Electoral Reforms In India

Supreme Court Strikes Down Electoral Bonds Scheme


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Electoral Bonds Scheme, Article 19, RTI, Proportionality Test

Mains level: Read the attached story

electoral bond


  • The Supreme Court delivered a groundbreaking unanimous judgment, deeming the electoral bonds scheme “unconstitutional and manifestly arbitrary.”
  • Led by Chief Justice of India (CJI) DY Chandrachud, a five-judge Constitution Bench unanimously struck down the scheme, citing infringement on voters’ right to information and disproportionate restrictions.


Key Reasons for Striking Down Electoral Bonds Scheme

[A] Violation of Right to Information (RTI)

  • Petitioners argued that the scheme violates Right to Information under Article 19(1)(a) of the Constitution, emphasizing voters’ right to information regarding political party funding.
  • Despite the government’s stance that citizens lack a “right to know” about political contributions, the court upheld voters’ right to such information, citing the inherent connection between money and politics.
  • The court highlighted the “deep association” between money and politics, stressing the need for transparency to prevent quid pro quo arrangements.

[B] Disproportionate Restrictions:

  • The scheme’s anonymity for donors, aimed at curbing black money, was deemed disproportionate to its goal.
  • Advocates highlighted potential loopholes allowing for cash donations, undermining its efficacy in combating black money.
  • The court emphasized the availability of alternative, less restrictive measures to achieve the scheme’s objectives, such as Section 29C of the Representation of People Act, 1951.

[C] Privacy vs. Public Interest:

  • While the government argued for donor anonymity to protect privacy rights, advocates stressed the importance of public scrutiny in political funding.
  • The court clarified that donor privacy extends only to genuine forms of public support, rejecting absolute anonymity facilitated by the scheme.

[D] Unlimited Corporate Contributions:

  • Advocates underscored the adverse impact of unlimited corporate contributions on free and fair elections.
  • The court reinstated the cap on political contributions from companies, citing the need to prevent undue corporate influence in politics.
  • It noted concerns that unlimited contributions could incentivize quid pro quo arrangements, especially by loss-making companies.

Impact on Key Legal Amendments

  • Representation of the People Act, 1951: The court struck down amendments exempting political parties from disclosing donations above Rs. 20,000, reinforcing the balance between voters’ right to information and donor privacy. (Section 29C)
  • Companies Act, 2013: Amendments allowing unlimited corporate contributions were overturned, restoring the cap on political donations by companies and preserving electoral integrity. (Section 182)
  • Income-tax Act, 1961: Exemptions for political parties to maintain records of donations received via electoral bonds were annulled, safeguarding voters’ right to information. (Section 13A)

Application of Proportionality Test

[A] Definition:

  • The proportionality test assesses the balance between competing fundamental rights or interests and the measures taken by the state to achieve its objectives.
  • It involves four criteria: legality, necessity, proportionality in the strict sense, and balancing of interests.

[B] Government’s Arguments:

  • The government defended the scheme, citing legitimate aims such as tackling black money and protecting donor anonymity.
  • Solicitor General Tushar Mehta argued that the right to information does not extend to information not in the state’s possession.

[C] Court’s Analysis:

  • Applying the proportionality test, the court scrutinized the balance between competing fundamental rights, emphasizing the necessity of the “least restrictive” methods.
  • It underscored the importance of less intrusive alternatives, such as the electoral trusts scheme, in achieving the scheme’s objectives.

Why is this a Landmark case?

  • Burden of Proof: The court held that the state must demonstrate that its measures are the “least restrictive” and that no other “equally effective” methods exist to achieve its objectives.
  • Balancing Competing Rights: Unlike previous approaches prioritizing public interest over individual rights, the court’s focus is on balancing competing fundamental rights.
  • Structured Proportionality Test: The verdict applies a structured proportionality test, requiring the state to demonstrate that its actions restricting fundamental rights are proportional to its objectives.
  • Application of Legal Precedents: While the right-to-privacy ruling laid down the law, subsequent cases like Aadhaar (2018) and Demonetization (2023) applied the structured proportionality test. The electoral bonds verdict represents a significant departure in this regard.


  • The Supreme Court’s verdict reaffirms its commitment to upholding constitutional principles and safeguarding democratic processes.
  • By striking down the electoral bonds scheme and reinstating key legal provisions, the court emphasizes the primacy of transparency and accountability in electoral financing.

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Economic Indicators and Various Reports On It- GDP, FD, EODB, WIR etc

Dravidian Model of Governance: 10 Achievements of Tamil Nadu


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Dravidian Model of Governance

Mains level: Fiscal Federalism

Dravidian Model of Governance


  • Tamil Nadu CM outlined the achievements of the ‘Dravidian Model’ government of the DMK, presenting them as blueprints for other states to follow.

Dravidian Model of Governance

  • Contribution to Indian Economy: Tamil Nadu’s contribution of nine percent to the Indian economy showcases the state’s robust economic growth.
  • GDP Ranking: Securing the second position in contributing to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the nation, with a growth rate of 8.19 percent, surpassing the national average of 7.24 percent.
  • Inflation Control: The state has effectively controlled inflation, with rates falling to 5.97 percent compared to the national figure of 6.65 percent.
  • Export Preparedness: Topping the list of the Export Preparedness Index in the country, with a particular focus on leading in the export of electronic goods.
  • Industrial Investment Climate: Creating a favorable climate for industrial investment, elevating Tamil Nadu to the third position in the country from its previous rank of 14.
  • Education: Achieving the second position in the field of education and securing the first place in innovative industries.
  • Empowerment Initiatives: Prioritizing the welfare of women, young people, persons with disabilities, and marginalized communities, leading to significant improvements in their quality of life.
  • Scheme Implementations: Extensive distribution of assistance to people amounting to ₹6,569.75 crore, including initiatives like the Kalaignar Magalir Urimai Thittam, free bus travel for women, and healthcare schemes benefiting millions of citizens.

Discussion: Fiscal Federalism in India

Fiscal Federalism: Understanding the Context

  • Overview of Fiscal Federalism: Fiscal federalism delineates the financial powers and responsibilities among different levels of government.
  • Provisions Related to Centre-State Financial Relations: The Indian Constitution elaborates on tax distribution and grants-in-aid, supplemented by the role of the Finance Commission.
    1. Part XII of the Constitution: Details provisions regarding the distribution of taxes, non-tax revenues, borrowing powers, and grants-in-aid.
    2. Article 268 to 293: Specifically address financial relations between the Centre and States.
    3. Finance Commission (Article 280): Constitutional body responsible for recommending tax revenue distribution and fiscal discipline.
  • Challenges with Fiscal Transfers: Despite recommendations to increase devolution, there has been a reduction in financial transfers to states, posing challenges to fiscal autonomy.

Challenges and Concerns

  • Centralization of Fiscal Powers: The Union government’s increasing control over fiscal powers challenges state autonomy.
  • Erosion of State Tax Autonomy: Implementation of VAT and GST has diminished states’ ability to set tax rates independently.
  • Constraints on State Expenditure Flexibility: Conditional grants limit states’ discretion in allocating funds according to local priorities.
  • Uniform Fiscal Targets Neglecting State Variations: Uniform fiscal targets fail to address the diverse needs of individual states.
  • Impact of GST Implementation: The GST implementation has shifted tax burdens and reconfigured fiscal dynamics among states.

Steps towards Better Devolution of Finances

  • Re-examining Tax-sharing Principles: Finance Commissions should review tax-sharing principles to align with changing fiscal dynamics.
  • Redesigning Statutory Sharing of Indirect Taxes: Vertical and horizontal devolution mechanisms need re-evaluation to ensure equity and efficiency.
  • Calculating and Allocating Collection Costs: Methods for calculating and allocating collection costs should be devised to enhance tax efficiency.
  • Redesigning Grant Mechanisms: Existing grant mechanisms should be restructured to address evolving fiscal challenges.
  • New Institutional Structures: Establishing formal relationships between the GST Council and Finance Commission can enhance fiscal governance.


  • Tamil Nadu’s governance model, exemplified by Chief Minister Stalin’s comprehensive overview, underscores the state’s commitment to economic progress, social welfare, and inclusive development.
  • Despite challenges in India’s fiscal federalism, Tamil Nadu’s achievements serve as a beacon of hope, demonstrating the potential for states to thrive under effective governance models.
  • Addressing fiscal imbalances and enhancing cooperative federalism are imperative for ensuring equitable distribution of financial resources and fostering sustainable development across the nation.

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Foreign Policy Watch: India-China

China’s Xiaokang Border Defence Villages along LAC


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Xiaokang Border Defence Villages

Mains level: China's motive to populate LAC



  • Recent reports reveal a concerning development along India’s northeastern border with China as the Chinese people have begun occupying several Xiaokang border defence villages. Let’s delve into the details of these villages, their significance, and India’s response to this escalating situation.

About Xiaokang Border Defence Villages

  • Construction Initiative: China initiated the construction of 628 Xiaokang or “well-off villages” along India’s borders with the Tibet Autonomous Region over five years ago, including areas along the Line of Actual Control (LAC).
  • Infrastructure: These villages boast mostly double-storey, spacious buildings, designed for dual-use purposes, raising concerns from a defense standpoint.

Purpose and Concerns

  • Dual-Use Infrastructure: The exact purpose of these villages remains unclear, but they are perceived as strategic assets, capable of serving both civil and military functions.
  • Territorial Assertions: Many in the strategic community view these villages as a means for China to assert its claims over specific areas along the LAC, exacerbating tensions between the two nations.

India’s Response

  • Vibrant Villages Programme: In response, India launched the Vibrant Villages Programme in 2022, aiming to modernize border villages and promote tourism.
  • Pilot Projects: At least 17 border villages along the China-India border have been selected for development, including areas in Ladakh, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Sikkim, and Arunachal Pradesh.
  • Focus on Northeast: Villages in Arunachal Pradesh’s eastern region and the Tawang area are specifically targeted for development, highlighting India’s strategic focus in this region.

