express
    3. Selected topics from Yojana and Kurukshetra
  • Environment an ecology
    1. 11th and 12 text books ICSE ( ecology portion )
    2. GK today environment modules (1-7)
    3. Current notes from newspapers
    4. Moef & CC site for updates esp. state of forests and annual report documents
  • International relation
    1. Current affairs from newspapers. Made my own notes in tabular form.
  • Government schemes
    1. GK today schemes
    2. Ministry sites especially rural development, urban and poverty alleviation ,minority, etc
    3 For ready reference and consultation INDIA year book (do not read it a to z)
  • International Organization
    1. Wikipedia. When I was tired to read anything

Views about importance of Test series:

Take as many tests as possible.

What to focus on for Mains Prep?

  1. Go through the syllabus of MAINS and try to remember the topics. This will help you to pick up the relevant portion of news and add to the mains topic.
    2. Daily minimum 2 hour of answer writing is must after prelims one can write 7 questions in an hour. It should be a time bound event.
    3. If possible one should join classroom test series mains. It mimics the exam conditions.
    4. I will say it by my experience that in Mains the conceptual clarity and coherent thought process is given more weightage during marking.
    5. Try to make your own viewpoint on the current issues.
    6. Write balanced, positive perspective with subtle blend of criticism in questions. Conclude on futuristic and positive note.(3-4 lines)
    7. Whenever you write the answer particularly GS – 3 remember to try to link the answer with the current events and relevant examples. Make sure that you project yourself a learned and educated personality.

Tips for students:

Tips for ESSAY writing:
1. Present yours ideas coherently and in simple language.
2. Be original and write what you think about the topic.
3. Don’t put unnecessary facts and figures . only at relevant places.
4. Write in such a way that it has a flow and examiner is engrossed to know what next.
5. Limited quotes. They want your understanding about the topic
6. Write bigger picture of the issue.
7. Multi facets of issues and their impact on various sectors like social, political, economic and ethical should be discussed

Points to be noted:

In the interview-:
1. Be what you are. The diversity among each us is our strength. Polish it, enhance and make it relevant to the situation.
2. Honesty, Integrity, Calmness and Composure are key.
3. Show them what you are than what you are trying to be.
4. Please don’t listen to myths of boards and story that circulate on internet. Don’t have stereotypes of any board. Don’t prepare for boards, Prepare for interview.
5. Showcase yourself a person who is ready to take responsibility of public service.


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