International Monetary Fund,World Bank,AIIB, ADB and India

Multilateral Development Banks: A Call for Reform


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: MDBs

Mains level: MDBs and Their Traditional Roles, challenges and call for reforms

What’s the news?

  • A G20 expert panel on strengthening multilateral development banks (MDBs) suggests a paradigm shift.

Central idea

  • Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) play a pivotal role in financing and fostering sustainable development globally. However, a G20 expert panel has proposed significant reforms aimed at making MDBs more effective and adaptive to the evolving challenges of our time.

Key Takeaways

  • MDBs should align their financial and analytical operations to assist national governments in setting up platforms for prioritized sustainable development goals (SDGs).
  • The emphasis is on goals that demonstrate the commitment of country leadership and significant national investment.

What are Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs)?

  • MDBs are international institutions consisting of multiple developed and developing countries.
  • Role:
  • Facilitate developmental objectives.
  • Offer financial and technical assistance across sectors like transport, energy, and urban infrastructure.
  • Major contributions to the lending pool from developed nations, while developing nations largely borrow for developmental projects.

The need for reform within MDBs

  • Addressing the Climate Crisis: The expert group cites global challenges such as the climate crisis. There’s knowledge of mitigation measures but a lack of global mechanisms, particularly in emerging markets and developing economies (EMDEs).
  • In Sync with National Priorities: MDBs should resonate with individual nations’ developmental priorities.
  • Engaging the Private Sector: The call is to integrate the private sector more closely into MDB operations. Breaking past limited interactions between private and sovereign financing will be key.
  • Coordinated Effort: Greater synchrony among stakeholders is essential for MDB success. The expert group seeks more involvement from national governments to create a unified vision encompassing goals, policies, investments, and financing.
  • Changing MDB Perceptions: Currently, MDBs’ bureaucratic and risk-averse nature might deter private sector engagement. Given the MDBs’ goal to enhance financing to $390 billion by 2030, the private sector’s involvement is crucial.

MDBs and Their Traditional Role in India

  • World Bank: Established in 1944, the World Bank’s commitment in India totals $97.6 billion. It has supported sectors including public administration (19%), agriculture (15%), and transport (11%).
  • Asian Development Bank (ADB): ADB, set up in 1969, has pledged assistance worth $59.7 billion in India. Notably, $20.2 billion (34%) has been for transport, $15 billion (25%) for energy, and $6.7 billion (10%) for urban infrastructure.
  • Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB): Founded in 2016, AIIB has approved $9.9 billion for India. Transport (42%), energy (14%), and economic resilience (12.6%) are key sectors.
  • European Investment Bank: Established in 1958, it has sanctioned 22 projects in India, totaling Euro 4.5 billion. The focus has been on transport (Euro 2.45 billion) and energy (Euro 1.5 billion).


  • The expert group’s recommendations bring to the forefront the pressing need to recalibrate MDBs’ functions and enhance their impact. Aligning with national priorities, ensuring broader stakeholder coordination, and actively involving the private sector can transform the developmental landscape and address global challenges more effectively.

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) Breakthrough

The explosion of digital uncertainty


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Digital ecosystem

Mains level: Digital revolution, AI, AGI applications and concerns

What’s the news?

  • The Government of India released a comprehensive report highlighting opportunities arising from the AI wave.

Central idea

  • Recent advances in Generative AI have captivated the public, businesses, and governments, including the Government of India, which has published a report on AI opportunities. Yet, this surge presents both promise and pressing challenges that require immediate focus.

What is Digital Uncertainty?

  • Digital Uncertainty refers to the state of unpredictability and ambiguity that arises from the rapid advancements in digital technology and its impact on various aspects of society, economy, and governance.

Complex Digital Infrastructure

  • It is an intricate and interconnected network of technologies, systems, and components that underpin the functioning of digital ecosystems, including the internet and various digital services.
  • This infrastructure consists of multiple layers, each serving a specific purpose and relying on the others for seamless operation.

What is Cognitive Warfare?

  • Cognitive Warfare is a term used in the article to describe a modern form of warfare that goes beyond traditional military strategies and focuses on manipulating human perception, cognition, and behavior using advanced technological tools, often in the realm of digital and information warfare.

Implications of Cognitive Warfare

  • Destabilization of Institutions: Cognitive warfare employs sophisticated tactics, such as disinformation campaigns, to undermine and destabilize governments and institutions.
  • Media Manipulation: It involves manipulating news media through fake news and social media amplification to shape public perception and influence political outcomes.
  • Altering Human Cognition: Cognitive warfare uses psychological techniques, often through digital means, to manipulate how individuals think and behave, often without their awareness.
  • National Security Concerns: It’s a significant national security threat, as it can disrupt governance, stability, and security on a large scale.
  • Truth Decay: Cognitive warfare contributes to truth decay, making it increasingly difficult to distinguish between facts and falsehoods, undermining the very concept of objective truth.

Emergence of AGI (Artificial General Intelligence)

  • Definition: AGI, or Artificial General Intelligence, represents AI systems that can replicate human-like intelligence and adaptability in various tasks.
  • Machine Self-Learning: The article mentions that AGI is increasingly emerging through machine learning processes, where AI systems improve themselves without extensive human intervention.
  • Autonomy: AGI possesses the capability to autonomously learn, adapt, and problem-solve, potentially surpassing human cognitive abilities.

Disruptive Potential of AGI

  • Radical Disruption: AGI’s emergence can bring about fundamental disruptions across sectors as it can replace human decision-making, creativity, and intuition.
  • Economic Impacts: AGI’s automation potential, highlighted in the article, may lead to significant job displacement and economic disparities.
  • Behavioral Changes: AGI’s influence on human cognition and behavior could lead to unpredictable societal changes and a potential breakdown of trust in information.

Challenges of AGI

  • Unpredictable Decision-Making: AGI systems may make unpredictable and uncontrollable decisions, raising concerns about safety, ethics, and accountability.
  • Job and Economic Displacements: The article discusses how AGI’s automation capabilities can result in widespread job displacement and economic disruptions.
  • Ethical and Governance Concerns: AGI poses complex ethical and governance challenges, including issues related to transparency, bias, and control over increasingly autonomous AI systems.

AI in Conflict: The Hamas-Israel conflict

  • AI can be exploited and manipulated skillfully in certain situations, as was possibly the case in the current Hamas-Israeli conflict, sometimes referred to as the Yom Kippur War 2023.
  • Israel’s massive intelligence failure is attributed by some experts to an overindulgence of AI by it, which was skillfully exploited by Hamas.
  • AI depends essentially on data and algorithms, and Hamas appears to have used subterfuges to conceal its real intentions by distorting the flow of information flowing into Israeli AI systems.


  • Over-reliance on AI, underestimating its limitations, and the rise of AGI as a new type of arms race emphasize the necessity for collaborative efforts between states and the technology sector, although implementation remains a challenge.

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Mother and Child Health – Immunization Program, BPBB, PMJSY, PMMSY, etc.

In India, reproductive autonomy remains a pipedream


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: MRTP Act

Mains level: Abortion laws, Reproductive autonomy vs ethical considerations

Central idea

  • A recent Supreme Court case in India has spotlighted reproductive autonomy. It centers on a 27-year-old mother of two, grappling with an unwanted pregnancy due to lactational amenorrhea, igniting a debate on India’s abortion rights, known for their relative liberalism.


  • India’s population policy promotes a two-child norm, making it seemingly unremarkable for a woman to seek an abortion to avoid becoming a mother for the third time.
  • However, this case is far from straightforward due to the pregnancy being at 26 weeks, exceeding the gestational limit prescribed in the 2021 Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act.
  • In such cases, medical practitioners’ opinions hold paramount importance.

Reproductive Autonomy vs. Ethical Concerns

  • Interchangeable Terminology: The heart of the matter lies in the interchangeable use of terms like foetus, child, and baby, particularly given the advanced stage of pregnancy. This linguistic flexibility can significantly impact the ethical considerations of the case.
  • Concerns of Foeticide: As the pregnancy had reached 26 weeks, concerns emerged regarding the termination possibly constituting “foeticide.” The advanced stage of pregnancy blurs the line between a developing foetus and a potentially viable child, leading to ethical dilemmas.
  • Justice Nagarathna’s Emphasis: Justice Nagarathna emphasized the paramount importance of prioritizing the petitioner’s decision and upholding her reproductive autonomy. Her stance echoes Justice D Y Chandrachud’s earlier observation regarding the intrinsic right of pregnant women to choose abortion without the need for consent or authorization from a third party.
  • Balancing Reproductive Autonomy and Ethics: The case highlights the intricate balance required between recognizing and safeguarding the fundamental rights of pregnant women to make choices about their bodies and reproductive health, while simultaneously addressing the ethical dimensions of such decisions within the framework of societal values and laws.

The legal framework and amendments pertaining to abortion in India

  • MTP Act of 1971: The Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act of 1971 was the foundational legislation that regulated abortion in India. It permitted abortions up to 20 weeks of gestation under specific conditions, such as the risk to the life or physical or mental health of the pregnant woman.
  • Amendment in 2021: In 2021, the MTP Act underwent significant amendments to modernize and liberalize India’s abortion laws. The key changes included:
    • Extending the permissible gestational limit from 20 to 24 weeks.
    • Expanding access to abortion services by allowing a broader range of healthcare providers to perform abortions, including mid-level providers.
  • Constitution of Medical Boards: The 2021 amendment introduced provisions for the constitution of Medical Boards. These boards consist of medical experts responsible for assessing cases where pregnancy termination is sought beyond 24 weeks.
  • Reducing Dependency on Courts: By allowing Medical Boards to make determinations, the amendment sought to reduce the burden on the judicial system and expedite the decision-making process for cases involving late-term pregnancies.