Infrastructure Developments

  • China’s Initiatives: China has been actively constructing infrastructure along the LAC, including roads, bridges, and housing in Bhutanese territory.
  • India’s Countermeasures: India is also bolstering its border infrastructure, focusing on enhancing connectivity and developing alternate routes to the LAC, particularly in the northeast region.


  • The occupation of Xiaokang border defence villages by China raises significant concerns about regional stability and territorial integrity.
  • India’s proactive response through developmental initiatives underscores its commitment to safeguarding its borders and promoting socio-economic progress in border areas.
  • As tensions persist, both nations continue to navigate this complex geopolitical landscape with vigilance and strategic foresight.

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Climate Change Impact on India and World – International Reports, Key Observations, etc.

Why fashion industry’s ‘recycling’ methods are not saving the planet?


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: NA

Mains level: Emissions from Fashion Industry



  • From fast-fashion giants to luxury brands, many have embraced recycled fabrics and eco-friendly messaging as part of their marketing strategies.
  • However, a closer look reveals that these recycling methods often fall short of delivering meaningful environmental benefits.

Challenges in Fashion Industry Recycling

[1] Greenhouse Gas Emissions:

  • Polyester, a ubiquitous fabric, contributes substantially to emissions, with 28.2 million tonnes used in 2016 alone, emitting nearly triple the CO2 compared to cotton.
  • Nylon production generates nitrous oxide, a potent greenhouse gas, exacerbating climate change.

[2] Water Intensity:

  • Cotton cultivation, vital for clothing production, consumes vast amounts of water, with estimates suggesting up to 20,000 liters required for a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.
  • Predictions indicate potential water crises by 2030 due to escalating water consumption in clothing production.

[3] Water Pollution:

  • Chemical dyeing, essential for vibrant textiles, ranks as the second-largest polluter of clean water globally, introducing harmful substances into waterways.
  • Cotton cultivation’s heavy reliance on chemicals poses health risks and environmental degradation.

[4] Plastics and Microfibers:

  • Polyester clothing sheds microfibers during washing, contaminating oceans and endangering marine life, with significant quantities entering waterways annually.
  • Non-biodegradable microfibers pose risks to human health and ecosystems, persisting in the environment indefinitely.

[5] Landfill Waste:

  • The fashion industry contributes substantially to landfill waste, with discarded clothing doubling over the past two decades due to fast fashion trends.
  • Limited textile recycling exacerbates the landfill problem, with less than 1% of clothing material being reused.

[6] Inability to Recycle:

  • Complex fabric blends and non-biodegradable materials like polyester and nylon present challenges to recycling technologies, hindering effective reuse.
  • China’s ban on recycled textile imports exacerbates recycling issues, limiting disposal options.

[7] Economic and Ethical Considerations:

  • Economic incentives often prioritize short-term profits over sustainability, perpetuating greenwashing tactics and undermining genuine recycling efforts.
  • Unethical labor practices compound sustainability challenges, highlighting systemic issues in the fashion industry’s supply chain.

Methods for Recycling

  • Mechanical recycling: It breaks down textiles into fibers without altering their chemical composition, suitable for natural fibers like cotton.
  • Chemical recycling: It breaks down textiles into basic chemical components, ideal for synthetic fibers like polyester.
  • Steps involved: Both methods involve sorting, shredding, cleaning, processing, and quality control to produce new fabrics or products, reducing waste in the fashion industry.

Moving Towards True Sustainability

  • Research and Development: Invest in innovative recycling technologies capable of processing complex fabric blends.
  • Transparency and Standards: Implement transparent supply chains and rigorous recycling standards to ensure accountability.
  • Consumer Education: Educate consumers about the true environmental and ethical impact of their clothing choices.
  • Regulation and Accountability: Enforce regulations and industry standards to hold fashion brands accountable for sustainability commitments.
  • Circular Economy Promotion: Embrace circular economy principles, such as extended producer responsibility and product lifecycle management, to minimize waste and resource consumption.


  • While recycling initiatives in the fashion industry offer some benefits, they fall short of addressing the sector’s overarching environmental and ethical challenges.
  • Achieving true sustainability demands systemic changes, including technological innovation, transparent practices, consumer awareness, regulatory enforcement, and circular economy promotion.
  • By embracing these principles, the fashion industry can pave the way towards a genuinely sustainable and equitable future.

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Higher Education – RUSA, NIRF, HEFA, etc.

Too many IITs, unrealistic expectations


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: IITs and other premier institutions

Mains level: Read the attached story


  • New Campus: IIT Madras Zanzibar, inaugurated recently, gained widespread attention following a mention by Amitabh Bachchan on the game show Kaun Banega Crorepati.
  • Significance: The establishment of an IIT campus outside India raises questions about the implications and challenges of operating an IIT beyond national borders.

Historical Context of IITs

  • Founding Principles: The IITs were established with a focus on contributing to the nation’s human resource development, emphasizing their Indian identity and commitment to national service.
  • Technological Geography: Envisioned as institutions of “Indianness,” the IITs symbolize a united India driven by technological advancements, as outlined in the Nalini Ranjan Sarkar Committee’s Report.

Expansion of the IIT System

  • Origins and Growth: Initially comprising five institutions, the IIT system expanded over the years to include 23 IITs across the country, with varying degrees of foreign collaboration.
  • Evolution: While initially focused on technology and engineering, the IITs have evolved to include humanities and social sciences, aligning with the objectives outlined in the National Education Policy of 2020.

Challenges and Realities

  • Institutional Characteristics: The IITs differ from traditional universities in terms of discipline range and size, primarily focusing on undergraduate education and gradually incorporating post-graduate offerings.
  • Academic Rigor and Selectivity: Renowned for their academic excellence, the IITs attract top-tier students and faculty, maintaining rigorous standards despite challenges in faculty recruitment and retention.
  • Regional Presence: The proliferation of IITs across the country, including in smaller towns, raises concerns about maintaining quality standards and infrastructure outside major urban centers.

Adapting to Changing Realities

  • Quality Assurance: Ensuring the quality and relevance of IIT education requires strategic planning and resource allocation, particularly in the face of faculty shortages and infrastructure constraints.
  • Internationalization Efforts: Collaborative initiatives with global universities and enhanced recruitment of foreign faculty can bolster the international reputation and competitiveness of the IITs.
  • Funding and Sustainability: Sustainable funding models, both from government sources and alumni philanthropy, are crucial to preserving the integrity and excellence of the IITs amidst expansion and globalization.

Recommendations for the Future

  • Strategic Focus: Prioritizing excellence over expansion, consolidating resources, and strategically locating IIT campuses can ensure sustained quality and relevance.
  • Global Engagement: Strengthening international collaborations and student exchange programs while maintaining the essence of Indian identity can enhance the global standing of the IITs.
  • Sustainable Growth: Balancing growth with quality assurance measures and fostering regional connections can address challenges associated with overexpansion and ensure long-term sustainability.


  • Preserving Excellence: Upholding the legacy of academic excellence and national service while adapting to changing educational landscapes is essential for the continued success of the IITs.
  • Strategic Vision: A strategic and sustainable approach to growth, internationalization, and quality assurance is imperative to maintain the IITs’ position as India’s premier institutions of higher learning.
  • Collective Responsibility: Collaboration among stakeholders, including government, academia, industry, and alumni, is crucial to safeguarding the integrity and reputation of the IITs for generations to come.

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Minimum Support Prices for Agricultural Produce

From Europe to India, why are Farmers angry?


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: NA

Mains level: Farmers Protests, Key demands


  • Farmers worldwide are mobilizing in protest against various issues ranging from subsidy cuts to environmental regulations.
  • The unrest is witnessed across continents, reflecting a shared struggle against challenges impacting agricultural livelihoods.

Farmers Protests: Worldwide Extent

  • Europe: Farmers in several EU member-nations such as Belgium, France, Germany, and Spain have utilized tactics like tractors in city invasions and supermarket raids to protest subsidy cuts, high energy prices, and cheap imports. They protest against EU environment policies aimed at achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, which include pesticide reduction and nature restoration initiatives.
  • South America: Protests spanned 67% of countries, driven by economic downturns and droughts, with Brazilian farmers rallying against unfair competition from genetically modified maize.
  • Europe: 47% of countries saw protests against low crop prices and rising costs, with French farmers opposing low-cost imports and inadequate subsidies.
  • North and Central America: Protests occurred in 35% of countries, with Mexican farmers protesting low prices and Costa Rican farmers seeking government assistance amid debt.
  • Africa: 22% of countries witnessed protests due to poor pricing and high production costs, with Kenyan potato farmers demanding better prices and Cameroonian farmers opposing cocoa export bans.
  • New Zealand: Farmers protested against government regulations, while Australian farmers opposed proposed high-voltage powerlines.

Asian Protests

  • India: Farmers across nine states demand guaranteed crop prices and loan waivers, echoing protests in Nepal against unfair vegetable pricing.
  • Malaysia and Nepal: Protests stem from low rice and sugarcane prices, respectively.

Government Responses

  • France and Germany have made concessions such as rolling back fuel subsidy cuts and gradually phasing out fuel subsidies.
  • EU politicians have voted against proposed pesticide regulations, and climate rules are being revised ahead of elections.
  • Nature restoration plans have been deferred for now.

Issues Prompting Indian Protests

  • Indian farmers demand legal backing for minimum support prices (MSP) and expansion of MSP coverage beyond rice and wheat, as per a 2021 agreement.
  • Import of cheap edible oil and pulses, alongside climate shocks, have impacted farmer earnings.
  • Additional demands include higher import duties, changes to crop insurance, better seed quality, debt waivers, and social security benefits.


  • Farmer protests globally reflect a unified struggle against economic hardships, environmental regulations, and policy decisions impacting agricultural sustainability and livelihoods.
  • Addressing these concerns requires proactive government responses and comprehensive policy reforms to ensure the welfare of farmers and agricultural resilience.

Also read:

Farmers’ Demands over Minimum Support Price (MSP) Guarantee

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Forest Conservation Efforts – NFP, Western Ghats, etc.

