UPSC Mains 2020 Timetable released | 60 days daily answer writing starts on Habitat

Dear aspirants,

UPSC has released the timetable for the Mains exam 2020. Click here to download.

With this, as a part of our Mains FLTs 2020 and Mains QEP 2020, we’ll be starting our daily answer writing practice on Habitat to build up your endurance and speed for UPSC mains.

Everyday questions will be shared with you on Habitat. You have to write answers to them and post them on Habitat. These questions will be discussed in the evening.

Instructions for joining Habitat

  1. Click here: Link for Habitat.
  2. Choose Web Application. (Mandatory)
  3. Click on ‘Register a new account’ and enter your details.
  4. Choose a username.
  5. That is it. Welcome to Habitat.

For access through Mobile app:

  1. Install the Mobile application (click here) from your Appstore.
  2. Use the same email id and password as you used above.

Should you encounter any issue in this process or you have a query, reach out to us at +91 89299 87787 or

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By Root

Caretaker @civilsdaily

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