Way forward

  • Citizen with Agency: The petitioner approached the court as an empowered citizen, asserting her right to make choices about her own body.
  • Socially Accepted Context: Her pregnancy occurred within societal norms, emphasizing that reproductive autonomy applies broadly.
  • Sound Mental Health: Her rational decision challenges stereotypes about individuals seeking abortions.
  • Absence of Foetal Anomalies: Her request is driven by personal choice, not medical necessity.
  • Reproductive Choice: She firmly expressed her desire not to have another child, highlighting the importance of individual reproductive decisions.
  • Seeking State Support: By seeking state support for safe abortion services, she aligns with international commitments on access to reproductive healthcare as a human right.


  • This case underscores the battle between reproductive autonomy and ethical considerations surrounding abortion in India. As women navigate the complex journey to assert their reproductive rights, questions arise about whether they can truly claim ownership of their bodies on their own terms.

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Foreign Policy Watch: India-Middle East

India’s Evolving Role in the Middle East Crisis


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: NA

Mains level: Israel-Hamas Crisis, India's growing role and diplomatic pressure

What’s the news?

  • As tensions continue to escalate in the Middle East, diplomatic efforts have gained momentum. US President Joe Biden’s decision to visit Israel to assess Israeli plans is a significant development.

Central idea

  • The world finds itself sharply divided on this issue, with emerging geopolitical faultlines becoming increasingly solidified. These divisions are not limited to international boundaries but are also being mirrored within nations. Given India’s growing interests in the Middle East, it cannot remain indifferent to the reverberations from its extended neighborhood.

India’s Growing Stake in the Middle East

  • Remarkable Foreign Policy Achievement: India’s engagement in the Middle East, under Prime Minister Modi’s leadership, stands as a remarkable foreign policy achievement. This success transcends the often-debated.
  • Building Strong Ties: prime Minister’s efforts have resulted in India building strong ties with key stakeholders in the Middle East. These relationships have given India a distinct and influential role in the region.
  • Beyond Ideology: While the India-Israel relationship has been growing steadily since the 1990s. Prime minister Modi has emphasized the need for India’s Arab partners to build a relationship that addresses 21st-century challenges, shifting the focus away from religious heritage.

India’s Balanced Approach

  • Pragmatism in Diplomacy: India’s approach to the Middle East is marked by pragmatism and balance. It seeks to navigate the complex dynamics of the region with a steady hand.
  • Solidarity with Israel: India’s expression of solidarity with Israel in the wake of a terror attack should not be viewed as a shift in policy, but as a natural response to support a friendly nation in a time of crisis.
  • Support for a Two-State Solution: India’s Ministry of External Affairs reaffirms its support for negotiations aimed at establishing a sovereign, independent, and viable Palestinian state living in peace alongside Israel. This stance reflects India’s long-standing position and commitment to a peaceful resolution.

India’s Transformational Role

  • Recognizing Regional Shifts: India’s engagement with the Middle East is shaped by its keen recognition of the transformative changes taking place in the Arab world. It was among the first to acknowledge and adapt to these shifts.
  • Pragmatic Engagement: India’s foreign policy in the Middle East is no longer driven solely by religious considerations. Instead, it emphasizes pragmatic engagement with regional stakeholders.
  • Critical Player: This transformational role positions India as a critical player in the region. It allows India to respond effectively to emerging challenges and opportunities in a rapidly changing Middle East.


  • As the Middle East sees soaring tensions, Indian diplomacy will inevitably be under scrutiny. While challenges in the region aren’t new for New Delhi, what has evolved is its ambition to play a significant role in alignment with changing strategic realities.

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Foreign Policy Watch: India-Sri Lanka

India-Sri Lanka ferry service restarted


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Nagapattinam-Jaffna ferry service

Mains level: India- Srilanka relations, Nagapattinam-Jaffna ferry service- Opportunities, challenges

What’s the news?

  • The passenger ferry service, named ‘Cheriyapani,’ was officially launched on a recent Saturday.

Central idea

  • The Nagapattinam-Jaffna ferry service revives an ancient India-Sri Lanka sea route, fostering bilateral ties, tourism, and people-to-people relations. Additionally, it promises economic benefits for local traders on both coasts.

The New Ferry Service

  • The passenger ferry service, Cheriyapani, was officially launched.
  • Travelers can avail a one-way ticket for approximately Rs 7,670, which includes a generous baggage allowance of up to 40 kg per passenger.
  • The journey departs from Nagapattinam at 7 am, reaching Kankesanthurai by 11 am, and the return trip commences at 1.30 pm, arriving in Nagapattinam by 5.30 pm.

Historical Context

  • Maritime linkage between India and Sri Lanka has a rich history, with the Indo-Ceylon Express or Boat Mail operating from Chennai to Colombo via Thoothukudi port until 1982. The civil war in Sri Lanka disrupted these services.
  • Before the conflict, Dhanushkodi to Talaimannar was a popular route, connecting Chennai via train and coal-powered steam ferry.

Past Attempts at Ferry Services

  • Post-Independence Services: Following India’s independence and the formation of Sri Lanka as a separate nation in 1948, ferry services continued to operate between the two countries, connecting ports like Chennai and Colombo.
  • Indo-Ceylon Express: The Indo-Ceylon Express, also known as the Boat Mail, ran between Chennai and Colombo via the Thoothukudi port from the early 1900s until 1982. This service was a significant mode of transportation and trade between the two countries.
  • Disruption Due to Civil War: The prolonged civil war in Sri Lanka, which began in 1983, led to the suspension of ferry services between India and Sri Lanka. This conflict disrupted not only transportation but also the overall relationship between the two countries.
  • Memorandum of Understanding (MoU): After the end of the civil war in 2009, there were renewed efforts to restore ferry services. In 2011, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) concerning passenger transportation by sea was signed, leading to the launch of a ferry service.
  • Proposals for New Routes: Besides the Nagapattinam-Jaffna route, there were proposals to establish ferry services from Rameswaram to Talaimannar and Karaikal to Kankesanthurai. O

Potential Impact of the Nagapattinam-Jaffna Ferry Service

  • Boost to Religious Tourism: Prominent Indian pilgrimage centers such as Nagapattinam, Nagore, Velankanni, Thirunallar, and temple towns like Thanjavur, Madurai, and Tiruchi are expected to witness an influx of Sri Lankan tourists.
  • Economic Benefits: The ferry service has the potential to stimulate regional commerce and trade. Local traders and businesses on both sides of the Palk Strait may benefit from increased cross-border trade and tourism.
  • Diplomatic and Bilateral Relations: High-level statements from leaders of both countries, such as Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe, indicate the diplomatic significance attached to the service.
  • Infrastructure Development: The anticipation of increased travelers has prompted infrastructure development initiatives. Investments in port facilities, customs procedures, and immigration processes can enhance the overall travel experience.
  • Promotion of Regional Peace: Increased people-to-people interactions facilitated by the ferry service can contribute to regional peace and stability by fostering mutual understanding and goodwill between communities on both sides of the strait.

Initial Challenges Faced by the Nagapattinam-Jaffna Ferry Service

  • Service Frequency Adjustment: The Shipping Corporation of India (SCI) had initially planned to run the ferry services every day for ten days. However, this schedule was adjusted to operate thrice a week.
  • Ticket Pricing: The cost of a one-way ticket, approximately Rs 7,670, has been considered relatively high by some passengers. High ticket prices can deter potential travelers, particularly those on a tight budget.
  • Ticketing Systems: Reports suggest that the ticketing systems for the ferry service may not be as efficient as desired. Passengers have experienced difficulties with booking tickets, which can lead to inconvenience and dissatisfaction.
  • Reduced Passenger Interest: Poor response and passenger turnout during the initial days of operation may be indicative of reduced interest in the service. Building awareness and creating incentives for passengers to choose the ferry over other modes of transportation is crucial.
  • Operational Efficiency: Operational efficiency is critical for the ferry service’s success. Ensuring timely departures, arrivals, and efficient boarding processes is essential to maintain passenger satisfaction and reliability.

Leaders’ Perspectives

  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi, during the launch of the service on October 14, emphasized that connectivity is not just about bringing cities closer; it also fosters closer relationships between countries and their people.
  • Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe, in a video message, regarded the revival of the ferry service as a significant step toward strengthening connectivity between India and Sri Lanka.


  • The inauguration of the Nagapattinam-Jaffna ferry service signifies a promising chapter in the historical maritime linkage between India and Sri Lanka. By addressing operational challenges and leveraging its potential, this initiative can contribute to regional development, tourism, and strengthened bilateral ties.

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Human Rights Issues

The Controversy Surrounding White Phosphorus Munitions


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: white phosphorus

Mains level: White phosphorus munitions , applications and effects and concerns

What’s the news?

  • Global human rights organizations, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, have accused the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) of using white phosphorus munitions in densely populated areas in Gaza and Lebanon.

Central idea

  • Global human rights organizations, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, have accused the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) of using white phosphorus munitions in Gaza and Lebanon, allegedly in violation of International Humanitarian Law (IHL). The use of such munitions in densely populated areas raises serious concerns about civilian safety, though the IDF has vehemently denied these allegations.

White Phosphorus: A Pyrophoric Substance

  • White phosphorus is categorized as a pyrophoric substance, meaning it spontaneously ignites when exposed to oxygen, emitting intense heat and thick smoke. I
  • It is classified under Pyrophoric solids, category 1 in the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals, indicating its high level of instability.
  • White phosphorus is also distinguishable by its garlic-like odor.

What are the military uses of white phosphorus?

  • Smokescreen: White phosphorus is dispersed in artillery shells, bombs, and rockets to create a smokescreen. This smokescreen serves as a visual obscurant, making it difficult for enemy forces to see and target troops or vehicles. It provides cover for troop movements and other tactical operations.
  • Visual Obscurant: In addition to obscuring visibility, the smoke generated by white phosphorus can disrupt the enemy’s ability to use infrared optics and sensors, which are commonly used in guided missile systems.
  • Incendiary Weapon: White phosphorus can also be used as an incendiary weapon, as demonstrated during the second battle of Fallujah in Iraq in 2004.

How harmful is white phosphorus?

