12th March 2023 (Sunday), 7:30 P.M | 15 Months to UPSC 2024 divided into 5 phases for a holistic UPSC preparation.
Most of the UPSC-CSE toppers like Satyam Gandhi (AIR 10), Ria Dabi (AIR 15), Yash Jaluka (AIR 4), Mamta Yadav (AIR 5) and Shashwat Tripurari (AIR 19) cleared the exam as fresh graduates in their very first attempt. How were they able to do it?
If you watch their strategy videos, you can find a common pattern — they started 12-24 months in advance before the exam.
One of the benefits of starting your preparation early is the time you would get to revise, practice test series, make improvements, enhance the quality of your knowledge and answers, and get four steps ahead of the competition.
However, what’s the best way to prepare, if you aren’t a fan of making mistakes and figuring it out along the way? We understand how annoying it might be for you if you were to study in a certain way for months together and then realize that it doesn’t align with the UPSC-CSE way of doing things.
An ideal prep is divided into five phases and spread across 14-15 months? Prabhat sir, an IRPS officer who secured AIR 377 in UPSC 2019, is conducting a special workshop on time management & strategy for UPSC 2024.

Block this time:
12th March 2023 (Sunday), 7:30 P.M
What you should expect in 1-1 LIVE with Prabhat sir?
The workshop will cover a five-phased time management strategy that will help you plan and utilize your time effectively in the next 15 months leading up to UPSC 2024. Prabhat will share his own experience of preparing for the exam while managing his job and personal life. He will also provide practical tips on how to prioritize your studies, make the most of your free time, and avoid burnout.
1. The first phase – Studying the Core Subjects. How to read every topic in the syllabus from 2-3 sources in the first reading and prepare a 1-2 page notes? And in your second reading, stick to only one source while using your notes as reference.
2. The second phase – Studying Mains Specific Subjects & Optional. How to follow the ritual of reading, writing summaries and answering topic-wise previous year questions?
3. Discussing 2-3 Revision Strategies which you can follow. Why should you not go more than 20 days without revision?
4. Live demonstration of making the perfect notes. How to not copy line-by-line of everything you read & only note down the 5 dimensions of a topic?
5. Why is the third phase of preparation the shortest of all? What should you ideally do after completing the Prelims and Mains subjects?
6. About the fourth phase. How to improve your accuracy 3 months before the Prelims exams?
5. The last phase. What must be done 3 months before the Mains exams?
6. Including statistics and relevant data. What are the subject-wise important committee reports you should read?
7. Three readings per subject. How do you study during each revision phase?
CivilsDaily’s FREE Webinar package
Post-webinar we will share important PDFs, timetable framework, and notes.
Other than this a strategy package will be emailed to you.
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Register FREE for a 1-1 LIVE UPSC Masterclass by IRPS, Prabhat sir
this class was postponed to today 7.30 but its not yet started??????? the link you emailed is showing scheduled for 12/3/2023
please respond