Thanthai Periyar Sanctuary Notification: Implications for Forest Communities


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Forest Rights Act, 2006 and its key provisions; Forest Villages

Mains level: Read the attached story


  • Triggering Concerns: Recently, the notification about the Thanthai Periyar Sanctuary in Tamil Nadu’s Erode district worried nearby forest communities.
  • Potential Rights Denial: Residents fear losing their rights under the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (FRA) due to the sanctuary’s establishment.

About Forest Rights Act, 2006

Purpose Recognizes and vests forest rights and occupation in Forest Dwelling Scheduled Tribes (FDST) and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (OTFD).
Recognition Criteria
  • Forest rights can be claimed by FDST and OTFD who have been residing in forest land for generations.
  • Members or communities must have resided in forest land for at least three generations (75 years) prior to December 13, 2005.
Types of Forest Rights Recognized
  • Title rights: Ownership rights to land farmed by them, subject to a maximum of 4 hectares.
  • Use rights: Rights to extract Minor Forest Produce, grazing areas, etc.
  • Relief and development rights: Provides for rehabilitation in case of illegal eviction or forced displacement and access to basic amenities.
  • Forest management rights: Includes the right to protect, regenerate, conserve, or manage any community forest resource traditionally protected and conserved for sustainable use.
  • Gram Sabha
  • It is responsible for initiating the process for determining Individual Forest Rights (IFR) or Community Forest Rights (CFR).
  • Aims to strengthen the conservation regime of forests while ensuring livelihood and food security of FDST and OTFD.
Historical Injustices Addressed
  • Recognition of historical injustices faced by forest-dwelling communities
  • Empowerment of forest-dwellers for sustainable resource use and livelihood security
  • Predominant focus on individual rights, neglecting community rights
  • Poor recognition of Individual Forest Rights (IFRs) and Community Forest Rights (CFRs)


What are Forest Villages?

  • Definition: Forest villages are settlements located within forest areas, inhabited predominantly by tribal and indigenous communities.
  • Historical Context: These villages have often existed for generations, with residents relying on forest resources for their livelihoods.
  • Conversion Mandate: In 1990, the government ordered all forest villages to become revenue villages, aiming to formalize their status and grant them legal recognition.
  • Incomplete Conversion: Despite these orders, the conversion process remains unfinished in many areas, leaving forest dwellers without essential rights and facilities.

Rights Admitted in the Sanctuary

  • Continuation of Rights: The notification recognizes rights granted under previous laws and the FRA, ensuring some rights for individuals.
  • Implementation Challenges: Tamil Nadu has struggled to enforce the FRA effectively, casting doubt on its implementation within the sanctuary.

Impact on Forest Communities

  • Grazing Restrictions: The ban on cattle grazing within the sanctuary could affect the traditional grazing practices of forest-dwelling communities.
  • Legal Discrepancies: Prohibiting grazing conflicts with the FRA’s recognition of grazing rights, highlighting inconsistencies in policy.

Legal Framework and Challenges

  • WLPA Provisions: Sanctuaries and national parks are governed by the Wildlife (Protection) Act (WLPA) 1972, which mandates protecting rights within them.
  • FRA Supremacy: The FRA overrides conflicting provisions of the WLPA, emphasizing the need to balance conservation with community rights.
  • Implementation Gaps: Despite legal frameworks, inadequate enforcement of the FRA persists, undermining the rights of forest communities.

Tamil Nadu’s FRA Implementation

  • Low Recognition Rate: Tamil Nadu has a poor record in recognizing forest rights, with only a fraction of entitled areas acknowledged under the FRA.
  • National Context: Similar challenges exist nationwide, indicating systemic failures in upholding forest rights and conservation mandates.


  • Urgent Action Needed: Addressing the concerns of forest-dwelling communities and ensuring compliance with legal provisions are crucial for sustainable forest management.
  • Harmonizing Conservation and Rights: Balancing conservation goals with the rights of forest communities is essential for fair and effective forest governance.
  • Call for Accountability: Authorities must prioritize implementing laws and policies that protect both forests and the rights of those dependent on them, promoting environmental justice and social equity.

Try this PYQ from CSP 2019:

Consider the following statements:

  1. As per the recent amendment to the Indian Forest Act, 1927, forest dwellers have the right to fell the bamboos grown on forest areas
  2. As per the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006, bamboo is a minor forest produce
  3. The Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition Forest Rights) Act, 2006 allows ownership of minor forest produce to forest dwellers

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a) 1 and 2 only

(b) 2 and 3 only

(c) 3 only

(d) 1, 2 and 3

Post your answers here.

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Parliament – Sessions, Procedures, Motions, Committees etc

Governor’s Address: Insights from R. Venkataraman’s Perspective


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: President's/Governor's Address

Mains level: Significance of the address


  • The recent episode in the Tamil Nadu Assembly, where Governor R.N. Ravi declined to deliver the customary address, has reignited debates surrounding the significance of the Governor’s Address.
  • He actually walked out in response to an insult of National Anthem in TN Assembly.

President’s/Governor’s Address

  • Constitutional mandate: Articles 87 and 176 of the Constitution confer authority upon the President and Governor, respectively, to address the legislature.
  • Occasions for Address: The addresses are reserved for two specific occasions: the commencement of a new legislative session post-election and the inauguration of the annual legislative session.
  • Significance: Termed the President’s or Governor’s Address, these speeches are pivotal for initiating legislative proceedings.

Governor’s Address to the State Legislature: A Constitutional Obligation

  • Prescribed Duties: Article 176 delineates the Governor’s obligation to address the Legislative Assembly at the onset of each legislative year and post-general elections, with both Houses convened if a Legislative Council exists.
  • Procedural Norms: Established rules govern the time allocated for deliberating the address’s contents, ensuring parliamentary discourse.

Global Parallels: Similar Practices across Democracies

  • Cross-National Comparison: Analogous provisions are observed in democratic nations worldwide.
  • State of the Union: In the United States, it manifests as the “State of the Union” address (1790), while in the United Kingdom, it is the Queen’s Speech (1536), heralding the parliamentary year’s commencement.
  • Indian Context: India’s Presidential Address mirrors the British model, reflecting the ceremonial role of the President, a sentiment echoed during the Constitution’s framing by Dr. B R Ambedkar.

Features of the Address Content

[A] Address Content: Proposals and Achievements

  • Legislative Agenda: The President’s or Governor’s speech encapsulates legislative proposals and government policy initiatives, coupled with a retrospective glance at previous accomplishments.
  • Government Input: Inputs for this address are curated from various government ministries, embodying the administration’s agenda.

[B] Authorship and Agency: Government Responsibility

  • Constitutional Mandate: Governed by constitutional mandate, both the President and Governor are obligated to adhere to the Cabinet’s advice (1950) in their functions, including address preparation.
  • Policy Reflection: Hence, the address is meticulously crafted by the government, serving as a reflection of its policy stance.

[C] Flexibility vs. Normative Adherence: Presidential/Governor Discretion

  • Adherence to Protocol: While refusal to deliver the address is impermissible, deviations from the prepared script are permissible.
  • Instances of Departure: Instances of Governors veering off the scripted path have transpired, although such actions remain rare for Presidents.

Judicial Pronouncement: Upholding Constitutional Framework

  • Legal Precedent: The Supreme Court, in Shamsher Singh v. State of Punjab (1975), underscored the President’s (or Governor’s) adherence to Cabinet advice across functions.
  • Contested Discretion: While discretion to modify the speech is contested, any departure from parliamentary norms may invoke debate.

R. Venkataraman’s Perspective

  • Venkataraman’s Critique: R. Venkataraman, who served as President from 1987 to 1992, vehemently opposed the practice of Presidential and Governor’s addresses, deeming it a “British anachronism” and a “meaningless formality.”
  • Calls for Constitutional Amendment: Venkataraman repeatedly urged PM Rajiv Gandhi and Chandra Shekher to abolish this tradition through a Constitutional amendment, emphasizing its lack of relevance and inherent biases.

Perceptions of the Address

  • Government’s Voice: Venkataraman viewed the address as a mere reflection of the ruling regime’s perspectives, rendering Presidents and Governors mere “mouthpieces” devoid of independent expression.
  • Controversies and Criticism: He expressed dismay over controversies surrounding Governors’ addresses in states like Maharashtra and West Bengal, condemning the opposition’s heckling of figures like Governor Nurul Hasan.
  • Symbolic Adjustments: Venkataraman, in presenting his maiden Presidential address in 1988, advocated for subtle changes like replacing “My government” with “The government,” aligning with India’s constitutional ethos framed by the people.
  • Legacy of British Colonialism: He underscored the incongruity of retaining British-era conventions in India’s democratic framework, emphasizing the need for symbolic adjustments to reflect the nation’s sovereignty.


  • Symbol of Governance: The tradition of Presidential and Governor’s addresses, rooted in constitutional mandate, and symbolizes the fusion of ceremonial protocol with legislative functionality.
  • Executive-Legislative Nexus: As integral components of democratic governance, these addresses underscore the synergy between executive authority and parliamentary accountability, while navigating the delicate balance between tradition and evolving norms.

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Minimum Support Prices for Agricultural Produce

Farmers’ Demands over Minimum Support Price (MSP) Guarantee


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: MSP, National Commission on Farmers, 2004

Mains level: Farmers woes and role of MSP


  • More than 200 farmers’ unions from Punjab plan to march to Delhi, demanding a legal guarantee for Minimum Support Price (MSP).
  • The imposition of Section 144 across Delhi highlights the significance of this protest.

Behind the Protest: Key Demands

  • Legal Guarantee for MSP: Farmers demand a law to enforce MSP for all crops, aligned with the recommendations of the Dr. M S Swaminathan Commission.
  • Full Debt Waiver: Complete debt waiver for farmers and laborers.
  • Land Acquisition Act Implementation: Implementation of the Land Acquisition Act of 2013, with provisions for farmer consent and fair compensation.
  • Withdrawal from WTO: India’s withdrawal from the World Trade Organization (WTO) and freezing of all free trade agreements.
  • Pensions for Farmers: Provision of pensions for farmers and farm laborers.
  • Compensation for Protest Deaths: Compensation for farmers who lost their lives during protests, including job opportunities for their family members.
  • Scrapping of Electricity Amendment Bill 2020: Rejection of the Electricity Amendment Bill 2020.
  • Enhanced MGNREGA Benefits: Increase in the number of days of employment under MGNREGA, higher daily wage, and linkage with farming activities.
  • Penalties for Fake Seeds and Pesticides: Imposition of strict penalties on companies producing fake seeds, pesticides, and fertilizers.
  • National Commission for Spices: Establishment of a national commission for spices such as chili and turmeric.
  • Indigenous Peoples’ Rights: Ensuring the rights of indigenous peoples over water, forests, and land.