  • Severe Burns: Upon exposure to white phosphorus, it can cause severe burns, often reaching down to the bone. Even burns covering as little as 10 percent of the body can be fatal, according to Human Rights Watch.
  • Respiratory Damage: Inhaling white phosphorus particles or smoke can lead to respiratory damage and harm to internal organs. This inhalation can have long-term health consequences for those exposed.
  • Impaired Mobility: Survivors of white phosphorus burns often experience a lifetime of suffering, including impaired mobility and painful, disfiguring scars.
  • Environmental Damage: Beyond its effects on individuals, white phosphorus can cause extensive environmental damage. It can ignite fires that devastate infrastructure, property, and crops, potentially leading to significant economic and ecological consequences.

Historical Use of White Phosphorus Munitions

  • White phosphorus munitions have a long history of use, dating back to late 19th-century Irish nationalists.
  • They were extensively used in World War I and have since appeared in various conflicts worldwide, including the Normandy invasion in World War II, the US invasion of Iraq in 2004, and the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.
  • Most recently, accusations arose regarding Russia’s use of white phosphorus bombs during the invasion of Ukraine.

Legal status of white phosphorus munitions

  • White phosphorus munitions are not globally banned but are subject to regulation under international humanitarian law (IHL).
  • They are not categorized as chemical weapons because their primary function is based on heat and smoke production rather than inherent toxicity.
  • The legal framework governing their use is the Convention on Conventional Weapons (CCW), specifically Protocol III, which addresses incendiary weapons.
  • While some countries like Palestine and Lebanon have ratified Protocol III and are bound by its regulations, Israel has not ratified it.
  • Protocol III has certain limitations and loopholes. It restricts the use of airdropped incendiary weapons in areas with concentrations of civilians but does not entirely ban ground-launched incendiary weapons in such areas.
  • The protocol’s definition of incendiary weapons includes those primarily designed to set fire to and burn people, potentially excluding multipurpose munitions containing white phosphorus, as they are considered primarily smoking agents.


  • The controversy surrounding white phosphorus munitions highlights the urgent need for a comprehensive reevaluation of the regulations governing their use in armed conflicts. International Humanitarian Law must evolve to address the potential harm these munitions can inflict on civilians and the environment, ensuring a safer and more just world for all.

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Wildlife Conservation Efforts

Rethinking the 2022 Wildlife Protection Act


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Wildlife Protection (Amendment) Act, 2022

Mains level: Wildlife Protection (Amendment) Act, 2022, concerns, impact and way forward

What’s the news?

  • The recent inclusion of a plethora of species in the new schedules of the Wildlife Protection (Amendment) Act, 2022 has raised numerous questions among ecologists.

Central idea

  • The inclusion of a multitude of species in its schedules has raised concerns about the lack of an objective and replicable process. While the intention behind the amendment is to enhance conservation efforts, it is imperative to address the issues it raises in terms of conservation, its impact on people, and its implications for research.

Overview of the New Act

  • Schedule 1: Houses around 600 species of vertebrates and numerous invertebrates, with the highest protection.
  • Schedule 2: Contains roughly 2,000 species, including 1,134 bird species.
  • Alignment with CITES: The act also incorporates the CITES appendices.

Concerns for Conservation

  • Ambiguity in Resource Allocation: The act does not provide a clear direction on prioritizing species for resource allocation.
  • Uniform Protection Levels: Species ranging from tigers to jackals and from great Indian bustards to common barn owls are accorded the same protection level.
  • Unintended Consequences: Acts meant to conserve might sometimes yield counterproductive results. For instance, listing the invasive spotted deer (chital) in Schedule 1 has inadvertently protected it, despite the harm it inflicts on the Andaman Islands’ ecosystem.

Impact on Humans

  • Human-Wildlife Conflict: The WLPA underlines the concept of co-existence, often neglecting the harm certain species can cause to humans, both physically and psychologically. By elevating wild pigs and nilgai to Schedule 1, the act potentially limits states’ abilities to cull problematic animals, disregarding farmers’ concerns.
  • Traditional Practices Overlooked: Despite hunting and use of certain animals being traditional practices, the WLPA imposes restrictions. There’s a lack of balance between conservation needs and societal traditions.
  • Research Constraints: The listing of a vast number of species could inhibit research. Securing permits for research becomes a convoluted process. Furthermore, the act’s implications on citizen science and data sharing remain unclear.

Broader Issues

  • Some ecologists have been observed to neglect the broader issues.
  • Their operations sometimes resemble ‘parachute science’, taking more than they give back to local communities.
  • The implications of this act not only hinder research, but also severely impact these communities.

Way Forward

  • Transparent Inclusion Process: Develop a replicable and objective process for the inclusion of species in the schedules. This could be based on ecological significance, population sizes, and expert consultations.
  • Reassess and Reclassify Species: A re-evaluation of species, especially those like the spotted deer in the Andaman Islands, is necessary. Reallocating species between schedules can ensure more appropriate protection levels.
  • Resource Allocation Blueprint: Given the vast number of species included, a clear guideline for resource allocation is essential. It should be based on urgency, ecological significance, and conservation viability.
  • Human-Wildlife Conflict Mitigation: Design a more nuanced policy for managing conflicts. It should include better conflict response, compensation schemes, and awareness programs, especially in areas where Schedule 1 species are in direct conflict with human populations.
  • Reconsideration of Traditional Practices: Address the disconnect between the Act and traditional practices by incorporating provisions for regulated and sustainable use of species, especially where they are abundant and pose no threat to their populations.


  • The imperative now is a balanced approach that ensures human safety, bases management actions on research, and permits observation without harming the ecosystem, respecting both human rights and wildlife conservation.

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Modern Indian History-Events and Personalities

Sir Syed Ahmed Khan’s 125th birth anniversary


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Modern Indian, Personalities, contributions and related facts

Mains level: Sir Syed Ahmed Khan and his contributions

Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

What’s the news?

  • Commemorating the 125th birth anniversary of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, a prominent figure in India’s history

Central idea

  • Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, a name synonymous with educational reforms among Muslims, stands out for his groundbreaking efforts. Yet, his views on women’s education remain controversial and the topic demands a revisit, especially in the context of the recent passing of the Women’s Reservation Bill.

The Complex Legacy of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

  • Sir Syed’s Contradictory Views:
  • While Sir Syed displayed a clear inclination towards liberal values and rationality, exemplified by his establishment of the Mohammedan Anglo-Oriental College in Aligarh in 1875, his views on women’s education were more conservative.
  • He advocated for a form of education that revolved around home tutoring for women, emphasizing their role in family life. He believed that formal education could hinder their primary purpose – marriage.
  • Support for Gender Segregation:
  • It’s noteworthy that Sir Syed supported gender segregation in education, opposing the British government’s initiatives to open co-educational schools and girls’ exclusive institutions.
  • He even considered coeducation a major cause of public unrest during colonial rule, reflecting the prevalent societal disapproval of women’s education.

Sir Syed’s Advocacy for Women’s Empowerment

  • Campaigning Against Regressive Practices:
  • Sir Syed actively campaigned against various regressive practices that affected women’s lives in India.
  • He used platforms like the Aligarh Institute Gazette to address issues such as female infanticide, polygamy, child marriage, sati (the practice of widow self-immolation), the segregation of widows, and poverty-induced marriages of young girls to older men.
  • Support for Mary Carpenter’s Initiatives:
  • Sir Syed welcomed and appreciated the efforts of Mary Carpenter, a British philanthropist dedicated to female education.
  • Carpenter’s commitment to providing modern education to Indian women impressed him.
  • This support showcased Sir Syed’s recognition of the importance of education in empowering women and allowing them to participate more fully in public life.

Reevaluation Through European Lens

  • Sir Syed’s visit to England in 1869-70 had a transformative effect on his views about women’s education.
  • His interactions with European women and observations about their roles in society led him to partially revise his stance.
  • He began to appreciate gender equality and the essential role of women in human progress.
  • He admired the freedom enjoyed by women in Europe and believed that the rejection of women’s education by Muslims played a part in the community’s decline


  • While Sir Syed Ahmed Khan never fully relinquished his initial preference for home-based education for women, his exposure to Western ideals brought about a marked shift in his perspective. As we reflect on his contributions, it’s essential to view him in the nuanced light of a reformer caught between tradition and modernity.

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Innovations in Sciences, IT, Computers, Robotics and Nanotechnology

Confronting the long-term risks of Artificial Intelligence


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: NA

Mains level: Short term and Long-term risks associated with AI need for global governance


What’s the news?

  • The film ‘Ex Machina’ highlights the unpredictability of AI risks as technology evolves.

Central idea

  • In the digital age, sharing personal information has become riskier due to cyberattacks and data breaches. Once fictional, AI now impacts various sectors, bringing evolving risks that require global governance.

Short-term risks associated with AI

  • Malfunction of AI Systems: Ensuring that AI systems do not malfunction in their day-to-day tasks, especially in critical infrastructure like water and electricity supply, to prevent disruptions and harm to society
  • Immediate Dangers of Runaway AI: Although improbable, the potential for AI systems to go rogue and manipulate crucial systems, leading to catastrophic consequences even in the near future,

Long-term risks associated with AI

  • AI and Biotechnology: The combination of AI and biotechnology could alter human emotions, thoughts, and desires, posing profound ethical and societal challenges.
  • Human-Level AI: Advanced AI systems capable of human-level or superhuman performance may emerge, potentially acting on misaligned or malicious goals.
  • Dire Consequences: Superintelligent AI with harmful intentions could have catastrophic consequences for society and human well-being.
  • Ethical and Safety Concerns: Developing AI with such capabilities raises significant ethical and safety concerns.


Challenges in Aligning AI with Human Values

  • Transparency and Explainability: Many AI systems, particularly deep learning models, are often seen as black boxes where it’s challenging to understand how they make decisions.
  • Human Control: Ensuring that humans maintain control over AI systems and that AI does not act autonomously in ways that could harm individuals or society is a key challenge.
  • Ethical Decision-Making: Developing AI that can make ethical decisions in complex situations, such as autonomous vehicles deciding how to respond to potential accidents, is an ongoing challenge.
  • Cultural and Societal Values: Different cultures and societies have varying values and norms. Aligning AI with human values involves navigating these differences and ensuring that AI systems respect cultural diversity.
  • Long-Term Considerations: As AI evolves and becomes more powerful, addressing long-term ethical considerations, such as the potential for superintelligent AI, is a critical challenge.

