How do ‘first attempt IAS Rankers’ prepare and plan their year? Study plan for UPSC 2025 | FREE Webinar by Rohit sir | 1st Jan 2024, 6:00 pm

IAS Topper’s 1.5 years study plan for UPSC 2025

Join Rohit sir’s FREE webinar on 1st Jan, 6:00 pm

First 100 will get personalized study plan and mentorship session

UPSC Prelims 2025 is 1.5 years away,

It looks like a lot of time. It is not.

In the last 3 years, a lot has changed about UPSC CSE

Standard resources, timetables, and attempting mocks can’t make you feel prepared anymore

Every IAS ranker who cracked UPSC in 1st attempt had a meticulously planned strategy

Their weeks, months, and days were planned with surgical precision

Civilsdaily Masterclasses allow you to access the real work from those who have done it before

All rankers built their own preparation system. What’s stopping you?

Let us help you develop your system

Never start from scratch on your UPSC preparation

Start like a Topper.

Read what Rohit sir has to say about UPSC preparation and approach

“Hey, this is Rohit Pande here, and I’m excited to talk about something that I deeply believe in: “The art of meticulous planning in UPSC preparation.

It’s a common misconception that clearing the UPSC in your first attempt is all about studying randomly for a year. Let me tell you, it’s much more than that. Every IAS ranker who has achieved this feat did not rely on just standard resources or mock tests. They had a plan, a blueprint for success that they followed with unwavering dedication.

As we are stepping into the UPSC 2025 preparation cycle, it’s crucial to assess your strategy. How do you plan to approach this mammoth exam? This is where I come in.

I’m hosting a webinar on 1st January 2024, at 6 PM on Zoom, and you’re invited.

This isn’t just another session where I’ll be talking about what books to read or generic strategies. Instead, I’ll be sharing the exact study plans of IAS rankers who cracked the UPSC in their first attempt. We’ll dissect these plans, understand their core, and then, most importantly, adapt them to fit your unique needs and preparation stage.

This masterclass is not only a reality check on modern-day UPSC preparation but also an opportunity for you to get personalized inputs on your current strategy.

It’s an essential session, especially if you’re just starting out. Here, you’ll learn how to define your plan, minimize daily anxiety, fear, and uncertainty, and embark on a journey filled with confidence and clarity.

Join me in this transformative session and take the first step towards turning your IAS dream into reality. Remember, it’s not just about hard work; it’s about smart, strategic, and structured preparation.”

IAS Topper’s 1.5 years study plan for UPSC 2025

In this masterclass, you will get:

  1. A 45-minute deep dive on how to plan your UPSC 2025 strategy from scratch: Level-0 to IAS in 1st attempt
  2. How first attempt IAS Rankers plan their weeks, months and year?
  3. Insider tips that only the top IAS and IPS rankers know and apply in every attempt

Join Rohit sir’s FREE webinar on 1st Jan, 6:00 pm

First 100 will get personalized study plan and mentorship session

By the end, you’ll have razor-sharp clarity and a clear roadmap for approaching and qualifying your UPSC 2025 exam with confidence and near-perfect certainty. 

Rohit Pande sir

Registration open! Join now to attend the webinar for FREE

(Don’t wait—the next webinar won’t be until March 25)

upsc prelims mains

These masterclasses are packed with value. They are conducted in private with a closed community. We rarely open these webinars for everyone for free. This time we are keeping it for 300 seats only.


  • Special Access (extra 15 min with Rohit sir) – Free (only for first 100 registrations, register before 31st Dec 2024)
  • Early Access – Rs. 299 (for the next 100 registrations, register before 1st Jan 2025, 1 PM)
  • Late Access – Rs. 499 (for last 100 registrations, register before  1st Jan 2025, Post 1 PM)

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  • No spam! Once in a while, we’ll only send you high-quality exam-related content. 
  • We will inform you about the upcoming Masterclasses that might benefit you.
  • You can demand one free mentorship call from verified Civilsdaily mentors. 
  • You can always choose to unsubscribe. 
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