UPSC Prelims 2020 | Dos and don’ts | Message for 2021 aspirants

UPSC prelims 2020

Post exam activity and message for 2021 aspirants at the bottom. We’ll be publishing the question paper, explanation, and analysis here. Click here to bookmark.

Hi all,

So the day is here. You have been preparing for it, dreaming about it, fearing it, or even fantasizing about it. Countless all-nighters, dozens of mock tests, hours in the library, numerous sacrifices that you had made. It will pay off.

Tomorrow is the day where you show your courage, commitment, and belief that you have had in yourself.

But it might also happen that you encounter 10 consecutive questions the answers to which you are not sure about. Don’t let that decide how you are going to attempt the remaining 90 questions.

1992 Barcelona Olympics, 400m race, Derek Redmond a favorite, collapsed on the ground, in pain, due to a hamstring injury that too in the middle of the race. What did he do?

“I remembered where I was, and it was just like (snap) – you’re in Olympics semifinal.” Derek Redmond thought, he stood up, crying in pain he hobbled and limped but finished the race. (Yeah, Youtube the video)

When you don’t give upyou cannot fail!

So there is some elder brother’s advice to you all for tomorrow.

Things you must keep

  1. Two copies of the Admit Card ( in case you misplace one)
  2. One photo ID (ORIGINAL)
  3. Two passport size photos if you don’t have it on your admit card.
  4. At least two BLACK ballpoint pen.
  5. An analog/simple wristwatch. (Smart watches are not allowed)

Special instructions for COVID

  1. Wear a mask (carry a spare one with you). It is mandatory.
  2. Do keep a bottle of sanitizer with you. Use it.
  3. Avoid touching surfaces unnecessarily.
  4. Maintain social distancing. Avoid groups at the entry of the exam center.
  5. Carry your food and water from home. Avoid eating from outside.

Some Dos and Don’ts

  1. Don’t set a target for number of questions that you are going to attempt.
  2. Fill all the details in the OMR sheet. Like your question paper series.
  3. Read questions carefully. VERY CAREFULLY.
  4. Highlight every single keyword in question paper and options.
  5. Mark your answers in the Question Paper first (DON’T FILL THEM DIRECTLY IN THE OMR SHEET)
  6. Don’t leave filling answers in OMR for the end. Keep filling it at regular intervals, like after 20 answers or so.
  7. Don’t think about cutoffs. Don’t even discuss with the candidates at the center during the break.
  8. CSAT even though qualifying can be a game-changer. Don’t take it lightly.
  9. Keep yourself hydrated, have a nice dinner, and sleep early (you aren’t going to do it but make it atleast 6 hrs).
  10. Confirm your exam centre once again. Find it on Google maps if you can’t visit it in the evening today.
  11. Set an alarm in the morning. Eat a light breakfast. Leave early for the center to avoid any hassles or getting late.

Post exam

After the exam we will discuss every aspect of the paper on the same day. We’ll be sharing with you the explanation and detailed analysis of the UPSC prelims paper on the same day at 7:00 pm. Bookmark this link shared below.

Message for 2021 aspirants

We’ll upload the question paper by 12:30 pm. All of you, must download it and attempt it with whatever knowledge you have as of now. Try to get a feel of the UPSC prelims paper. Ask your doubts on Habitat and share your score with us.

Click here to join Habitat.

Those who are taking the Prelims exam tomorrow just be courageous, believe in yourself, and your hard work. Make the most out of those two hours, make every second count. It is going to be a glorious day. Make it happen.

Reach out to us if you are feeling nervous and panicky or if you have any doubts. We’re here for you on Habitat.

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By Root

Caretaker @civilsdaily

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