The Threat of Militarized AI

  • The merging of AI with warfare intensifies long-term risks.
  • Treaties like the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons show global norms can be established.
  • Nations need clear rules for AI’s role in warfare.

The Uncharted Territory of AI Governance

  • There’s no unified global approach to AI regulation.
  • Only 37 laws included the term artificial intelligence among 127 countries, as per Stanford’s AI Index.
  • The EU’s AI Act, with its risk-based approach, may be oversimplified.

The importance of global cooperation

  • Uniform Regulation: AI risks are not confined by borders, and inconsistent regulations across countries can lead to confusion and inefficiencies. Global cooperation allows for the development of uniform standards and regulations.
  • Mitigating Global Risks: Many AI-related risks, especially those with global implications such as AI’s convergence with biotechnology or the potential for superintelligent AI, demand a collaborative approach.
  • Ethical Frameworks: Collaborative efforts can lead to the establishment of universally accepted ethical frameworks for AI development and deployment. These frameworks can guide the responsible and ethical use of AI, regardless of where it is developed or employed.
  • Preventing a Race to the Bottom: In the absence of global cooperation, countries may prioritize rapid AI development over safety and ethics to gain a competitive edge. This race to the bottom can undermine global AI safety efforts, making coordination crucial.
  • Technological Divides: Global cooperation helps prevent technological divides where some nations advance rapidly in AI capabilities while others lag behind. Such divides can exacerbate global inequalities and have far-reaching geopolitical consequences.


  • The evolving nature of AI risks necessitates a unified global approach to governance. Immediate action in creating comprehensive regulations and international norms is crucial. The choices we make today will determine the world we inhabit in the future.

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Women empowerment issues – Jobs,Reservation and education

Closing the gender pay gap in the workforce


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: 2023 Nobel Prize

Mains level: Women low labour force participation, Claudia Goldin's theory and solutions

What’s the news?

  • 2023 Nobel Prize winner in Economics, Goldin’s groundbreaking work highlights that the key to addressing the underrepresentation and underpayment of women lies not in their homes but in the labor market.

Central idea

  • In the realm of economic orthodoxy, long-held beliefs attributed women’s absence from the labor force to childcare responsibilities and lower education levels, perpetuating a gender pay gap. However, Claudia Goldin, the esteemed 2023 Nobel Prize winner in Economics, challenged these notions and offered a fresh perspective.

Goldin’ theory

  • Claudia Goldin’s lifetime of research has bestowed a name and a voice upon these women’s challenges.
  • She meticulously traces the evolution of the American economy from agriculture to manufacturing to services, revealing that women were historically excluded from market activities.
  • Only when jobs expanded beyond factories into offices, schools, and hospitals did women gain access to the workforce.
  • Despite their increasing educational achievements, women continued to earn less than their male counterparts.
  • Goldin’s theory attributes this persistent wage gap to the difficulty women face in pursuing jobs with demanding responsibilities.

A Solution for Gender Equity

  • Reduce Reliance on Heroic Efforts: Goldin suggests moving away from a culture of greedy work that rewards extreme efforts. Instead, organizations should create roles that don’t require superhuman commitments, promoting work-life balance.
  • Promote Moderate Work Hours: Goldin’s solution includes advocating for reasonable work hours, benefiting both genders and avoiding productivity issues associated with excessively long hours.
  • Provide Predictable Schedules: Emphasizing stable work hours helps employees better plan family responsibilities and reduces stress, contributing to gender equity.
  • Institutional Support: Supporting institutions should include educational reforms to ease parental homework burdens and urban planning that reduces commuting, making it easier for both men and women to balance work and personal life.

The Road Ahead in India

  • Service Sector Opportunities: India’s growing service sector offers the prospect of increased employment opportunities for women. This aligns with Goldin’s observation that women found jobs when economic production shifted from factories to offices, schools, and hospitals.
  • Rising Education Levels: With a continuous increase in women’s educational achievements, there is a growing potential to enhance their participation in the workforce. This trend mirrors Goldin’s emphasis on education as a factor that can boost employability.
  • Declining Fertility Rates: The decreasing fertility rates in India can contribute to freeing up more of women’s time, potentially facilitating higher workforce participation, as Goldin also noted the impact of declining fertility on women’s ability to engage in the labor market.

Reshaping the environment, as proposed by Claudia Goldin

  • Workplace Restructuring: Reducing the reliance on extreme efforts and creating roles that allow for a better work-life balance, particularly for women.
  • Moderating Work Hours: Promoting reasonable work hours to improve work-life equilibrium, avoiding productivity issues associated with excessively long hours.
  • Ensuring Predictable Schedules: Establishing stable work schedules to facilitate family planning and reduce stress, thus promoting gender equity.
  • Supportive Institutions: Reforms in education and urban planning to ease parental responsibilities and reduce commuting times, enabling both men and women to better balance their professional and personal lives.


  • To ensure the continued progress of gender convergence in labor market outcomes, we must heed her call for workplace reform and the development of supportive institutions. By doing so, we can pave the way for a more equitable and balanced future for both men and women in the workforce.

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Higher Education – RUSA, NIRF, HEFA, etc.

Shortage of Doctors in India


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Medical Education initiatives and latest updates

Mains level: Medical Education reforms, challenges and solutions

What’s the news?

  • The demand for doctors exceeds the supply in large parts of India.

Central idea

  • The demand for doctors in India consistently surpasses the available supply, while the pursuit of medical education often outstrips the number of seats available. Reducing this demand-supply gap in medical education has proven to be a challenging endeavor, with potential implications for the availability of healthcare professionals.

Expanding Medical Education

  • Over the last decade, India has made significant strides in expanding medical colleges and seats at both undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) levels.
  • UG seats have nearly tripled, PG seats have almost quadrupled, and the number of medical colleges has doubled since 2010-11.
  • Despite this expansion, in 2021, India had only 4.1 medical graduates per lakh population, falling behind countries like China, Israel, the US, and the UK.

Challenges in scaling

  • Regulatory and Financial Constraints: On average, Indian medical colleges offer 153 UG seats per college, significantly fewer than Eastern Europe (220) and China (930). This discrepancy is a result of regulatory and financial constraints.
  • Infrastructure Limitations: Expanding UG seats in a public medical college from 150 to 200 required additional resources, such as a larger library, increased daily outpatient department (OPD) footfalls, and more nursing staff, as per the draft guidelines for establishing new medical colleges in 2015.
  • Quality Maintenance: Concerns that disproportionate scaling can impact the quality of pedagogy and, subsequently, the quality of doctors produced
  • Faculty Shortages: Both public and private colleges face teaching faculty shortages, despite better remuneration structures in public colleges. Scaling up can further strain the already limited pool of qualified teaching staff.
  • Economic Viability for Private Colleges: Investing in scaling can be risky for private colleges if seats remain vacant and costs aren’t recovered. This can lead to high capitation fees and price distortions.
  • Curriculum Limitations: The nature of the competency-based curriculum dictates constraints on scalability. For example, there can’t be more than 15 students surrounding a bed or in any other practical class.
  • Equity Concerns: The goal of producing doctors evenly across regions might not result in efficient production. Migration of doctors from states with higher production can be an issue.

Value addition box

Innovations from the US

  • India’s competency-based curriculum is akin to that of the US, which has successfully scaled up the production of doctors by optimizing resource utilization.
  • Innovations, such as involving practicing MD doctors as mentors for medical students and integrating interprofessional education (IPE) into the curriculum, have enhanced the quality of education and reduced the faculty requirements.

Quality vs. Scale vs. Equity: A triad of challenges

  • Quality:
  • Ensuring the highest standards of medical education, which translates into competent, skilled, and ethical practitioners.
  • The competency-based curriculum in India requires small-group teaching to ensure a thorough understanding and hands-on experience for students.
  • There’s a concern that rapid scaling could lead to a decline in the quality of education and subsequently the quality of doctors produced.
  • Quality assurance becomes even more critical given the life-and-death implications of medical practice.
  • Scale:
  • Increasing the number of medical graduates to meet the country’s healthcare needs.
  • Despite the expansion of UG and PG seats in medical colleges, the demand-supply gap persists.
  • Regulatory, infrastructural, and financial constraints pose significant challenges in scaling up.
  • Equity:
  • The National Medical Commission prioritizes an even distribution of medical colleges and seats. They aim for localized doctor production to ensure different regions have adequate healthcare.
  • Policies such as the cap on UG seats and the location restrictions of new colleges highlight this focus.
  • However, this might not lead to efficient doctor production due to phenomena like interstate migration of doctors.

Way forward

  • Regulatory Reforms: Streamline regulations to facilitate the establishment and expansion of medical colleges while ensuring quality standards.
  • Faculty Development: Prioritize investment in faculty development programs to address shortages and retain experienced educators.
  • Technology Integration: Embrace technology to enhance scalability and access to medical education, including e-learning and telemedicine tools.
  • Competency-Based Curriculum: Continue to implement competency-based curricula to produce doctors with practical skills and real-world readiness.
  • Incentives for Rural Service: Develop and implement policies that incentivize medical graduates to serve in underserved rural areas, addressing healthcare disparities.
  • Public-Private Collaboration: Foster collaboration between public and private sectors to expand the availability of medical education seats and improve educational infrastructure.


  • Bridging the gap between the demand for doctors and the supply of medical education is a multifaceted challenge in India. To meet the growing healthcare needs of the population, policymakers must carefully consider the trade-offs between quality, scale, and equity in medical education.

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Climate Change Impact on India and World – International Reports, Key Observations, etc.

Sustainable water management in Agriculture


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Key facts and initiatives

Mains level: Climate change, water stress and its impact on food security

What’s the news?