Why such furore over MSP?

  • Market Dynamics: Farmers often operate in a buyer’s market, lacking the bargaining power to influence prices for their produce.
  • Need for Stability: MSP provides farmers with a safety net, ensuring they receive a minimum price for their crops regardless of market fluctuations.

What is the Minimum Support Price (MSP)?

  • History of MSP:
  1. MSP in India originated in response to food shortages in the 1960s, notably during the Bihar famine of 1966–1967.
  2. Agricultural Price Commission (APC) was established in 1965 to implement price policies like procurement at pre-decided prices and MSP.
  3. Over time, the APC evolved into the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) in 1985, with broader terms of reference.
  • Announcement: The government bases its announcement on the recommendations given by the Commission for Agricultural Costs & Prices (CACP).
  • Formulae for Calculation:
  1. A2: Costs incurred by the farmer in production of a particular crop. It includes several inputs such as expenditure on seeds, fertilisers, pesticides, leased-in land, hired labour, machinery and fuel
  2. A2+FL: Costs incurred by the farmer and the value of family labour
  3. C2: A comprehensive cost, which is A2+FL cost plus imputed rental value of owned land plus interest on fixed capital, rent paid for leased-in land
  • National Commission of Farmers also known as the Swaminathan Commission (2004) recommended that the MSP should at least be 50 per cent more than the weighted average CoP, which it refers to as the C2 cost.
  • The government maintains that the MSP was fixed at a level of at least 1.5 times of the all-India weighted average CoP, but it calculates this cost as 1.5 times of A2+FL.
  • Crops covered are-
  1. The CACP recommends MSPs for 22 mandated crops and fair and remunerative price (FRP) for sugarcane.
  2. The mandated crops include 14 crops of the kharif season, 6 rabi crops and 2 other commercial crops.

Criticism of MSP and Alternatives

  • Economists’ Perspective: Many economists criticize government-fixed MSPs, advocating for income support schemes as a more efficient alternative.
  • Income Support Schemes: Direct income support offers fixed payments to farmers, irrespective of crop choice or market conditions, aiming to provide stable income.

Approaches to Guarantee MSP

  • Conventional Methods: Historically, MSP was enforced through mandatory buyer payments or government procurement. However, these methods face challenges in implementation and sustainability.
  • Price Deficiency Payments (PDP): PDP offers an alternative approach, wherein the government compensates farmers for the difference between MSP and market price, without physical procurement.

PDP Models in Practice

[1] Madhya Pradesh: Bhavantar Bhugtan Yojana

  • Model: It experimented with PDP but encountered challenges in sustainability and central support.
  • Operational Mechanism: Market price is determined based on average modal rates in APMC mandis, with payments backed by sale agreements, weighment slips, and payment letters.

[2] Haryana: Bhavantar Bharpai Yojana

  • Model: It combines physical procurement with PDP, demonstrating feasibility in certain crops.
  • Operational Platform: BBY operates on the ‘Meri Fasal, Mera Byaura’ portal, where farmers register their details and area sown under different crops.
  • Registration Process: Registration for kharif and rabi crops is open during specific periods, followed by crop area verification through satellite imaging.
  • Hybrid Approach: Haryana combines physical procurement with PDP under BBY, depending on the gap between MSP and market price.
  • Payment Structure: PDP rates are fixed, derived from average quotes at the National Commodity and Derivatives Exchange, with farmers paid based on the three-year average yield for their block/sub-district.

Way Forward

  • Scaling PDP Nationwide: A nationwide PDP scheme, with central funding, could incentivize states to adopt similar models, leveraging existing market infrastructure for efficient MSP delivery.
  • Infrastructure Development: Investing in market infrastructure and transaction recording systems is crucial for widespread MSP implementation, ensuring transparency and accountability.


  • Policy Implications: The debate over MSP guarantee underscores the need for balanced policies that address farmers’ concerns while ensuring market efficiency.
  • Alternative: Exploring innovative mechanisms like PDP alongside traditional approaches can offer a viable solution to the challenge of MSP guarantee, benefiting farmers across diverse agricultural landscapes.

Back2Basics: National Commission on Farmers, 2004 (MS Swaminathan Commission)

  • Established in 2004 under the chairmanship of Prof. M. S. Swaminathan.
  • Submits five reports between December 2004 and October 2006.
  • Reflects priorities outlined in the Common Minimum Programme.

Key Recommendations

  • Addressing Agrarian Distress: Implement holistic national policy for farmers; Ensure farmers’ control over resources like land, water, credit, and markets.
  • Land Reforms: Distribute surplus land and prevent diversion of agricultural land; Advocate for inserting “Agriculture” in the Concurrent List of the Constitution.
  • Water Management: Ensure sustained water access and promote rainwater harvesting.
  • Infrastructure Investment: Increase public investment in agricultural infrastructure; Promote conservation farming and soil health.
  • Credit and Financial Support: Expand rural credit, lower interest rates, and establish agriculture risk fund; Provide debt restructuring and health insurance to farmers.
  • Food Security: Establish universal public distribution system and nutrition support programs.
  • Preventing Farmers’ Suicides: Provide measures to prevent farmers’ suicides, including health insurance and debt restructuring.
  • Market Reforms: Promote farmers’ organizations, improve MSP implementation, and market reforms.
  • Employment Opportunities: Focus on creating productive employment opportunities and improving wage parity.
  • Bioresources: Preserve traditional rights, conserve biodiversity, and enhance crop and animal breeds.

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Electoral Reforms In India

States do not violate Constitution in appointment of Deputy CM: Supreme Court


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Deputy CM

Mains level: Political alliances and their stable functioning


  • The Supreme Court recently dismissed a petition challenging the appointment of Deputy Chief Ministers in States, stating that the position does not breach the Constitution.
  • Despite lacking constitutional backing, Deputy CM play significant roles in state governments, raising questions about their powers, significance, and concerns.

What is the Deputy CM Position?

  • Constitutional Status: Unlike the Vice President of India, the Deputy CM post is political rather than constitutional.
  • Origin: The post traces back to the Deputy PM position established in 1947 post-independence, leading to the evolution of Deputy CM roles in states.
  • Appointment and Tenure: Deputy CMs are appointed and removed at the discretion of the Chief Minister, who may appoint multiple Deputy CMs.
  • Historical Context: Anugrah Narayan Sinha of Bihar was the first Deputy CM post-Independence, with 12 states in India having Deputy CMs as of July 2023.

Powers and Responsibilities

  • Rank and Pay: Deputy CMs hold a rank equivalent to cabinet ministers, receiving similar pays and perks.
  • Portfolio Allocation: They are entrusted with portfolios, although typically smaller in scale compared to the Chief Minister.
  • Financial Powers: Deputy CMs hold no specific financial authority, requiring approval from the Chief Minister for expenditures exceeding allocated budgets.
  • Administrative Role: They facilitate governance and administration, acting as a bridge between the ruling party and its allies.

Significance of Deputy CMs

  • Political Stability: Deputy CMs contribute to coalition government stability by bridging gaps between ruling parties and allies, reducing incidents of anti-defection.
  • Representation and Trust: Their presence ensures better representation of communities, fostering public trust in governance.
  • Succession and Accountability: Deputy CMs serve as potential successors to the Chief Minister, promoting transparency and accountability in government.

Concerns and Suggestions

  • Lack of Constitutional Backing: Raises concerns about role ambiguity and potential exploitation by Chief Ministers.
  • Multiplicity of Appointments: No limit on the number of Deputy CMs can lead to appeasement and governance complexities.
  • Complexity in Governance: Overlapping roles with cabinet ministers may complicate governance and administration.

Future Perspectives

  • Clarity and Limitations: Need for a defined role and limitations for Deputy CMs to simplify governance structures.
  • Political Literacy: Enhancing awareness among citizens about the role and function of Deputy CMs is essential for informed governance.

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) Breakthrough

ASEAN’s Approach to AI Governance


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: ASEAN, DPDP Bill, GPAI

Mains level: Key takeaways from Global AI Governance Measures


  • Background: The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) recently unveiled its AI governance and ethics guidelines during the 4th ASEAN Digital Ministers’ Meeting in Singapore.
  • Objective: These guidelines outline a voluntary and business-friendly vision for managing AI technologies while fostering economic growth.

About Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)

Established August 8, 1967
Members Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam
Objective To promote political and economic cooperation and regional stability among member countries.
Key Areas of Cooperation
  • Economic Integration
  • Political and Security Cooperation
  • Social and Cultural Cooperation
Significance Promotes economic growth, stability, and peace in the Southeast Asian region. It is also a forum for diplomatic dialogue and conflict resolution.
ASEAN Secretariat Jakarta, Indonesia (The ASEAN Secretariat is the organization responsible for coordinating ASEAN activities.)

ASEAN’s AI Regulations

  • Flexibility and Specificity: ASEAN’s regulations are less prescriptive compared to the EU’s, reflecting the region’s diverse digital ecosystem and infrastructure.
  • Soft Law Approach: Instead of enacting hard law, ASEAN favors voluntary guidelines and codes of conduct to regulate AI.

Comparison with EU’s AI Regulation

  • Diverging Approaches: ASEAN’s approach to AI regulation contrasts with the European Union’s (EU) more stringent framework, known as the AI Act, which imposes stricter rules on AI usage.
  • EU Lobbying Efforts: EU officials have attempted to persuade Asian nations to align with their regulations, but ASEAN’s guidelines signal a departure from the EU’s stance.

About EU Framework for AI Regulation

European Union has prepared to implement the world’s first comprehensive legislation aimed at regulating AI, with a parliamentary vote expected in early 2024 and potential enforcement by 2025.

