(register for recorded session) UPSC 2024 Preparation from zero level: Step-by-Step strategy & resources | Webinar by Zeeshan Hashmi, Mentor of UPSC toppers

Concluded successfully | Zeeshan sir shared PDF notes (GS And Current Affairs), and Imp Lecture videos.

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Srushti Jayant Deshmukh, Tina Dabi, and Satyam Gandhi

What is common in these toppers?

It’s an early start. All these toppers started at least 1.5 years before the Prelims.

UPSC 2024 is almost 18 months away and it is the right time when you should start your preparation.

Aspirants, to triumph over UPSC 2024 battle and become an IAS in your first attempt, all you need is to become the Master of your time and take the early mover advantage.

UPSC is such a race where you needn’t run fast to win, You need to pace slow, steady and absolutely early.

Zeeshan Hashmi, Senior IAS mentor

If you have made up your mind for UPSC 2024 as your first and final attempt, don’t waste a single minute. Zeeshan sir’s 18 month Rock-Steady strategies will get you started towards success.

AIR 117, Nisha was Zeeshan sir’s student

Webinar Details:

  • 24th December (Saturday) at 7 PM
  • Zoom link will be emailed to you post-registration

Key takeaways: absolute clarity on a number of issues

1. Trend analysis of UPSC based on the previous 10 years’ CSE exam, Understanding the expectations of UPSC, and devising an evolving adaptive strategy for UPSC 2024 Prelims and Mains.

2. What should be your approach for the next 18 months even if you have just started the preparation? Strategy for the next 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, and like that, will be shared with you.

Feedback on Zeeshan sir’s mentorship by AIR 65, Pranav (from Quora: https://qr.ae/pvH4yA)

3. How to cover the UPSC syllabus? The syllabus, and not the books, must be completed. Focussing on the essentials first.

4. Time management You just need to invest effectively 5 hours per day for UPSC success. How to effectively manage preparation time? Make a timetable and set targets. Learn from the UPSC guru Sajal sir himself.

5. Managing UPSC preparation with a serious time crunch; job – working professionals, college students, and family (especially for homemaker aspirants)

6. Building a strong foundationNCERT, current affairs, and standard books. How and which one to focus more on? Best sources for GS and Current Affairs.

7. Breaking the inertia towards answer writing, and attempting mock tests. When and how to attempt tests and start mains answer writing?

8. Do’s and Dont’s; and breaking the myths around UPSC. Eg. Aspirants from rural or non-engineering backgrounds are at a disadvantage.

9. How to take notes and organize information/content for UPSC prelims and Mains answers? Making notes of case studies, schemes, examples, etc. Basically the skill of taking notes. What topics necessitate notes and which do not?

10. UPSC Hacks and tricks like Tikdams that worked for UPSC rankers. A PDF will be shared with you all.

11. Revision techniques that are common, standard, and used frequently. What exactly are they?

12. How to take full advantage of the FREE CivilsDaily’s Preparatory Package and personalized mentorship session

Other than this you will get clarity on

  • Why Start Now?
    • Reduced vacancies – Extremely high competition. Due to the separation of the Railway services exam, the vacancies for UPSC CSE will get reduced. And the cut-off for prelims and mains is going to go up.
    • More opportunities to make improvements in preparation. Beginners are prone to making mistakes in the first attempt but due to lack of time, they can’t make amends. But if you have ample time you can make it in one go.
  • A huge UPSC syllabus and long journey require an aspirant to develop a mindset. That takes time for first-timers.
    • Answer writing notes revision everything could be started eyes and plan with surgical precision if started early
    • You get more time to unlearn certain habits which might be detrimental to UPSC prep and build new habits.
  • How to prepare?
    • First, the dynamic nature of the gigantic syllabus must be acknowledged.
    • Second, Complete coverage of the syllabus with a smart technique and a minimum number of sources.
    • Third, Segregate the syllabus, identifying the core areas of the CSE.
    • Fourth, Follow 3R: Revise, Revise and Revise
    • Fifth, Most importantly how to improvise & customize your preparation plan as per your own strength and weakness
  • Advantages of the early beginning:  
    • How to set your goals and build your habit. Habit formation, after all, takes time and effort
    • Having sufficient time, how to re-schedule your planning.
    • If you think you’re a fainted heart, better start IAS preparation soon. It makes you stone-hearted.

Our on-demand UPSC Seminar will help you with 6 key components of your UPSC 2024 preparation-

  1. Direction – Strategy and plan
  2. Discipline – Timetable
  3. Consistency – Monitoring
  4. Value addition – Notes and material
  5. Evaluation – Of UPSC prep on a regular basis
  6. Motivation – Managing the highs and lows of aspirants

What The Hindu opined about Civilsdaily Mentorship

Karishma Nair, AIR 14 was also Sajal sir’s student
AIR 65, Pranav mentored under Sajal sir for UPSC 2020
best coaching for upsc in delhi

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