  • The theme for World Food Day (October 16) this year—’Water is Life, Water is Food’ —calls for urgent action in managing water wisely.

Central idea

  • Water is the essence of life, a resource that nourishes not just humanity but every ecosystem on this planet. However, as this year’s World Food Day theme rightly points out, water is also food. In the light of increasing climate extremes, managing this precious resource wisely has never been more urgent.

Impact of Climate Change on Crop Yields

  • Rainfed rice yields in India are projected to decrease by 20% in 2050 and 47% in 2080 if no adaptation measures are taken.
  • Irrigated rice yields are also expected to decline, with a projected decrease of 3.5% in 2050 and 5% in 2080 scenarios.
  • Wheat yields could face substantial reductions, with a projected decrease of 19.3% in 2050 and 40% in 2080.
  • Kharif maize yields are also at risk, with projected declines of 18% in 2050 and 23% in 2080.
  • Climate change, without adequate adaptation measures, not only reduces crop yields but also lowers the nutritional quality of the produce.

Challenges associated with poor water management

  • Degraded Freshwater Supplies and Ecosystems: Decades of mismanagement, misuse, and pollution have resulted in the degradation of freshwater supplies and ecosystems. This has had a detrimental impact on the availability of clean water for agriculture and other essential needs.
  • Vulnerability of Small-Scale Producers: Small-scale farmers, who represent over 80% of farmers globally, are especially vulnerable to the effects of climate shocks, land degradation, and water scarcity.
  • Land Degradation: Approximately 40% of the world’s land area is degraded, which means that it is less productive for agriculture. This further reduces the available land for farming, exacerbating the challenges faced by small-scale producers.
  • Climate Impacts: Extreme weather events and variability in water availability are disrupting agricultural production. These changes are altering agro-ecological conditions and shifting growing seasons, making it challenging for farmers to predict and adapt to changing conditions.
  • Effects on Crop Productivity: Changes in rainfall patterns and rising temperatures have adverse effects on crop productivity. Reduced yields and food availability can result from these climate-related factors, which can contribute to food insecurity and hunger.

Do not scroll past this

FAO Crop Forecasting Framework:

  • The FAO is working on a pilot project in several Indian states, including Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Himachal Pradesh, and Maharashtra.
  • The project aims to develop a crop forecasting framework and model that incorporates climate data, soil characteristics, and market information.
  • This information can help rainfed farmers make informed decisions about their crops, potentially contributing to food security by improving agricultural planning and management.

 Climate change adaptation

  • FAO Initiatives:
    • Supports sustainable agrifood systems and climate-smart agriculture.
    • Initiated the farmer water school programme in Uttar Pradesh.
    • Supported the Andhra Pradesh Farmer Managed Groundwater Systems project which benefits 638 habitations with hydrological monitoring.
  • IFAD’s Focus:
    • Prioritizes climate change adaptation in its core strategies.
    • Invests in preserving soil health, water resources, and integrating modern technologies with indigenous systems.
    • Implements projects in Maharashtra, Odisha, Uttarakhand, Nagaland, and Mizoram emphasizing climate-resilient practices.
  • WFP Collaboration:
    • Partners with the Government of Odisha focusing on women farmers.
    • Employs solar technologies and promotes millet-value chains for climate resilience.

Steps needed

  • Overall Strategy: Prioritize political commitment and concrete investment for global food and nutrition security. Promote innovative technologies to enhance farmer productivity.
  • Climate Change Adaptation: Formulate strategies to adapt to climate change. Foster resilience against environmental and economic shocks.
  • Agricultural Practices: Implement sustainable and economically feasible irrigation and water management techniques. Minimize the climate footprint in agricultural production. Address bio-hazards and environmental pollution.
  • Infrastructure and Supply Chain: Prioritize sanitation and potable water supply for rural areas. Advocate for efficient food and water recycling methods.
  • Regulation and Management: Strengthen sustainable and fair water regulations. Improve management, access, and ownership systems for resources.
  • UN’s Collaborative Projects: Collaborate with the Indian Government on projects such as Solar 4 Resilience, Secure Fishing, and the revival of millets for renewable energy and food security.


  • Climate change is making water more scarce and unpredictable. Droughts, floods, and other extreme weather events are becoming more common. World Food Day is a reminder that we all have a role to play in achieving food and nutrition security for all. By working together, we can create a world where everyone has enough to eat and drink.

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Foreign Policy Watch: India-Maldives

India and Maldives ties


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Key facts

Mains level: India and Maldives ties, challenges, recent developments and future prospect

What’s the news?

  • Recent changes in the Maldives’ leadership have raised questions about the future of its relationship with India.

Central idea

  • While leadership changes may bring some alterations, the fundamental ties between the two nations remain intact. From the era of Maumoon Abdul Gayoom to the present day, India and the Maldives have maintained a close and friendly relationship, with occasional challenges. Therefore, it’s essential not to rush to judgment regarding the current situation.


  • Historical Ties: The relationship between India and the Maldives is deep-rooted. From Maumoon Abdul Gayoom’s leadership until today, both nations have maintained a close bond, despite occasional hiccups.
  • Geographical Proximity: The Maldives spans 90,000 sq km, mostly covered by the sea, with the remaining land spread across 1,200 islands. Situated just 70 nautical miles away, India has always been the Maldives’ closest ally. As Ibn Khaldun stated, geography is destiny.

Challenges in the Maldives

“Maldives, despite its 98% literacy rate, faces various contradictions that pose challenges to democratic governance.”

  • Constitutional Restrictions: The Maldivian constitution bars anyone who isn’t a Sunni Muslim from becoming a citizen. This can be seen as restrictive and exclusive, which may not align with broader principles of democratic governance.
  • Nascent Civil Society: The civil society in the Maldives is still emerging. This means the public structures and mechanisms that can hold the government accountable and ensure the active participation of citizens in the governance process might be underdeveloped.
  • Drug Abuse: The Maldives has been grappling with an increasing problem of drug abuse, which poses social and health-related challenges.
  • Distorted Labor Market: This implies there might be imbalances in employment opportunities, perhaps with certain sectors having too many workers and others having too few, or challenges related to wages and workers’ rights.
  • Growing Inequality: Despite its successes in areas like tourism, the Maldives faces growing economic disparities among its population.
  • Foreign Influence and Debt: China’s policy of extending debt and subsequently interfering in the internal politics of the Maldives, as well as supporting conservative elements, poses challenges. This not only can lead to a debt crisis but also threatens the democratic progression of the country.
  • Legacy of Controlled Regime: The influence of the Gayoom years and the alignment with China by certain elements for narrow gains might not serve the broader interests of the Maldivian nation in the long term.

India’s Role

  • Historically: From Buddhism’s prevalence in the Maldives to its dependence on India during the British protectorate era (1887–1965), India has always played an influential role.
  • Economically: The State Bank of India has been instrumental in boosting the Maldives’ tourism economy and remains the largest bank there.
  • Assistance: Whether during the 1988 coup, the 2004 tsunami, or the 2014 water crisis, India has always been the first to assist. India also supplies essential items in bulk and contributes significantly to the Maldivian education and health sectors.
  • Defence and Security: India has been a robust defense partner, conducting joint exercises and providing security assistance.

India’s Concerns Regarding the Maldives

  • China’s Growing Influence: China’s increasing role in the Maldives is driven by debt financing. This kind of influence, particularly through debt traps, could lead to the consequent hegemony of China in the region, which is a matter of concern for India given the strategic importance of the Indian Ocean Region.
  • Internal Interference by External Powers: China’s policy of interfering in the internal politics of the Maldives, especially its support for conservative elements, is worrisome for India. This could hinder the development of a robust democracy in the Maldives and potentially impact the bilateral relationship between India and the Maldives.
  • Economic Interests: With projects like greater Male connectivity and being a major supplier of essential goods to the Maldives, India has vested economic interests. Any disruption or potential shift in trade relations can impact India’s economic engagement.
  • Security and Defense Cooperation: The defense cooperation isn’t just about tangible assets like helicopters but extends to joint exercises, training, and disaster management. Any shift in Maldivian policies that affects this cooperation can be concerning.
  • Legacy of Assistance: India’s role as a primary responder to Maldivian crises and its consistent support over the years hold significance. India would be concerned if such efforts and goodwill aren’t recognized or are undermined by external influences.

Recent developments in the Maldives

  • President Designate Mohamed Muizzu: Mohamed Muizzu, described as a Western-educated engineer, is expected to take over the reins of leadership. His past roles and his education may influence the Maldives’ direction, both domestically and in terms of foreign relations.
  • Former President Yameen’s Situation: Yameen’s shift from jail to house arrest indicates changing political dynamics within the Maldives. Given that Yameen’s tenure was marked by a pro-China policy, any change related to his influence might hint at a shift in foreign policy alignment.


  • India’s unwavering commitment has significantly shaped the Maldives, and any impulsive decisions could be detrimental for the latter. Given the deep historical ties and mutual interests, it’s crucial for the new leadership to recognize and value the long-standing bond. As history has often shown, taking relationships for granted can have grave consequences.

Also read:

The Maldives, the evolution of a democracy

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The Crisis In The Middle East

The Gaza War and Its Ramifications


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: NA

Mains level: Gaza conflict and its impact on the geopolitics of the region

What’s the news?

  • The recent series of deadly attacks launched by Hamas on Israel has had profound implications for the dynamics of the Middle East.

Central idea

  • The recent lethal attacks launched by Hamas on Israel on October 7 have had significant repercussions, particularly in the realm of Israeli-Saudi relations and the broader Middle East geopolitical landscape. These attacks have effectively overturned Israeli efforts, backed by the United States, to foster normalization of relations with Arab states while neglecting Palestinian concerns.

