Discuss the changing trend with us and know how to adapt. Fill this Samanvaya form.
UPSC is evolving. There have been many watershed years where UPSC has changed either its prelims pattern or the nature of the questions like 2013 then 2017 and the most recent one, 2020.
Clearing this exam would require a certain awareness about this changing trend and an ability to evolve and adapt to these changes. Watch Sajal sir throw some light on this changing trend.
Samanvaya: 1-to-1 mentorship for IAS 2021-22
UPSC IAS preparation is not just about memorizing and information gathering. Neither is it about mindlessly picking up random NCERTs, standard books or spending 5 hours on the Hindu.
You got to adapt to succeed and minimize the unpredictability.
Lack of direction, no guidance, inability to make required necessary changes in their preparation, and an absence of a well-defined strategy are issues you must avoid at any cost.
Fill the Samanvaya form for a free on-call mentorship and discussion session. We’ll call you within 24 hours.