Components of the EU Framework:

Safeguards in Legislation
  • Individuals can file complaints against AI violations.
  • Clear boundaries on AI use by law enforcement.
  • Strong restrictions on facial recognition and AI manipulation of human behaviour.
  • Tough penalties for companies found breaking the rules.
  • Real-time biometric surveillance in public areas is permitted only for serious threats.
Categorization of AI Applications AI applications are classified into four risk categories based on their level of risk and invasiveness.

  1. Banned Applications: Mass-scale facial recognition and behavioural control AI applications are largely banned.
  2. High-Risk Applications: Allowed with certification and transparency requirements.
  3. Medium-Risk Applications: Deployable without restrictions, with disclosure to users about AI interaction.
  4. No Risk
Other Regulatory Achievements General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): Enforced since May 2018, focusing on privacy and data processing consent.

Challenges in ASEAN’s Regulatory Landscape

  • Diverse Political Systems: ASEAN comprises nations with varied political systems, making consensus-building on issues like censorship challenging.
  • Varying Tech Sector Maturity: Disparities exist within ASEAN, with some members boasting advanced tech sectors while others are still developing their digital infrastructure.

ASEAN’s Voluntary Approach

  • Avoiding Over-Regulation: ASEAN nations are cautious about over-regulating AI to avoid stifling innovation and driving investment away.
  • Emphasis on Talent Development: The guidelines prioritize nurturing AI talent, upskilling workforces, and investing in research and development.

Future Prospects for ASEAN’s AI Regulation

  • Potential for Stricter Regulations: While ASEAN’s current approach is incremental, some member states, like Indonesia and the Philippines, have expressed interest in enacting comprehensive AI legislation.
  • EU’s Influence: The implementation of the EU’s AI Act will influence ASEAN’s policymakers, shaping their decisions on future AI regulation.

How India is planning to regulate AI?

Major Advocacies
  • #AIFORALL: Aimed at inclusivity, started in 2018.
  • NITI Aayog’s National Strategy for AI (2018): Includes a chapter on responsible AI.
  • Principles of Responsible AI: Outlined in a 2021 paper by NITI Aayog.
  • IndiaAI Program: Launched in 2023 by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology.
  • TRAI Recommendations: Proposed a risk-based framework for regulation.
Major Sector Initiatives
  • Healthcare: Ethical guidelines for AI issued by the Indian Council of Medical Research in June 2023.
  • Capital Market: SEBI circular in January 2019 guiding AI policies in the capital market.
  • Education: National Education Policy 2020 suggests integrating AI awareness into school courses.
  • India joined the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) as a founding member in 2020.
  • Became the Chair of the GPAI in November 2022 after France.
  • Hosted the GPAI Summit in December 2023.


  • Policy Considerations: ASEAN’s approach to AI governance balances the need for regulation with the promotion of innovation and economic growth.
  • Monitoring EU Developments: ASEAN will closely monitor the implementation and impact of the EU’s AI Act to inform its own regulatory decisions.
  • Evolution of AI Regulation: The trajectory of AI regulation in ASEAN will depend on factors such as technological advancements, regional cooperation, and global regulatory trends.

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Terrorism and Challenges Related To It

How Courts have been Granting Bail in UAPA cases?


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: UAPA Bail Provisions

Mains level: Bail as a diffuser in UAPA Provisions


  • The Supreme Court’s recent decision to deny bail to an accused in an alleged “Khalistan module,” highlights the stringent bail provisions under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA).
  • Unlike ordinary criminal law, the UAPA imposes higher hurdles for granting bail, reflecting the gravity of offenses related to terrorism and unlawful activities.

About Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA)

Purpose To provide for the prevention of certain unlawful activities of individuals and associations, dealing with terrorist activities, and activities directed against the integrity and sovereignty of India.
  • Indian and foreign nationals and applies throughout India.
  • Citizens of India outside India, persons in the service of the Government, and persons on ships and aircraft registered in India.
  • Enacted in 1967 based on the recommendation of the Committee on National Integration and Regionalism.
  • Followed the Constitution (Sixteenth Amendment) Act, 1963, which empowered Parliament to impose reasonable restrictions on freedom of speech and expression, right to assemble peaceably, and right to form associations or unions.
Key Provisions
  • Declaration as unlawful (Section 3): Central government has absolute power to declare any association unlawful.
  • Chargesheet (Section 45): Investigating agency must file a chargesheet within 180 days after arrests, extendable further after court intimation.
  • Punishment (Section 16, 18): Includes death penalty and life imprisonment.
2004 Amendment
  • Added “Terrorist Act”: To the list of offenses enabling the ban of organizations involved in terrorist activities.
  • Expanded the definition of “unlawful” activities: To include terrorist acts, in addition to actions related to secession and cession of territory.
2019 Amendment
  • Central Government to designate individuals as terrorists based on specific grounds.
  • National Investigation Agency (NIA) DG, authority to approve seizure or attachment of property during NIA investigations.
  • NIA officers of the rank of Inspector or above to investigate terrorism cases, expanding the scope from officers of the rank of Deputy Superintendent or Assistant Commissioner of Police.

Bail Provisions in UAPA: Section 43D (5)  

  • Key Provision: Section 43D (5) of the UAPA stipulates that accused individuals charged under specific chapters of the Act shall not be granted bail unless certain conditions are met.
  • Bail Criteria: The law places the burden on the accused to demonstrate to the court that the accusations against them are not prima facie true, shifting the onus from the prosecution to the defense.

Impact of Judicial Precedents

  • Watali Judgment (2019): The Supreme Court’s ruling in Zahoor Ahmed Shah Watali v NIA established a precedent wherein bail decisions under the UAPA are based solely on accepting the prosecution’s case at face value.
  • Limitations on Defense: Legal scholars argue that the Watali judgment restricts the defense’s ability to challenge the prosecution’s case effectively, undermining the principle of a fair trial.

Post-Watali Developments

  • Court Discretion: Despite the stringent bail provisions, courts have granted bail in certain cases, emphasizing the need for specific, individual charges supported by credible evidence.
  • Differing Judicial Interpretations: Subsequent judgments, such as in Union of India vs KA Najeeb (February 2021) and Vernon Gonsalves v State of Maharashtra (July 2023), have provided nuances to the bail criteria, recognizing the importance of balancing liberty with the right to a speedy trial.

Challenges and Future Implications

  • Legal Ambiguity: Divergent interpretations by different benches highlight the need for clarity in UAPA bail provisions, with the potential for larger benches to resolve conflicting precedents.
  • Case Analysis: The recent denial of bail to a Khalistani protagonist underscores the predominance of the Watali ruling in UAPA bail decisions, despite potential inconsistencies with other judgments.


  • Balancing Rights: The debate over UAPA bail provisions reflects the delicate balance between safeguarding national security and protecting individual liberties.
  • Legal Evolution: The evolution of judicial interpretations will shape the future landscape of UAPA bail jurisprudence, influencing the rights of accused individuals in cases involving national security concerns.

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Child Rights – POSCO, Child Labour Laws, NAPC, etc.

Safeguarding Children Online: Addressing Tech Risks and Solutions


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: DPDP Bill, 2023

Mains level: Children's Online Safety


  • Recent Congressional hearings, including Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s public apology, shed light on the alarming rise of online child exploitation, prompting global concerns over children’s safety on social media platforms.
  • Tech giants face mounting pressure worldwide as parents and activists demand increased accountability and safer online environments for children, highlighting issues beyond privacy concerns to encompass broader security risks.

Risks to Children’s Online Safety

  • UNICEF Report Findings: A UNICEF report titled ‘The Metaverse, Extended Reality and Children’ underscores significant risks associated with virtual environments, including exposure to explicit content, cyberbullying, and data privacy violations, which could have profound impacts on children’s well-being.
  • Emerging Dangers: Virtual environments and games, while not fully immersive yet, present dangers such as exposure to inappropriate content and exploitation, raising questions about the ethical implications of children’s digital interactions.

Issues Faced by Children Online

  • Exposure to Inappropriate Content: Children may inadvertently encounter violent, pornographic, or hate speech content while navigating the internet.
  • Online Predators and Grooming: Children face the risk of encountering online predators who exploit social media and gaming platforms to form relationships and groom them for exploitation.
  • Cyberbullying: Children can fall victim to cyberbullying, which entails using digital technology to harass, intimidate, or humiliate others.
  • Privacy Concerns: Due to a lack of awareness about privacy settings, children may unintentionally disclose personal information online.
  • Addictive Behavior: Excessive screen time and prolonged use of digital devices can foster addictive behaviors, impacting children’s mental and physical well-being, academic performance, and social interactions.

Challenges Posed by Generative AI

  • Potential Benefits and Pitfalls: Generative AI offers opportunities for creativity and learning but also poses risks, including the spread of disinformation and harmful content that could influence children’s cognitive development adversely.
  • Vulnerability to Misinformation: Children, with developing cognitive abilities, are particularly susceptible to misinformation propagated through AI-generated content, raising concerns about the impact on their perceptions and behaviors.

Measures in India: DPDP Bill, 2023

  • Definition of Minors: The DPDP Bill defines individuals under the age of 18 as minors. This definition acknowledges that children are particularly vulnerable and deserve additional safeguards for their personal data.
  • Data Processing Obligations: The bill places three specific conditions on data processing entities when handling children’s data:
  1. Obtaining verifiable parental consent: As mentioned above, entities must ensure they have proper consent from a parent or guardian before processing a child’s data.
  2. Not causing harm to children: Data processing activities should not harm or exploit children in any way.
  3. Not tracking or targeting ads at children: Entities are prohibited from tracking children’s online behavior for targeted advertising purposes.
  • Exemptions: The bill allows the government to exempt certain entities from the requirement of parental consent and tracking and targeting ads for specific purposes. However, such exemptions must be for the best interests of a child.