Israeli Diplomacy

  • Normalization Agreements: Israel, under the leadership of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, pursued a strategy of normalizing relations with Arab countries. This strategy aimed to establish diplomatic ties with Arab nations that had historically been hostile or distant from Israel. Notable agreements included those with Egypt and Jordan, which were signed in the late 20th century.
  • The Abrahamic Accords: A significant milestone in Israeli diplomacy was the signing of the Abraham Accords in 2020. These agreements, brokered by the United States, led to the normalization of relations between Israel and several Arab countries, including the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain, Sudan, and later Morocco. These agreements marked a shift in regional dynamics and signified growing acceptance of Israel in the Arab world.
  • Strategic Goals: Israel’s diplomatic efforts aimed to enhance its security, strengthen its regional influence, and broaden economic and technological cooperation with Arab states. These agreements also served to isolate Iran, which was seen as a common regional rival.

The role of the United States

  • Mediator and Facilitator: The United States has historically played a central role as a mediator in Israeli-Arab conflicts. It has facilitated peace talks, negotiations, and agreements between Israel and its Arab neighbors. The U.S. has acted as a neutral party, using its diplomatic clout to bring parties to the negotiating table.
  • Broker of the Abraham Accords: In the case of the Abraham Accords, the United States, led by the Trump administration, took a proactive role in brokering these agreements. The U.S. actively encouraged Arab nations to establish diplomatic ties with Israel and provided political support and incentives to make these deals happen.
  • Strategic Interests: The United States had strategic interests in promoting Israeli-Arab normalization. These interests included strengthening its regional alliances, countering Iranian influence, and promoting stability in the Middle East.
  • Security Assistance: The U.S. has provided substantial military aid and security assistance to Israel, reinforcing its position in the region and ensuring its qualitative military edge. This support has been a cornerstone of the U.S.-Israel relationship.

The Gaza War and Its Ramifications

  • Reemphasis on the Palestinian Issue: The Gaza War has once again thrust the Palestinian issue to the forefront of regional politics. It has drawn attention to the longstanding Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the unresolved grievances of the Palestinian people.
  • Regional Instability: The conflict in Gaza has contributed to regional instability and heightened tensions. It has the potential to spill over into neighboring countries and exacerbate existing regional conflicts.
  • Impact on Israeli-Saudi Normalization Efforts: The Gaza War has had significant implications for Israel’s efforts to normalize relations with Arab states, particularly Saudi Arabia. It has disrupted the momentum of normalization, as Saudi Arabia, like other Arab nations, has faced domestic pressure to condemn Israeli actions in Gaza.
  • Saudi Arabia’s Shift: Saudi Arabia’s response to the Gaza War represents a notable shift in its stance. While previously open to normalizing relations with Israel, the kingdom has now emphasized the importance of addressing Palestinian interests and rights. This change in stance may have lasting implications for Saudi foreign policy and its relations with both Israel and the United States.
  • Iran’s Role: Some observers have speculated about Iran’s role in instigating Hamas attacks to undermine Saudi-Israeli normalization efforts. However, it is essential to note that Saudi-Iran relations had already undergone a degree of normalization before the Gaza War, reducing the likelihood of Iranian involvement as a primary motivator.
  • Humanitarian Crisis: The conflict has led to a humanitarian crisis in Gaza, with casualties, displacement, and infrastructure damage. The international community has been called upon to address the immediate humanitarian needs of the Palestinian population.
  • Impact on Regional Alliances: The Gaza War has influenced the alignment of regional alliances, with countries taking positions based on their historical relationships and geopolitical interests. This could potentially reshape alliances and cooperation in the Middle East.

Saudi Arabia’s Evolving Foreign Policy

  • Pursuit of Strategic Autonomy: Over the past few years, Saudi Arabia has demonstrated a growing willingness to pursue an independent foreign policy. The kingdom has sought to assert its strategic autonomy and reduce its reliance on traditional allies, including the United States.
  • Refusal to Align with Anti-China or Anti-Iran Coalitions: Saudi Arabia has rejected U.S. efforts to build global anti-China coalitions and regional anti-Iran alliances. Despite U.S. pressure, the kingdom has maintained its own strategic interests and relationships.
  • Stronger Ties with China: Saudi Arabia has deepened its relations with China, particularly in the areas of trade, investment, and energy cooperation. The kingdom recognizes China’s increasing global influence and sees it as an important economic partner.
  • Multifaceted Engagement Across Asia: Saudi Arabia has actively pursued multifaceted relationships across Asia, including with countries like India and Pakistan. These engagements encompass economic, diplomatic, and security cooperation, reflecting the kingdom’s aim to expand its influence in the Asian region.

Way forward: Concrete Actions for Palestinian Interests

  • Commitment to a Two-State Solution: Both Israel and the Palestinian leadership should unequivocally reaffirm their commitment to a two-state solution, recognizing the need for an independent and viable Palestinian state alongside Israel.
  • Freeze Settlement Expansion: Israel should halt all settlement construction activities in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Settlement expansion remains a significant obstacle to peace and threatens the territorial integrity of a future Palestinian state.
  • Cessation of Violence: All parties involved must commit to ending violence and terrorism. This includes a complete halt to rocket attacks from Gaza into Israel and measures to prevent violence on both sides. A comprehensive ceasefire agreement should be sought.
  • Support for Palestinian Elections: The international community should support transparent and inclusive Palestinian elections to strengthen the legitimacy of the Palestinian leadership. These elections should adhere to international standards.
  • Address Core Issues: Negotiations should address core issues such as the status of Jerusalem, the right of return for Palestinian refugees, and the delineation of borders for a future Palestinian state. These issues must be resolved through peaceful negotiations based on international principles.
  • International Mediation and Oversight: International actors, including the Quartet, should actively mediate and oversee the peace process to ensure accountability, adherence to agreements, and a fair and balanced negotiation environment.


  • The Gaza conflict has had a profound impact on the geopolitics of the region, particularly by reemphasizing the importance of addressing Palestinian concerns. While Israel’s efforts to normalize relations with Arab states face challenges, Saudi Arabia’s renewed focus on the Palestinian cause marks a significant shift in its foreign policy approach, underscoring the evolving dynamics in the Middle East.

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Women empowerment issues – Jobs,Reservation and education

Women and water and the potential of green jobs


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Key facts, Government initiative's

Mains level: Water and employment link, women's role, challenges and potential

What’s the news?

  • Water, a vital resource for life, is poised to play a central role in the transition to a green economy. This transition brings not only environmental benefits but also the potential to drive significant employment growth, particularly for women.

Central idea

  • Water is essential for a green economy, offering immense potential for job generation, particularly for women. Women globally are pivotal players in water management, yet their expertise remains underutilized. As green jobs surge in India, how can women’s roles in water management be enhanced and recognized?


  • Green Jobs in Water Management: These jobs contribute to preserving or restoring environmental quality. A promising estimate by the International Labour Organisation posits that jobs in this sector could escalate from 3 million (2020) to 19 million by 2030 in India.
  • Water and Global Employment: A 2016 UN report underscores that nearly 1.5 billion people, or half the global workforce, are in water-related sectors. Water thus fosters both direct (managing resources, infrastructure, services) and indirect jobs.

Harse reality

  • A World Bank evaluation of 122 water projects found that those involving women were six to seven times more effective than those that did not.
  • Despite this evidence, women constitute less than 17 percent of the paid workforce in water, sanitation, and hygiene in developing economies, and women’s representation as technical experts remains disproportionately low.

The Role of Women in Efficient Water Management

  • Household Water Management: Women are typically responsible for managing water within households. They oversee water collection, storage, and distribution for domestic use, ensuring a safe and sustainable water supply for their families.
  • Community Engagement: In many communities, women actively engage in the management of communal water sources. They take the lead in maintaining these sources, making sure they remain accessible and functional for all community members.
  • Agriculture: Women play a crucial role in agriculture, which is a major consumer of water resources. They are involved in activities such as irrigation, crop cultivation, and livestock care. Their knowledge of efficient water use is vital for agricultural sustainability.
  • Environmental Stewardship: Women often act as environmental stewards, safeguarding local ecosystems, rivers, lakes, and forests. Their traditional practices and knowledge contribute to the preservation of water resources and the environment.
  • Community Development: Women actively participate in community development projects related to water infrastructure, sanitation, and hygiene. They serve on water and sanitation committees, helping plan and implement projects that benefit the entire community.
  • Innovative Solutions: Women frequently devise innovative solutions to address water-related challenges. They may create rainwater harvesting techniques, sustainable farming practices, or household-level water treatment methods, enhancing water resource management.

Unlocking Opportunities through Government Programs

  • Traditionally, women’s involvement in water management has been limited to voluntary or part-time roles, often at the lowest level of decision-making.
  • Recent government initiatives in India, such as the Jal Jeevan Mission, Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation, Atal Bhujal Yojana, and Jal Shakti Abhiyan, present an opportunity to expand women’s participation in water management and provide access to decent work.
  • These programs prioritize community ownership and support both direct and indirect jobs.

The Potential of Jal Jeevan Mission

  • The Jal Jeevan Mission, in particular, has the potential to generate a substantial number of jobs.
  • A study by the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, estimated that the mission could create millions of person-years of direct and indirect employment, although gender-disaggregated data are lacking.

Way forward

  • Addressing Skill Gaps and Capacity Building:
  • Water management jobs require specific skills and training, yet there is often a gap between the skills needed and the expertise available.
  • While some training programs exist for wastewater treatment and watershed management, they do not cover emerging employment opportunities in the water sector.
  • Promoting Sustainable Employment:
  • Despite robust policies for community participation, sustainable employment creation has been lacking.
  • Investing in training women, providing access to finance, and leveraging self-help groups can foster women’s self-employment in water management, strengthening water security in both rural and urban areas.


  • Government initiatives such as the Jal Jeevan Mission are poised to unlock this potential. By addressing skill gaps and promoting women’s participation, India can not only create green jobs but also empower women in the vital task of water management, contributing to a more sustainable and inclusive future.

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Climate Change Negotiations – UNFCCC, COP, Other Conventions and Protocols

Hottest September ever and climate change


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Climate change

Mains level: Climate change, Rising Temperatures, solutions and actions

What’s the news?

  • September 2023 stands out as it recorded a remarkable 1.75-degree Celsius increase compared to the pre-industrial baseline of 1850–1900, making it a month with an unprecedented temperature deviation.

