UPSC Previous Years Question Papers

What are PYQs?

Previous years’ question papers are those sets of questions that went before in time and order. Like all other exams, there are copies of UPSC-CSE PYQs exist. You can download PDFs of PYQs from us. And analyze what types of questions are asked in Civil Service Examination.

Why are PYQs so important?

From toppers to Mentors, none can deny the importance of the previous year’s question papers. They are important from different angles. Let’s see:

  • Every exam is unique in itself. So, the exam patterns also differ from one another. To know the Ques. pattern, the role of PYQs is undeniable.
  • They help us know the difficulty level of the questions. And in how much depth we should maintain while preparing the subjects.
  • Previous Years’ questions let us know those pet topics of the exams. 
  • To know the dynamic trends, PYQs are incomparable.
  • PYQs work as the pieces of equipment for a fence. You can have a grip on the entire syllabus following them.

How to do them!

If you wish to start UPSC Preparation without coaching, make previous years’ question papers your mentor.

Read and analyze the previous years’ question papers in the following ways so that it means a lot to you.

Previous Years’ Question Papers (UPSC Prelims)

  • Previous 10 Years Question papers of GS-1
  • Previous 5 Years Question Papers of GS-2 (CSAT – A qualifying paper)

Now, start investing 30 days to 45 days to analyze them fully and comprehensively. 

  • Take a note of the weightage of the topic and subject-wise questions.
  • Try to comprehend how UPSC connected current affairs with static.
  • In CSAT, start solving papers one by one from the second day.
  • Try to find out offbeat questions. And the way how UPSC designed such questions.
  • Every question has its unique demand. Identify them.
  • Take a note of whether the trend of a question from a particular chapter has been going towards an easier level or a more difficult level. 
  • Always do the pet chapters in 360 degrees.

UPSC Online Workshop:

You are doing previous years’ question papers. And that’s appreciated. But, have you ever thought that all the aspirants are also doing the same? Then how our ‘Hall of Fame’ toppers distinguished themselves on the final merit list!

To gain more accuracy, speed, and performance and To save time, money & energy, they used to attend Online workshops on IAS prep strategy with senior IAS mentors.


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