Way Forward

  • Corporate Responsibility: Tech companies must prioritize ‘safety by design,’ integrating measures to protect children’s well-being and privacy into their platforms, guided by principles outlined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
  • Regulatory Intervention: Governments play a crucial role in periodically assessing and updating regulatory frameworks to address emerging challenges in child safety online, including combating harmful content and behavior.
  • Community Engagement: Upholding existing rules and norms that protect children offline should extend to the digital realm, fostering a collective responsibility among stakeholders to create a safer online environment for children.


  • Addressing the multifaceted risks to children’s safety online requires collaborative efforts from tech companies, governments, and communities, guided by a shared commitment to uphold children’s rights and well-being in the digital age.

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Climate Change Impact on India and World – International Reports, Key Observations, etc.

India set to transition to Hyperlocal Extreme Weather Forecasting


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: History of IMD

Mains level: Hyperlocal Extreme Weather: Prediction Challenges


  • Weather forecasting is vital for disaster management and decision-making in India, where extreme weather events like rain, cyclones, heatwaves, and droughts pose significant challenges.
  • The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) specializes in predicting weather patterns using sophisticated observation, modelling, and interpretation techniques.

About the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD)

  • National Meteorological Service of India;
  • Principal government agency for meteorology and allied subjects
Ministry Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India
  1. Provide meteorological observations and forecasts
  2. Warn against severe weather phenomena
  3. Provide meteorological statistics
  4. Conduct and promote research in meteorology
  • Established in 1875 after devastating cyclones;
  • Started with just one individual
  • Significant progress in understanding monsoons;
  • Enhanced cyclone forecasting post-1999 Odisha super cyclone
Diversified Roles
  • Expanded services beyond weather forecasting;
  • Provides specialized services for various sectors
Global Recognition
  • Recognized as Regional Climate Centre for South Asia;
  • Contributes to UN’s ‘Early Warning for All’ programme
Major Initiatives
  1. National Monsoon Mission (NMM)
  2. Mausam App
  3. Doppler Weather Radars

Challenges in Weather Forecasting

  • Variability in Tropical Regions: Tropical countries like India face inherently higher weather variability.
  • Hurdles: Despite advancements, IMD forecasts still encounter inaccuracies, particularly during winter and summer monsoons.
  • Insufficient Ground Stations: The limited number of ground stations hinders accurate monitoring, with only around 800 automatic weather stations (AWS) and 37 doppler weather radars (DWR) against the required thousands.

Transition to Modern Technologies

  • Prediction Software: Current forecasting software relies on global forecasting and weather research models, which are not the most modern.
  • Emerging Technologies: Start-ups are adopting artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) for predictions, necessitating an integrated data system to fill existing gaps.

Initiatives for Improvement

  • WINDS Program: The Weather Information Network and Data System (WINDS) aim to install over 200,000 ground stations (AWS and ARG) to enhance weather data utilization and promote wider applications in agriculture and other sectors.
  • Air Quality Monitoring: Make in India initiatives facilitate the production of low-cost, reliable sensor-based air quality monitoring systems, aiding in quick installations, particularly in urban areas.

Addressing Air Pollution Challenges

  • Fog and Air Pollution: Dense fog exacerbates air pollution issues, trapping pollutants and posing health risks. Initiatives to manufacture affordable air quality sensors and establish nationwide networks are underway.
  • Role of AI/ML: Integrated AI/ML-based models leveraging data from new sensors can improve fog prediction and aid in timely decision-making regarding transportation and health impacts.

Towards a Comprehensive Infrastructure

  • Advancements: India is on track to establish a robust air quality and weather information network.
  • Integration and Collaboration: Seamless data sharing and system integration among stakeholders are crucial for achieving this national infrastructure.
  • Potential Impact: A unified information gateway will play a vital role in addressing climate and environmental challenges.


  • India’s strides in weather forecasting and air quality monitoring underscore its commitment to enhancing disaster preparedness and environmental sustainability.
  • With concerted efforts and technological advancements, India is poised to establish a world-class infrastructure crucial for tackling climate-related issues.

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Uniform Civil Code: Triple Talaq debate, Polygamy issue, etc.

Is Polygamy more prevalent among Muslims?


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Laws allowing Polygamy in India

Mains level: Societal implications of Polygamy


Polygamy in India

  • In India, polygamy is allowed for Muslims under the Muslim Personal Law Application Act (Shariat) of 1937, as construed by the All India Muslim Personal Law Board.
  • Polygamy is recognized as a religious practice within the Muslim community, and Muslims have the legal right to enter into polygamous marriages.

Uttarakhand Law: Monogamy Extension to Muslim Community

  • Extension of Monogamy Rule: The UCC extends the rule of monogamy to the Muslim community.
  • Marriage Conditions: It mandates that neither party entering into marriage should have a living spouse at the time of marriage.
  • Alignment with Existing Laws: This aligns with the provisions of the Hindu Marriage Act of 1955, signifying a departure from previous allowances under Muslim personal law.


Limitations in Data Assessment

  • Reliance on Census and NFHS: Government data primarily relies on the decadal census and the National Family Health Survey (NFHS), each with its constraints.
  • Census Inference: Census data indirectly infer polygamy from the disparity between the number of married men and women. According to the 2011 census, there are 28.65 crore married men in India, compared to 29.3 crore married women, suggesting a potential prevalence of polygamy or migration.
  • NFHS Insights: NFHS directly addresses polygamy through its survey questions but represents less than 1% of the total households in India, limiting its scope. The NFHS-5 data revealed polygamy rates highest among:
  1. Christians (2.1%)
  2. Muslims (1.9%) and
  3. Hindus (1.3%)
  • IIPS Study: According to a June 2022 study by the International Institute of Population Sciences (IIPS), polygynous marriages decreased from 1.9% in 2005-06 to 1.4% in 2019-21 among the whole population. Buddhists, who reported a 3.8% incidence of polygyny in 2005-06, saw a sharp decline to 1.3% in 2019-21.

Insights from Census and NFHS Data

  • Census Inference: Census data indirectly infer polygamy from the disparity between the number of married men and women.
  • NFHS Insights: NFHS directly addresses polygamy through its survey questions but represents less than 1% of the total households in India, limiting its scope.

Laws in India banning Polygamy

  • Hindu Marriage Act, 1955: This act applies to Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, and Sikhs and declares polygamous marriages as void. Section 11 of the act specifically states that a marriage is void if either party has a living spouse at the time of the marriage.
  • Special Marriage Act, 1954: This act allows individuals from different religions or those who do not wish to follow their respective religious laws to marry. Like the Hindu Marriage Act, it also prohibits polygamy under Section 4(1)(i).
  • Indian Penal Code, 1860: Sections 494 and 495 of the IPC deal with the offence of bigamy. Section 494 states that marrying again during the lifetime of one’s spouse is illegal and punishable, while Section 495 prescribes punishment for concealing a former marriage.

Judicial Precedents against Polygamy

  • Parayankandiyal v. K. Devi & Others (1996): The Supreme Court concluded that monogamous relationships were the standard and ideology of Hindu society, which condemned polygamy. The court emphasized that polygamy was not allowed to become a part of Hindu culture due to the influence of religion.
  • State of Bombay v. Narasu Appa Mali (1951): The Bombay High Court ruled that the Bombay (Prevention of Hindu Bigamy Marriage) Act, 1946 was not discriminatory. The Supreme Court later affirmed this decision, asserting that state legislatures have the authority to enact measures for public welfare and reforms, even if they conflict with Hindu religious practices.
  • Javed & Others v. State of Haryana & Others (2003): The Supreme Court clarified that under Article 25 of the Indian Constitution, freedom of religion is subject to social harmony, dignity, and wellness. While Muslim law allows for polygamous marriages, it is not compulsory, and the court emphasized that religious practices must align with constitutional principles.

Why it should be banned?

  • Gender Inequality: It perpetuates unequal treatment of women, often treating them as property and denying them autonomy.
  • Exploitation: Polygamous marriages can involve coercion and exploitation, especially of vulnerable individuals.
  • Financial Burden: Supporting multiple spouses and children can lead to economic instability and poverty.
  • Emotional Impact: Polygamous relationships can cause jealousy, conflict, and emotional distress among spouses and children.
  • Social Cohesion: Polygamy can disrupt social harmony, fostering competition and resentment within communities.
  • Legal Challenges: Polygamous marriages pose legal complexities related to inheritance, custody, and other matters.
  • Health Risks: There are increased risks of domestic violence, sexually transmitted infections, and inadequate healthcare in polygamous households.


  • Progressive Legislative Move: Passage of the UCC Bill in Uttarakhand signifies a progressive move towards legal uniformity in personal laws.
  • Data Collection Challenges: Assessment of polygamy prevalence underscores the need for comprehensive and accurate data collection methodologies.
  • Policy Implications: Addressing these challenges will be pivotal in formulating effective policies and fostering social cohesion in civil law.

Try this PYQ from CSP 2019:

Which Article of the Constitution of India safeguards one’s right to marry the person of one’s choice?

(a) Article 19
(b) Article 21
(c) Article 25
(d) Article 29


Post your answers here.

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Minority Issues – SC, ST, Dalits, OBC, Reservations, etc.

Supreme Court’s Inquiry into Amending the Preamble


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Amendments to the Preamble

Mains level: Debate over Secularism as a constitutional principle



  • A public interest litigation filed by former Rajya Sabha MP Dr. Subramanian Swamy seeks to delete the words “Socialist” & “Secular” from the Preamble to the Constitution of India.
  • The case questions the validity of the insertion of these words via the 42nd Constitution Amendment of 1976 during Prime Minister Indira Gandhi’s tenure.
  • It argues that the amendment was beyond the amending power of the Parliament under Article 368.

Why discuss Preamble?

  • Original Draft: The Preamble was adopted on November 26, 1949, by the Constituent Assembly of India, setting out the Constitution’s guiding purpose and principles.
  • 1976 Amendment: The 42nd Constitution Amendment introduced the words “Socialist” and “Secular” to the Preamble, altering its initial declaration.
  • Legal Implications: The insertion faces scrutiny over its legality and alignment with the Constitution’s foundational principles.