Central idea

  • In the relentless march of climate change, 2023 has emerged as a year of unprecedented heatwaves. Each passing month seems to shatter temperature records, leaving us with grim prospects for the remainder of the year. As September, the hottest on record, draws to a close, we must confront the sobering reality that 2023 may become the warmest year ever recorded.

2023: On Track to Be the Warmest Year

  • 2023 is poised to claim the dubious distinction of being the warmest year on record. The average temperature for the first nine months of the year already surpasses the corresponding period of 2016, the previous record holder.
  • In 2016, the average temperature was 1.28 degrees Celsius higher than pre-industrial times, and 2023 may breach the 1.5-degree Celsius mark for the first time.

Rising Temperatures Predicted

  • The remarkable string of record-breaking temperature events in 2023 was not entirely unexpected. Scientists had foreseen this year’s warmth, primarily due to the development of El Niño in the Pacific Ocean.
  • While specific events couldn’t be predicted, the overall trend was ominous. Forecasts indicate that the last three months of the year will continue to be warmer than usual.

Record-Breaking Months

  • The record-breaking temperatures in September follow a pattern of extraordinary warmth throughout the year. July, in particular, stood out as the warmest month ever recorded, setting a new global monthly temperature high.
  • Multiple days in July broke daily temperature records. Preceding this, June claimed the title of the warmest June ever, and February, March, April, and May all ranked among the top five hottest for their respective months.

Lack of immediate solutions

  • Despite the alarming rise in temperatures and the string of record-breaking events in 2023, there has been a noticeable lack of immediate policy responses from countries to combat climate change.
  • Addressing climate change in the short term is challenging, and there are limitations to what can be done to lower temperatures or prevent future warming events on an immediate timescale.
  • Only a global disruption on the scale of the COVID-19 pandemic could bring about significant deviations from the current trend of increasing temperatures.

Way forward: Urgent action is needed

  • There is an urgent need for decisive action in response to the unprecedented heatwaves and their associated impacts.
  • The world is rapidly approaching critical climate thresholds, including the 1.5-degree Celsius target set by the Paris Agreement.
  • The lack of immediate solutions and policy responses to mitigate climate change is a pressing concern.
  • Nations need to acknowledge the stark reality of climate change’s relentless advance and take immediate, robust, and meaningful measures to address the crisis.
  • Decisive action is required now to prevent irreversible consequences associated with global warming.


  • As nations prepare for the annual climate change meeting in Dubai, it is imperative that they acknowledge the stark reality of climate change’s relentless advance. The stock-take exercise must reveal the gaps in global climate action and serve as a wake-up call for more robust and immediate measures.

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Labour, Jobs and Employment – Harmonization of labour laws, gender gap, unemployment, etc.

Labour force participation


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Key findings

Mains level: Recent labor force survey- positive and concerning trends

What’s the news?

  • The issue of employment has been a central topic in economic policy discussions, especially in recent decades, as the correlation between economic growth and job creation has appeared fragile.

Central idea

  • The COVID-19 pandemic intensified economic disruptions, causing financial distress, surging unemployment, and rural migration. The 2022-23 labor force survey shows rising participation rates and lower unemployment but raises concerns with declining regular employment and a rise in self-employment.

Increasing Labor Force Participation

  • The national labor force participation rate (15 years and above) has grown from 49.8% in 2017-18 to 57.9% in 2022-23.
  • Both rural and urban areas have witnessed increased participation, with a more significant rise in rural regions.
  • Female participation in rural areas increased from 24.6% in 2017-18 to 41.5% in 2022-23, indicating higher female engagement in the labor force.
  • However, this rise may also reflect economic distress in rural areas, pushing women to seek employment to augment family incomes, including work under MGNREGA.

Rise in Self-Employment

  • The percentage of self-employed individuals increased from 55.6% in 2020-21 to 57.3% in 2022-23.
  • Concurrently, the share of regular wage/salaried employment declined from 21.1% to 20.9%.
  • The proportion of workers engaged in informal sector enterprises in the non-agricultural sector also rose from 71.4% in 2020-21 to 74.3% in 2022-23.

Concerns Over Job Quality

  • While unemployment rates have fallen across the board, especially among the youth (age group 15-29), the decline in regular wage/salaried employment and the increase in self-employment raise concerns.
  • These trends indicate that the economy may struggle to create sufficient productive and well-paying job opportunities to absorb the annual influx of millions into the labor force.
  • Inadequate job creation remains the most significant challenge facing policymakers.


  • The recent labor force survey highlights both positive and concerning trends in India’s labor market. Addressing the challenge of job creation and ensuring that these jobs are productive and remunerative should remain a top priority for policymakers in India’s economic development agenda.

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G20 : Economic Cooperation ahead

P20: A parliamentary dimension to global governance


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: G-20, P-20 and key outcomes

Mains level: India's role in shaping international economic and environmental agendas, G20

What’s the news?

  • India’s leadership role in the G20 reflects its growing importance and influence in global politics.

Central idea

  • India celebrated its 74th Republic Day earlier this year, commemorating the adoption of the Constitution of India on January 26, 1950, marking the nation’s transition to a sovereign republic. This year, India’s Republic Day holds special significance as the country assumes the presidency of the G20, an influential forum comprising the world’s leading advanced and emerging economies.

India’s Democratic Success Story

  • India’s journey as the world’s largest inclusive democracy, characterized by its multi-dimensional diversity and pluralistic society, is both fascinating and inspiring.
  • Despite formidable challenges in the form of illiteracy and widespread poverty, India’s visionary Constitution makers established a multi-party democratic political system immediately after gaining independence.
  • Overcoming these hurdles, India has consistently conducted free and fair elections through its independent constitutional body, the Election Commission of India, solidifying its democratic credentials.
  • In a world where many post-colonial nations grappled with political turbulence, India’s commitment to electoral democracy stood as a beacon of hope.

Socio-Economic Development and Increased Political Participation

  • Socio-Economic Progress:
  • India’s ascent as a democratic republic has been accompanied by substantial socio-economic advancements.
  • Over the decades, the nation has made significant strides in alleviating poverty, expanding access to education, improving healthcare, and developing infrastructure.
  • These achievements have not only improved the standard of living but also fostered a sense of inclusion among its diverse population.
  • Youth Empowerment:
  • India’s burgeoning youth population has emerged as a potent force in shaping the country’s political landscape.
  • Young people are increasingly active in civic participation, advocating for change, and driving social and political discourse.
  • This dynamism reflects a commitment to democratic principles and a desire to influence the nation’s direction.
  • Rising voter turnout:
  • India’s commitment to democratic values is vividly demonstrated through the consistently rising voter turnout in elections.
  • Citizens across the country recognize the power of their votes in shaping the destiny of the nation.
  • This surge in political engagement underlines the vibrancy of India’s democracy.
  • Empowerment of women:
  • A heartening trend in India’s democratic journey has been the growing participation of women in both electoral processes and political leadership.
  • The increased representation of women at various levels of governance not only strengthens democracy but also promotes gender equality and diversity in decision-making.
  • Diverse Political Landscape:
  • India’s democracy has evolved into a dynamic and diverse political arena. A multitude of political parties, each representing unique constituencies and interests, actively participate in the democratic process.
  • This pluralism underscores India’s commitment to accommodating a wide range of perspectives and voices.

India’s G20 Presidency

  • Global Significance: The G20, comprising the world’s most advanced and emerging economies, is a forum of immense global significance. India’s presidency in this forum signifies its ascent as a major player in international affairs.
  • Showcasing India: Hosting G20 meetings in India provided a unique opportunity to showcase the nation’s diversity, culture, democracy, development, and technological prowess to the global community. It allowed India to present its story as a positive model of pluralistic democracy and development, inspiring other nations, particularly in the Global South.
  • Covid Pandemic Response: India’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic further solidified its reputation as a responsible global leader. Its ability to manage the crisis, provide vaccines to other nations, and contribute to global efforts for containment and recovery demonstrated its commitment to international cooperation.
  • Bilateral and Multilateral Engagement: During its G20 presidency, India engaged in important bilateral and multilateral discussions, fostering partnerships and addressing global challenges. Key agreements, such as the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor Agreement and the Global Biofuels Alliance, highlighted India’s role in shaping international economic and environmental agendas.

Outcomes of the G20 Summit

  • Economic Advancements: The G20 New Delhi Summit also served as a platform to showcase India’s contemporary technological advancements and its rich heritage, culture, and traditions. It energized the international economy, promoted tourism, enhanced food security through millet production, and deepened commitments to sustainable biofuels.
  • Food Security: The summit emphasized stronger food security through millet production and consumption. This initiative aligns with global efforts to enhance food sustainability and ensure a stable food supply for growing populations.
  • Commitment to Biofuels: India’s leadership in the G20 Summit deepened its commitment to sustainable biofuels. This focus on clean energy sources aligns with global efforts to combat climate change and reduce carbon emissions.
  • Key Agreements: Notably, the G20 Summit witnessed the conclusion of significant agreements, including the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor Agreement and the Global Biofuels Alliance. These agreements are of considerable significance in shaping international economic and environmental agendas.

P20 (Parliamentary 20)

  • The P20 (Parliamentary 20), which has evolved significantly since its inception in Canada in 2010, exemplifies the importance of parliamentary participation in shaping the global agenda.
  • It has garnered social acceptance and legal tenability in participating countries, emphasizing the importance of involving elected representatives in international decision-making.

The Role of Parliament in Global Governance

  • Supreme Law-Making Body: Parliament is the supreme law-making body in any democratic nation, representing the will and aspirations of its citizens. In the context of global governance, the role of parliament is essential, as it ensures that international agreements and commitments align with the interests and values of the people it represents.
  • Democratic Accountability: Parliament’s participation in global governance adds a layer of democratic accountability to international agreements and treaties. When elected representatives endorse these agreements, they become socially acceptable and legally binding within their respective countries.
  • Bilateral and Multilateral Engagement: Parliaments also engage in bilateral and multilateral discussions, further fostering partnerships and addressing global challenges. Their involvement helps shape the direction of international cooperation and ensures that agreements benefit their respective nations.

