MASTERCLASS on how do Toppers write ‘Impactful Intro’ in UPSC Essay & score 150+ concluded |Register and get FREE mentorship and Samachar Manthan current week’s module

Whether it’s Philosophical or topical or any other UPSC essay topic, ideally, the introduction should not only introduce mere the topic/issue/concept to the examiner but also (very) briefly describe the central premise of the answer. Zeeshan sir says that a good essay doesn’t require very advanced English.

But the introduction should be such that the examiner knows in advance that you know the answer and you’re not going to beat around the bush or weave a boring net of ornamental words looking for the right answer.

Acknowledging the need to ensure removing difficulties, the students face, we are conducting an on-demand MASTERCLASS on How to write an impactful introduction in UPSC Essay to make a great first impression on the examiner.
You don’t want to miss out on this great chance to learn the subtleties of the Essay introduction and discuss your queries in a 1-1 session with a senior IAS expert.
An advanced technique for writing successfully is to create an impactful introduction for different types of UPSC essays that you can recall at short notice.
UPSC Essay favorite topics
- Philosophical Essay: You shouldn’t ignore them as UPSC is focused on them. In 2021, most of the questions were philosophical. So, how to write that intro? Should you start with a quote/story/anecdote/or self-written poem? Will be thoroughly discussed.
- Topical essay: You should not ignore them completely and prepare a few important topics which are repeated often like IR, Women, Health and Education, Environment, Agriculture, etc. A fitting mark-leaving intro will be different from that of a ‘Philosophical essay’. All these super important points are going to be discussed in this masterclass.
Whichever essay topic you choose – It should be based on the topic you like or you are comfortable with. You have to write impactful introductions that leave a great first impression on the examiner.

Apart from the above, some more extra crucial points will be discussed in the Masterclass👇
UPSC Essay Masterclass Concluded:

Some more extra crucial points will be discussed in the Masterclass
1. Common misconceptions in the framing introductions are to be addressed.
2. Understanding the proper use of creative elements like Quotes, Anecdotes, Case studies, Newspaper Headlines, Fictional stories, etc.
3. Learning Simple yet Effective framing of introductions.