Amending the Preamble

  • Judicial Inquiry: During the hearing, Justice Datta remarked on the amendability of the Preamble. He pondered if the Preamble could have been amended earlier (by the 42nd Amendment Act in 1976) to include the words Socialist and Secular while retaining the date of adoption (November 29, 1949).
  • Discussion on Academic Grounds: The judge prompted counsels to consider, academically, the feasibility of amending the Preamble while preserving its original adoption date.
  • Historical Context: Justice Datta noted that the Preamble, unique with its specified adoption date, underwent changes, but the inclusion of “Socialist” and “Secular” was a notable amendment.
  • Legal Challenge: The petition challenges the constitutionality of the insertion, arguing that it contradicts the Constitution’s original intent and undermines the citizens’ right to choose their political ideologies.
  • Kesavananda Bharti Precedent: The inquiry draws upon the landmark Kesavananda Bharti case (1973) where the Supreme Court held that the Preamble was an integral part of the Constitution and subject to amendment, provided it didn’t violate the Constitution’s basic structure.

Addition of “Socialist” and “Secular”

  • The 42nd Amendment: During the Emergency imposed by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in 1976, the terms “socialist” and “secular” were added to the Preamble through The Constitution (42nd Amendment) Act, 1976.
  • Indira Gandhi’s Agenda: Indira Gandhi’s government aimed to emphasize a socialist and pro-poor image, aligning with slogans such as “garibi hatao” (Eradicate poverty). The addition of “socialist” highlighted socialism as a fundamental goal of the Indian state.
  • Distinctive Indian Socialism: The Indian version of socialism did not endorse complete nationalization but emphasized selective nationalization of essential sectors.

Understanding “Secular”

  • Religious Diversity: India is home to diverse religious beliefs and practices. The term “secular” was added to the Preamble to promote unity and fraternity among people of various faiths.
  • State Neutrality: Secularism in the Indian context implies that the state maintains neutrality and impartiality towards all religions. It does not favor any particular religion as a “state religion.”
  • Secularism as Law: Articles 25-28 of the Constitution secure the secular nature of the Indian state.
  • Inherent in the Constitution: The philosophy of secularism was inherent in the Constitution even before the 42nd Amendment.

Debates Surrounding “Socialist” and “Secular”

  • Consensus on Secularism: The concept of secularism was already part of the Constitution’s philosophy. The insertion of the word “secular” in the Preamble simply made explicit what was implicit in various provisions.
  • Constituent Assembly Discussions: The Constituent Assembly debated including these words in the Preamble but decided against it.
  • Dr. B. R. Ambedkar’s Perspective: Dr. B. R. Ambedkar argued that issues related to the state’s policy, organization, and economic aspects should be determined by the people, not dictated by the Constitution itself.
  • Ongoing Debates: Over the years, there have been petitions and discussions regarding the removal of “socialist” and “secular” from the Preamble. Some argue that these terms were added arbitrarily during the Emergency.


  • The Supreme Court’s inquiry into the amendment of the Preamble reflects a critical examination of constitutional principles.
  • The case raises fundamental questions about the scope of parliamentary amending power and the preservation of constitutional integrity.
  • The outcome of this legal challenge will have significant implications for the interpretation of the Constitution’s core values and the balance of power between Parliament and the judiciary.

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Foreign Policy Watch: India-Myanmar

India suspends Free Movement Regime (FMR) with Myanmar


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Free Movement Regime (FMR), 16km buffer

Mains level: India-Myanmar Relations

Free Movement Regime


About Free Movement Regime

  • Initiated in the 1970s, the FMR allowed people living within 16 km of the India-Myanmar border to travel up to 16 km into the other country without a visa.
  • India shares a 1,643 km-long border with Myanmar, which passes through the States of Arunachal Pradesh (520 km), Nagaland (215 km), Manipur (398 km), and Mizoram (510 km).
  • This regime recognized the deep-rooted familial and ethnic connections between communities on either side of the unfenced border.
  • The FMR was last revised in 2016, aligning with India’s Act East policy. However, it was suspended in Manipur since 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Historical Context of India-Myanmar Relations

India’s relationship with Myanmar has evolved over time, shaped by historical events and geopolitical shifts:

  • Pre-1937: Deep-rooted cultural and religious ties, marked by ancient Buddhist exchanges.
  • 1937 Separation: Burma’s separation from British India, leading to distinct political trajectories.
  • Post-1962 Coup: Strained relations due to Myanmar’s military rule and alignment with China.
  • 1990s Shift: India’s re-engagement with Myanmar under its Look East Policy, emphasizing economic and strategic cooperation.
  • 2015 Democracy: Improved bilateral ties following Myanmar’s transition to democracy.
  • 2021 Coup: Renewed challenges in relations due to Myanmar’s military takeover and ensuing instability.

Why is Myanmar important to India?

[A] Geopolitical Perspective

  • Border sharing: India and Myanmar share a significant land border of over 1600 km and a maritime boundary in the Bay of Bengal, emphasizing the importance of stability in Myanmar for India.
  • Geostrategic Location: Myanmar’s location is pivotal for India’s “Act East” policy and the development of the Northeast region, acting as a vital link between South Asia and Southeast Asia.
  • Multilateral support: Myanmar’s unique position as the only ASEAN nation bordering India makes it crucial for regional cooperation. It is a member of BIMSTEC, SAARC observer, and part of the Mekong Ganga Cooperation, facilitating India’s multilateral engagement.
  • Security Imperatives: Myanmar’s territory serves as a base for insurgent groups like NSCN-K, necessitating collaboration for counter-insurgency efforts. Additionally, addressing the drug trade originating from the Golden Triangle region is a shared security concern.
  • Chinese Influence: India sees Myanmar as a strategic partner to counterbalance China’s expanding influence in the region, emphasizing the need for enhanced bilateral engagement.

[B] Socioeconomic Perspective

  • Cultural Affinities: Beyond geographical proximity, India and Myanmar share ethnic, religious, and linguistic commonalities, fostering cultural bonds.
  • Indian Diaspora: Myanmar is home to a sizable population of Indian origin, estimated at around 2.5 million, strengthening people-to-people ties between the two nations.
  • Investment in Infrastructure: Infrastructure projects, such as the Kaladan Multi-Modal Transit Transport Project and the Sittwe Port, IMT Highway aim to boost connectivity, trade, and investment.
  • Bilateral Trade: India ranks as Myanmar’s fifth-largest trading partner, registering bilateral trade at USD 1.03 billion in 2021-22.
  • Energy Cooperation: Myanmar holds significance for India’s energy security. With an energy portfolio of over USD 1.2 billion, Myanmar is the largest recipient of India’s investment in the oil and gas sector in Southeast Asia.

Reasons for the Policy Shift

  • Drug Trafficking and Insurgency: Myanmar’s status as an opium producer fuels drug trafficking and supports insurgent groups in India’s northeastern states.
  • Refugee Influx Post-Coup: Following Myanmar’s military coup in February 2021, over 40,000 refugees entered Mizoram, and around 4,000 entered Manipur, exacerbating security concerns.
  • Local Government Stance: Manipur’s Chief Minister urged the Ministry of Home Affairs to cancel the FMR and complete border fencing, linking ethnic violence in the state to the free movement across the border.

Way forward

  • Border Fencing: The government plans to fence about 300 km of the border, with a tender expected soon.
  • Regulatory Revisions: Experts suggest refining the FMR to better regulate movement while maintaining cross-border ties.
  • Infrastructure and Trade: Enhancing infrastructure and formalizing trade at designated entry points could mitigate some negative impacts.
  • Community Engagement: Involving border communities in decision-making is crucial for effective and sensitive border management.

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Minority Issues – SC, ST, Dalits, OBC, Reservations, etc.

Supreme Court’s Deliberation on Sub-Classification of Scheduled Castes


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Scheduled Castes

Mains level: Horizontal Reservation and its Efficacy


  • The Supreme Court’s recent deliberation on the sub-classification of Scheduled Castes (SC) within India’s reservation system raises questions about the balance of power between states and the Parliament.
  • This highlights the socio-economic implications of such sub-classification.

Who are the Scheduled Castes?


  • Scheduled Castes (SC) represent an administrative classification that encompasses various castes, including both touchable and untouchable groups, consolidated for preferential treatment purposes.
  • This classification fails to acknowledge the internal distinctions among the castes grouped together under the SC category.
  • Despite reservations, the pre-existing internal differences among the listed Scheduled Castes persist, posing challenges to effective upliftment measures.
  • Constitutional Provisions:
  1. Article 341 of the Indian Constitution empowers the President to designate specific castes and classes as Scheduled Castes within states or union territories.
  2. Article 342 allows Parliament to include or exclude castes or tribes from this list. It elaborates on the term “Scheduled Castes,” encompassing castes, races, or tribes, or their subsets, as specified under Article 341.
  3. Parliament: Inclusion or exclusion of any group from these lists is done through legislation by the Parliament.

Quest for Sub-Classification: SC Bench’s Examination

  • Questioning Tinkering with the List: Justice B.R. Gavai queries whether state-level preferential allotment to certain sub-castes affects the parliamentary power to manage the Presidential list.
  • Dismissal of “Balkanisation” Argument: The Bench dismisses concerns that sub-classification would lead to fragmentation of the SC list.
  • Argument for Homogeneity: Senior advocate Manoj Swarup argues that SCs form a homogeneous group and preferential treatment would perpetuate inequality.
  • Justice Gavai’s Counter: Justice Gavai challenges this view, highlighting the need for the upliftment of particularly backward groups within SCs.

Why discuss this?

[A] Socio-Economic Implications

  • Equality and Empowerment: Justice Vikram Nath underscores the aim of sub-classification as uplifting backward groups within SCs.
  • Ensuring Fairness: Justice Gavai emphasizes that preferential treatment should not exclude other deserving candidates from access to opportunities.

[B] Political and Societal Considerations

  • Potential for Political Appeasement: Concerns raised about states using sub-classification for political gains and electoral advantage.
  • Judicial Review and Empirical Basis: Justice Gavai highlights the role of High Courts in scrutinizing state decisions based on empirical data.

Why is the Sub-Classification needed?