P20 Summit Agenda

  • The upcoming P20 Summit, hosted by the Indian Parliament, exemplifies the parliamentary dimension’s significance in global governance.
  • The summit’s four high-level sessions, focusing on themes such as Sustainable Development Goals, Sustainable Energy Transition, Gender Equality, and Public Digital Platforms, will facilitate wide-ranging discussions among G20 members and guest countries on how parliaments can effectively advance global objectives.

What else: Emphasizing Environmental Responsibility

  • The LiFE is Beautiful initiative, recognizing environmentally conscious communities as Pro-Planet People” (P-3), demonstrates India’s commitment to sustainability and responsible living.


  • This year’s P20 Summit theme, One Earth, One Family, One Future, reflects the spirit of unity and shared responsibility. India’s journey from Republic Day to G20 leadership is a testament to its democratic strength and its increasingly influential role in shaping the global future.

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Industrial Sector Updates – Industrial Policy, Ease of Doing Business, etc.

Government must handhold semi-conductor industry


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Semi-conductors

Mains level: semi-conductor industry, potential, initiatives challenges and way forward

What’s the news?

  • Moody’s report has brought to light a critical factor that could disrupt India’s semiconductor aspirations: climate change.

Central idea

  • In December 2021, the Indian government launched the Semicon India Programme, allocating a substantial budget of Rs 76,000 crore for the development of a domestic semiconductor manufacturing ecosystem. While this initiative aimed to position India as a prominent player in the global semiconductor market, it faces multifaceted challenges, as highlighted in a recent report by Moody’s, a global rating firm.

Challenges highlighted in the Moody’s report

  • Climate Change Risks: The report points out that climate change can lead to damage to manufacturing facilities, disruptions in supply chains, and substantial financial losses in the semiconductor industry, potentially deterring investments.
  • Environmental Footprint: The semiconductor industry’s substantial environmental footprint is a challenge, with chip fabrication plants consuming large amounts of water, generating hazardous waste, and contributing significantly to greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Competitive Landscape: India’s emerging semiconductor sector faces competition from established global players who are already taking steps towards sustainability, making it essential for Indian semiconductor units to adopt sustainable practices to remain competitive.

The Significance of Semiconductors

  • Technological Advancement: Semiconductors are the bedrock of technological progress, enabling innovations across industries. They underpin the development of advanced electronic devices, leading to continuous improvements in efficiency, performance, and functionality.
  • Information Processing: Semiconductors power the microprocessors and memory chips found in computers, smartphones, and digital gadgets. This processing capacity drives data analysis, artificial intelligence, and complex computations.
  • Consumer Electronics: Nearly all consumer electronic devices, from televisions to household appliances, incorporate semiconductors. These components enhance functionality, making these devices more user-friendly and efficient.
  • Clean Energy: Semiconductors are vital for renewable energy sources. They enable efficient energy conversion and management in solar panels, wind turbines, and energy storage systems, promoting clean and sustainable energy solutions.
  • Healthcare Revolution: In the healthcare sector, semiconductors are crucial for medical imaging, diagnostic equipment, and wearable health monitoring devices. They empower healthcare professionals with accurate data for improved patient care.
  • National Security: Semiconductors are indispensable for defense and security applications, including radar systems, encryption technology, and surveillance equipment. They ensure the reliability and security of vital systems.
  • Space Exploration: Semiconductors are vital for space missions and satellite technology. They enable data collection, communication with Earth, and the operation of instruments, advancing humanity’s understanding of the cosmos.
  • Environmental Monitoring: Semiconductors are used in environmental monitoring systems, aiding efforts to assess and mitigate environmental issues such as air and water quality, climate change, and pollution.

Industry Initiatives Toward Sustainability

  • Taiwan’s Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC): TSMC, one of the world’s largest chip manufacturers and a key supplier to tech giants like Apple, has taken a significant step by pledging to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. This commitment reflects a proactive approach to reducing the environmental impact of semiconductor manufacturing.
  • Samsung and Intel: The article also notes that companies like Samsung and Intel, along with several European semiconductor firms, have reportedly started conducting greenhouse gas (GHG) audits. These audits are essential for understanding and quantifying the industry’s carbon footprint, with the goal of identifying areas for improvement.

India’s Greenfield Advantage

  • Clean Slate: India’s semiconductor industry has the advantage of starting from a relatively clean slate. Unlike established semiconductor hubs that may have legacy issues, India’s greenfield centers can begin their operations with a fresh perspective and without the burden of historical environmental challenges.
  • Learning Opportunity: These greenfield centers in India can learn from the experiences of semiconductor companies in other parts of the world. They have the opportunity to incorporate global best practices right from the outset, making sustainability and environmental responsibility integral to their operations.
  • Smart City Programme: Many of India’s semiconductor hubs are planned as part of the government’s Smart City Programme. This planning approach involves creating modern, sustainable urban environments. As a result, these townships are more likely to incorporate eco-friendly and climate-resilient infrastructure and drainage systems.
  • Preventing Disruptions: The greenfield centers should prioritize strategies to prevent disruptions during extreme rainfall events. This proactive approach is important, considering the potential impacts of climate change, which can lead to increased rainfall and extreme weather events.

Way forward

  • Learning from Global Best Practices: By learning from the experiences of established global players and incorporating best practices from the outset, Indian semiconductor units can enhance their sustainability quotient.
  • Regional Considerations: The government’s vision of establishing Dholera in Ahmedabad as a chip-making hub should be attuned to regional climate factors. Climate change is expected to exacerbate heat-related stresses in the region, making it crucial to factor in climate-resilient infrastructure.
  • Government Intervention: In light of Moody’s report, it is evident that the government must play a pivotal role in supporting the semiconductor industry. This includes investment in climate-resilient infrastructure, providing guidance to the industry, and encouraging semiconductor units to adopt sustainable practices.


  • The Semicon India Programme holds the potential to propel India into the ranks of global semiconductor manufacturing leaders. However, this ambitious endeavor faces significant challenges, with climate change posing a formidable threat to its success. By taking proactive measures, India can navigate the treacherous waters of climate change and move closer to realizing its dream of becoming a chip-manufacturing hub.

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Health Sector – UHC, National Health Policy, Family Planning, Health Insurance, etc.

Threat posed by cardiovascular diseases (CVD)


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: World Heart Day

Mains level: World Heart Day, Rising burden of Cardio vascular diseases, efforts and challenges

What’s the news?

  • World Heart Day, observed globally on September 29, serves as a crucial reminder of the escalating threat posed by cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and the need to promote heart-healthy lifestyles.

Central idea

  • World Heart Day, an annual event, initiated by the World Heart Federation in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2000, seeks to heighten awareness, engage communities, and advocate for universal access to CVD prevention, detection, and treatment. Tackling the silent epidemic of cardiovascular diseases in India demands a multi-pronged approach.

Public Awareness Efforts on CVD

  • On World Heart Day, several English-language national dailies published full-page advertorials, which are advertisements designed to resemble written articles. These advertorials aimed to raise awareness about cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and promote heart-healthy lifestyles.
  • The content of these advertorials seemed to provide information about CVD rather than directly promoting a product.
  • Notably, there was limited involvement or a meaningful campaign by public health agencies like the Union Ministry of Health in raising awareness about CVD on this occasion.
  • These advertorials were sponsored by the diagnostics, devices, and pharmaceutical industries, indicating a partnership between these industries and media outlets for public awareness efforts.
  • Additionally, clinicians from high-end corporate tertiary care hospitals contributed by providing lifestyle modification advisories as part of the public awareness campaign

Alarming Data on Hypertension

  • Data from the National Family Health Survey-5 (2019–2021) and the 2017-18 National NCD Monitoring Survey (NNMS) in India reveals concerning statistics about hypertension.
  • The NFHS-5 data shows that 18.3 percent of the country’s population has hypertension, while the NNMS reports a higher rate of 28.5 percent among individuals aged 18-69.
  • These percentages translate to significant numbers, given India’s large population.
  • Both surveys highlight low levels of awareness, treatment, and control of hypertension.

Treatment Gaps and Disparities

  • The NNMS data indicates that only 28 percent of those with hypertension were aware of it.
  • Among those aware, 52 percent were receiving treatment, and a smaller percentage had their blood pressure under control.
  • Disparities exist based on factors such as education, income, and geographic location, with better access to healthcare services in south India.
  • Vulnerable groups, including males, illiterates, those with lower income, rural residents, smokers, and alcohol users, were less likely to be part of the treatment cascades.

Efforts in India

  • India launched the National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases, and Stroke (NPCDCS) in 2010, expanding its implementation.
  • The program primarily focuses on screening and treatment.
  • India is committed to the principles of primary healthcare and Universal Health Coverage (UHC), as outlined in the 2018 Astana Declaration.


  • Challenges include inadequate awareness, limited healthcare access in various regions, and disparities in healthcare access and outcomes. More resources are needed for primary healthcare.
  • Contemporary approaches to managing CVD heavily emphasize risk factors, particularly lifestyle-related ones like diet, physical activity, smoking, and obesity.
  • Epigenetic modifications may emerge as a consequence of a lifetime of disadvantage, structural inequalities, and discrimination, thereby influencing future generations.
  • There is a challenge in retaining rural health workers.

The Need for a Holistic Approach

  • Contemporary approaches to managing cardiovascular diseases (CVD) emphasize lifestyle risk factors.
  • The WHO’s Commission on Social Determinants of Health highlights that these risk factors often result from systemic compromises rather than individual choices.
  • The Commission emphasizes addressing socioeconomic factors that affect health across an individual’s lifespan and calls for equity and social justice in healthcare.


  • As the WHO rightly asserts, Reducing health inequities is… an ethical imperative. Social injustice is killing people on a grand scale. World Heart Day serves as a stark reminder that the battle against CVD must continue with renewed vigor and a holistic perspective.

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