Toppers Testimonials | Namami Bansal | AIR-17 CSE 2016


Rank in CSE-2016


Number of attempts (include present one)


Medium (English/Hindi)


Optional Subject Economics

Prelims Strategy:

  • Don’t do Ph.D. on each topic. It’s about knowing something important about everything.
  • Interlink things. This makes writing better.
  • Have a compact book list. Don’t keep hoping from one book to another. Read them more and revise them. Don’t read 10 books for 1 topic but read one book 10 times.
  • Read those books for prelims that will help you in mains as well.

Preferred books:

Ramesh Singh for Indian economy, Laxmikanth for polity, and other standard material.

What to focus on for Mains Prep?

  1. General strategy is to have-
    • Self-belief
    • Patience
    • Hard work
  2. Essay paper- can make your score.
    • Your perspective on a topic. Have a holistic approach and don’t think in only one dimension. Have a balanced approach and cover many dimensions in essay.
    • Keep some quotes and facts handy, make a repository of quotes on issues like peace, women empowerment etc. economic survey helped me a lot. It’s a treasury of facts.
    • Practice essays and review them yourself.
  3. Ethics paper- in little effort you get good marks.
    • Get easy definition for things and look around yourself for examples in answer. Eg. something you see in the bus related to swachh bharat, include it in your answer
    • For case studies have an organized approach.
    • List out positives and negatives. Give consideration to the other side also which you are opposing.
  4. General preparation tips-
    • Self-belief
    • Patience
    • Hard work

Tips for students:

Have balance between static and dynamic/current affairs. These two are complementary. Relate the two things. This elevates the quality of our answer. Do some graphical representation- map or flow chart etc. this makes your answers different. State things in an effective manner.

Points to be noted:

For mains don’t keep reading. Focus on answer writing too. If you are able to write well then in knowing less you will score more. Time yourself and write. Be critical while reviewing your answers.


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