Toppers Testimonials | Dr Nandhinidevi K | AIR-54 CSE 2016


Rank in CSE-2016

Number of attempts (include present one)

Medium (English/Hindi)


Optional Subject

Medical Science


Prelims Strategy:

  • Prelims is not just about mugging up facts- understand the concepts
  • HISTORY- I made separate notes on INC meetings – president- decision and timeline of events.
  • ART AND CULTURE – Focus on architecture , Dance , music , paintings and literature
  • GEOGRAPHY – International organisations related to current events
  • ECONOMICS – Economic survey
  • POLITY– Laxmikant and notes are sufficient.
  • SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Current affairs – focus on Space technology and defence
  • CURRENT AFFAIRS- The Hindu amd Any monthly magazine ( I followed institute magazine. Yojana kurukshetra- to know about new schemes , programs and their specificationCSAT- Workout Previous 2 year question papers

Views about importance of Test series:

Important but stick to one test series genuinely and you can use other test series inputs with respect to current affairs.

What to focus on for Mains Prep?

For essay I looked into previous year question papers and toppers answer sheet to have an idea. I Wrote 4 essays before mains. Analyze the trend of events.  

Having a good writing skill is important. Making notes helps in framing answers.

Tips for students:

People fear to attempt more questions because of negative marks. Try to attend at least 70-75 questions starting with class test series – so that you will learn how to crack the answer.  


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