  • Addressing Inequalities: Graded inequalities persist among SC communities, with some having limited access to services.
  • Disproportionate Representation: Certain sub-castes lack fair representation in employment and education due to current discrimination policies.
  • Overcoming Hierarchies: SCs vary socio-economically, with some progressing while others still face disadvantages.
  • Facilitating Mobility: Current policies hinder uniform benefits, leading to competition. Sub-categorization can aid in political empowerment and education.
  • Ensuring Justice: Targeted approaches are needed to address specific vulnerabilities within SC sub-groups.
  • Equitable Distribution: Sub-categorization prevents benefits from concentrating in certain groups, promoting fair resource allocation.

Challenges Associated

  • Inequality: Sub-categorization may not effectively address disparities within Scheduled Castes, per recommendations from the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes (NCST), highlighting the need for existing schemes to reach the most backward communities first.
  • Federalism Issue: While a 2004 Supreme Court ruling barred states from unilaterally sub-categorizing SC lists, a 2020 judgment indicated states could decide benefit allocations within these lists, pending review by a larger Bench.
  • Identification Criteria Complexity: Determining sub-categorization criteria, as highlighted in judgments like State of Kerala v N M Thomas (1976) and E V Chinnaiah (2005), presents challenges in defining SCs due to socio-economic complexities.
  • Data Accuracy Challenge: Obtaining accurate socio-economic data for SC communities is difficult, hindering decision-making on caste categorizations and allocations.
  • Intra-group Disputes Risk: Sub-categorization may create internal divisions within SC communities, potentially exacerbating tensions as groups compete for affirmative action.
  • Fragmentation Risk: Sub-categorization could fragment the SC community, diluting their political and social identity, and weakening their collective advocacy for rights, as per concerns raised.

Chief Justice’s Perspective

  • Artificial Backward Class Creation: Chief Justice Chandrachud emphasizes the need for states to demonstrate objective criteria, like lack of representation, for sub-classification.
  • High Court Review: Asserts that High Courts can review state decisions to ensure fairness and adherence to constitutional principles.

Way Forward

  • Legal Options: Explore legal avenues like a constitutional amendment for sub-categorization, leveraging existing provisions like Article 16(4).
  • Data Collection: Enhance data collection on socio-economic status through a caste-based census to inform policy formulation.
  • Creamy Layer Concept: Apply the “creamy layer” concept within SCs to ensure fair allocation of benefits based on income eligibility.
  • Transparent Criteria: Develop transparent criteria for sub-categorization, considering socio-economic status, education, and regional disparities.
  • Balanced Approach: Strike a balance between recognizing diversity within SCs and maintaining unity, ensuring policies address specific needs without fragmenting the community.


  • As the case awaits judgment, the need for a nuanced approach that balances legal principles with social justice imperatives remains paramount.

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Trade Sector Updates – Falling Exports, TIES, MEIS, Foreign Trade Policy, etc.

India-China Bilateral Trade Hit a new record in 2023: Chinese Envoy


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: NA

Mains level: India's over-dependence on Chinese imports



  • Bilateral trade between India and China soared to a record $136.2 billion in 2023, marking a 1.5% year-on-year increase.

Why discuss this?

  • Trade Deficit Concerns: India has been grappling with a significant trade deficit in favor of China, exceeding $100 billion in 2022. Efforts to address this deficit remain a priority for India.
  • Diplomatic Vacancies: The absence of a Chinese Ambassador to Delhi for over 16 months and the lack of direct flights between the two countries underscore persistent diplomatic challenges.
  • Panchsheel Agreement Anniversary: The upcoming 70th anniversary of the India-China Panchsheel Agreement serves as a reminder of the importance of peaceful coexistence and adherence to international norms.

India-China Bilateral Trade Overview

  • Key Trading Partner: China stands as India’s largest trading partner, with significant exchanges in various commodities.
  • Major Imports from China: Electronic equipment, machinery, organic chemicals, and iron and steel are among the primary commodities imported from China into India.
  • Major Exports to China: Indian exports to China include cotton, gems, copper, ores, organic chemicals, and machinery.

Recent Measures to Curb Imports from China

  • Boycotts and Labeling Initiatives: Indian businesses are increasingly boycotting Chinese products, while the government mandates country of origin labelling for products sold online.
  • Ban on Chinese Apps: The Indian government has banned several Chinese mobile applications, citing concerns over national security and data privacy.

Challenges and Implications of Complete Boycott

  • Trade Deficits and Economic Realities: Complete boycotts may not be feasible as they could adversely affect Indian consumers, producers, and exporters.
  • Impact on Pharma Sector: The pharmaceutical sector, heavily reliant on Chinese imports for raw materials, could face significant disruptions.
  • Minimal Impact on China: UNCTAD data suggests that a complete boycott would have limited repercussions on China’s economy.
  • Integration and Policy Credibility: India’s integration with China and the potential fallout on policy credibility are crucial considerations.

Way Forward

  • Promoting Self-Reliance: India’s focus on self-reliance aims to bolster domestic capabilities and enhance competitiveness in global trade.
  • Government Support and Ecosystem Development: Government initiatives under the “Atmanirbhar” banner should prioritize industries needing support for self-reliance.
  • Addressing Cost Disadvantages: Long-term strategies must address the cost disparities in Indian manufacturing to reduce dependence on imports.
  • Conflict Resolution: Continued efforts towards conflict resolution and adherence to international norms will be crucial in navigating the complexities of this strategic partnership.

Back2Basics: Panchsheel Agreement

  • Joint statement issued by PM Nehru during Chinese premier Zhou Enlai’s visits to India in 1954
  • Based on Westphalian norms of State Sovereignty
  1. Mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity
  2. Mutual non-aggression
  3. Mutual non-interference in internal matters
  4. Equality and mutual benefit
  5. Peaceful co-existence
  • Preserving independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity
  • Reducing regional tensions and threats
  • Establishing India as an equal partner
  • Providing a framework for engagement
  • Portraying India as a robust democracy
  • Facilitating regional cooperation and connectivity

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Oil and Gas Sector – HELP, Open Acreage Policy, etc.

India to be biggest driver of global oil demand beyond China by 2027: IEA


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: International Energy Agency (IEA)

Mains level: Read the attached story


  • India’s burgeoning economy is poised to become a significant player in global oil demand, with projections indicating that it will outpace China by 2027.
  • The International Energy Agency (IEA) forecasts robust growth in India’s oil demand, driven primarily by industrial expansion and increasing mobility.

About International Energy Agency (IEA)

Nature Autonomous inter-governmental organisation within the OECD framework
Mission Works with governments and industry to shape a secure and sustainable energy future for all
Establishment Founded in 1974 to ensure the security of oil supplies
Origin Created in response to the 1973-1974 oil crisis
Membership Consists of 31 member countries and eleven association countries
Criteria for Membership
  • Crude oil and/or product reserves equivalent to 90 days of the previous year’s net imports, accessible by the government
  • Demand restraint programme to reduce national oil consumption
  • Legislation and organisation for Co-ordinated Emergency Response Measures (CERM)
  • Legislation to ensure oil companies report information
  • Capability to contribute to IEA collective action
India’s Membership Joined as an Associate member in 2017
Key Reports Published World Energy Outlook,    World Energy Balances,    Energy Technology Perspectives,    World Energy Statistics,    Net Zero by 2050.

India’s Projected Growth in Oil Demand

  • Dominance in Oil Demand Growth: India is expected to surpass China as the biggest driver of global oil demand growth by 2027, according to the IEA.
  • Magnitude of Increase: The IEA projects an increase of nearly 1.2 million barrels per day (bpd) in India’s oil demand by 2023, contributing to over a third of the global demand growth by the end of the decade.
  • Key Drivers: Diesel consumption emerges as the primary driver of India’s oil demand growth, accounting for nearly half of the nation’s demand rise and a significant portion of global demand growth.
  • Sectoral Analysis: While jet-kerosene demand is expected to grow substantially, petrol demand is projected to increase moderately due to the electrification of India’s vehicle fleet.

Factors Influencing Demand Growth

  • Impact of EVs and Biofuels: Increased penetration of electric vehicles (EVs), energy efficiency measures, and growth in biofuels consumption are anticipated to mitigate around 500,000 bpd of additional oil demand by 2030.
  • Role of EVs: EV penetration alone is projected to displace 200,000 bpd of oil demand by 2030.

Why such a forecast for surge?

  • Rising Crude Oil Imports: India’s crude oil imports are expected to surge by over a fourth to 5.8 million bpd by 2030, driven by robust demand growth and declining domestic production.
  • Limited Domestic Production: Despite efforts to attract foreign investment, domestic crude oil production is projected to decline steadily, further increasing import dependence.
  • Strategic Petroleum Reserves (SPRs): India is enhancing its capacity to respond to oil supply disruptions through strategic petroleum reserves.
  • Importance of SPRs: These reserves help mitigate the impact of emergencies on energy supplies and ensure oil resilience in case of market disruptions.

Major Policy Initiatives for Oil Import Cut

  • Urja Sangam 2015: In March 2015, the PM inaugurated ‘Urja Sangam 2015,’ aiming to boost India’s energy security. Stakeholders were urged to increase domestic oil and gas production to reduce import dependence from 77% to 67% by 2022 and further to 50% by 2030.
  • Production Sharing Contract (PSC) Regime: The government introduced policies like PSC, Discovered Small Field Policy, Hydrocarbon Exploration and Licensing Policy (HELP), and New Exploration Licensing Policy (NELP) to incentivize domestic production.
  • Ethanol Blending Programme (EBP): India promotes the EBP to reduce crude oil imports, cut carbon emissions, and boost farmers’ incomes. The target for 20% ethanol blending in petrol (E20) was advanced to 2025 from 2030, expediting ethanol adoption as an alternative fuel.

Way Forward

  • Diversification Strategies: India must focus on diversifying its energy mix and promoting alternative fuels to reduce reliance on oil imports.
  • Investment in Renewable Energy: Accelerated investment in renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power can mitigate the growth in oil demand and enhance energy security.
  • Policy Initiatives: Robust policy measures are essential to incentivize energy efficiency, promote electric mobility, and encourage sustainable practices in the transport sector.

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